Breath of the Dead

Chapter 421: Open treasure chests in the guild market (please subscribe)

Chapter 421: Opening a treasure box in the guild market (please subscribe)

 “Welcome back heroes!”

Just after entering the headquarters of Chaoyang Guild, Gu Xi heard a horn sound, and a large number of petals were scattered in the sky. Not to mention other things, the atmosphere was quite strong.

Chaoyang Guild's players who were not stationed and on missions were almost all gathered together. They were all at the gate of the guild's station, watching the carriage enter.

 All players have excited expressions on their faces.

The vice president has just informed all players of the latest news from the president's side.

 Because of Gu Xi’s efforts in the Bailian Festival this time.

The guild leader also spoke a little louder in the major guilds. This time, he tore the land reclamation rights of a giant world from the Steel Ghost Claw Guild.

  Although there is only a part of the right to open up wasteland, this is already an incredible authority.

In addition, starting from this year and before the next Bailian Festival, the funding for Chaoyang Guild will be based on the top five guilds in Bailian City.

This is a great thing. You must know that Chaoyang Guild was originally ranked outside the top 100. Although Bailian City has funding every year, the amount is not too large.

 Now allocate funds according to the top five guilds, which is a large amount of income for Chaoyang Guild.

 It can be said that the members of Chaoyang Guild will have a good year in the past few years.

If the guild president has some brains, he can consolidate these allocations and strengthen the guild's infrastructure. Maybe during the next Bailian Festival, Chaoyang Guild will be able to enter the top 50 in Bailian City.

Because they understood this, the remaining members were very cooperative. When they heard that Gu Xi was coming back, they all came out to greet Gu Xi.

Seeing their enthusiasm, Gu Xi felt a little at a loss.

You must know that Gu Xi was not a good student in the Nether Bone Wind School before, and his academic performance was average.

Have I ever encountered such a scene? Gu Xi stood in front of the carriage door for a while, not knowing what to do.

Looking at Gu Xi's appearance, Li Xinghui also smiled and patted Gu Xi's shoulder.

 “Go ahead, you deserve it.”

 Gu Xi looked up at the excited players outside, finally got out of the car, and kept talking to the players.

"thank you all!"

"thank you all!"

This short road took Gu Xi for more than an hour, and finally the players dispersed.

And a lot of things were stuffed around Gu Xi.

These are small gifts given to Gu Xi by players.

Although most of these things were small white toys, there were so many of them that Gu Xi couldn't hold them all.

In the end, he could only ask Dire Weasel to send these things back to his room, and he followed Li Xinghui to the secret market inside the guild.

 In front of the market, Li Xinghui also reminded Gu Xi.

“Here, don’t just grab anything you see. Unless you really want to buy it, ask the stall owner before taking it, otherwise something will happen.

By the way, don’t go out and gamble on treasure chests. The blue treasure chests they have can’t even get a few green things out of them.

 They are all fake treasure chests.

There is also something that generally does not count as money. Generally speaking, it refers to skeleton soldiers, the kind of skeleton soldiers that start at level 4. This is a relatively popular general equivalent among necromancers. "

As Li Xingwei spoke, he quickly entered the market with interest in mind.

But Gu Xi is not here to buy anything, he is here to sell various weird items in large quantities.

 Gu Xi found a seat, sat down directly, and placed the strange white items he had no need on the stall.

 After that, he turned around and asked, "What price should I quote?"

"Don't bid too high for white weird items, unless they have particularly good attributes, usually two to three skeleton soldiers are enough. The green ones can be sold for thirty skeleton soldiers, and the blue ones start at 300.     Purple Generally not."

Li Xinghui comes here often and is quite familiar with the prices here.

 Gu Xi didn’t change anything, he just marked the price on the things and put them on the stall.

As soon as Gu Xi sat down, players gathered around him.

On the one hand, they came to see the excitement, and on the other hand, they also wanted to see what good things Gu Xi got from the Bailian Festival this time.

 When they see that the items are good and can be used, they will naturally send out skeleton soldiers to buy them.

  In any case, it’s just two or three skeleton soldiers, just kill some enemies on the road.

However, Gu Xi just looked there for a moment and lost any interest.

The stall here is considered semi-automatic. Things are placed on the stall and the price is marked. You can see it from a distance without any problem. When you pick it up, it means you have agreed to the price. If you want to put it back, it will be unclear.

 So players often pick things up only when they see clearly that they really want them.

Of course, there are also people who directly ask if the price can be reduced or if there are other similar items.

However, there are relatively few such players. After Gu Xi put the strange items on it, Gu Xi suddenly became idle.

Now Gu Xi can't run around, he still has to wait for the president to come back.

So when Gu Xi had some free time, he simply took out the strange treasure box that killed Jing Long King and prepared to open the treasure box on site.

Seeing Gu Xi's action, many players quickly surrounded him.

This is people's desire to watch the excitement. It seems that they also want to watch the treasure chest being opened.

Although Gu Xi is not a crazy person, he is not a stingy person either.

Looking at the players gathered around, Gu Xi also smiled and directly opened the reward box for killing the Well Dragon King.

  【You open the strange treasure chest (green). 】

  【You got 1277 gold coins. 】

  【You get five million yuan in cash (you have exited the original world, the cash has been affected, and is now converted into corresponding materials), which is converted into two small yellow croakers. 】

  【You got crystal*12. 】

  【You got gems*7. 】

 【You get a soldier enhancement coupon (level 9)*1】

 【You get building stone (level 1)*4】

  【You get the dragon's blood life liquid formula (green, alchemy potion formula)*1】

  【You get the Crystal Palace Secret Room (green)*1】

  【Soldier Strengthening Voucher (Level 9): You can strengthen ten of your soldiers once, raising your soldiers from level 0 to level 9. 】

  【Dragon Blood Life Liquid Formula (green, alchemy potion formula): A formula used in the alchemy laboratory. After use, dragon blood life liquid can be made. 】

 【Dragon Blood Life Fluid (green): The life of all users is permanently increased by 10 points. 】

  【Explanation: Essence and blood are the most critical attribute for the dragon clan. 】

【Crystal Palace Secret Room (Green): Used in water, it can form a Crystal Palace Secret Room. The secret room can be opened once for fifteen minutes. Within fifteen minutes, everything in the secret room can be taken away. 】

  【Note 1: When the treasures in the secret room are emptied, new treasures will appear. 】

【Note 2: Those who do not leave the secret room within fifteen minutes will be trapped in the secret room forever. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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