Breath of the Dead

Chapter 422: A big deal (please subscribe)

 Chapter 422 A big business (please subscribe)

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nice one!

 “Good stuff!”

While Gu Xi was thinking about it, someone beside him said something.

 Gu Xi looked up and found a chubby player staring at the [Crystal Palace Secret Room] in his hand from a distance.

 “Can you recognize it?”

 Gu Xi glanced at the player.

"Yeah, I've seen this kind of thing." The player smiled, and then extended his hand to Gu Xi, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Chris, I have been doing business in the market for a long time, the treasure box stall over there It's mine.

The one you are holding is the entrance to the secret room, right? Is it the one in the water or underground? How long will it last? "

“Put it in the water, lasts for fifteen minutes, do you know the Crystal Palace, a kind of Dragon Palace?”

"Needless to say, it seems that you are not familiar with the situation of our guild. I am familiar with Dragon Palace and other things, but you took advantage this time. The Dragon Palace's treasure house lasted fifteen minutes. This is a treasure.

 How about it, this thing can’t be sold. "


 Gu Xi looked at Chris's confident look, somewhat puzzled.

“You may not know that as long as the door of this kind of secret room is open, everyone can enter, even if a hundred and eighty people enter at the same time, it is not a problem, because the space inside will expand and contract with the number of people entering.

 It's really a waste for you to use this secret room alone.

 This type is most suitable for opening to the outside world and charging admission fees.

 And you got it for fifteen minutes. All I got before were five minutes. "

Chris explained the reason for this.

However, Gu Xi asked with some confusion: "Why do you think I will sell it to you? I can do it myself using the method you mentioned, and I can also charge admission fees."

“Because you haven’t built a reputation yet, even though they are all crowding around you to buy things now, if you really want to open the treasure chest in fifteen minutes, they won’t come over and bet with you.

 But I can do it, they all know who I am, and most importantly, I talk and they listen.

 I said when the time is up, let them come out, they will definitely come out.

 You can't do this.

 No matter how many treasure chests you can open and how much supplies you can transport, one person will always get very little.

You sell this to me and I can double the profit. "

 Gu Xi now understood what Chris was thinking, but he just smiled.

"Then what price do you want to offer? If I go in alone, I'm afraid there will be one hundred and eighty treasure boxes at a time. Then I will arrange for my undead to move them, and emptying them five times is the minimum."

Listening to Gu Xi’s words, Chris understood that Gu Xi had basically agreed, and now it was time to bargain.

 So he directly stated his offer.

"I know you are taking the route of Death City and Death Incarnation. I have three things here that are just right for your current situation. I think even if you can open the treasure chest, you will never be able to open these three things."

Chris opened a box quite confidently.

 Gu Xi took a look and found that there was a sickle, a pickaxe and something similar to a land deed.

  【Despair Scythe (Blue): A component used by the God of Death. It can be equipped with the Death Incarnation to improve the Death Incarnation's combat effectiveness. 】

[Engineering team camp building design drawing (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build an engineering team camp (medium-sized building) in the city, which can support the construction of two buildings in the city at the same time (not upgradeable) 】

 【Building: Despair Mage Tower (Level 4 Station)】

  【Building name: Despair Mage Tower

 Level: Level 4

 Garrisoned troops: 0 (0/5, five troops can be stationed, limited to French troops)

 Garrisoned bosses: 0 (0/8, eight bosses can be stationed)

 Garrisoned soldiers: 0 (0/1000, 1000 soldiers can be stationed)

  Garrisoned troops: French troops   Ancillary buildings: Magic pool (not yet built)

 Note: When the building reaches level 7, heroes can be garrisoned, and when the building reaches level 15, leaders can be garrisoned. 】

Seeing the attributes of these three things, Gu Xi understood that this person had plotted against him.

These three things really caught his eye.

Even if the Scythe of Despair is not available now, the Mage Tower of Despair can definitely be used now.

 Gu Xi thought for a moment, but did not respond immediately. He thought for a moment carefully before saying, "Do you know about the fish keel bones of the Corpse Ichthyosaurus Guild? I want ten copies of the bronze bones."

This price increase by Gu Xi hit Chris’s point exactly.

Chris thought for a while and realized that if he agreed, he would really not make much.

 But if he shouldn’t come down, Gu Xi might not let go.

"Okay, but the copper bones are in short supply right now. They won't arrive until half an hour later. I'll go get them now."

Gu Xi glanced at Chris and placed the [Crystal Palace Secret Room] in front of Chris.

Chris understood that the only difference between them now was ten pairs of fish keel bones, and the rest was considered settled.

 The only difference between them now is ten sets of fish keel bones.

In the eyes of Gu Xi and Chris, this is just an extra thing, and no one will owe it.

 So the transaction is completed directly.

As soon as the [Crystal Palace Secret Room] was handed over, all the players surrounding it dispersed.

They all saw that Chris was about to open the Crystal Palace, and they were definitely going to grab a wave at this time.

  If you don’t grab it at this time, then when will you grab it?

After everyone dispersed, Li Xinghui, who had been by the side, came over.

 “I didn’t expect you to make such a choice.”

“I didn’t want to bet at first, but he said he was a treasure chest merchant, and I understood what was going on. There were treasures in the Crystal Palace, but the quality of the treasure chests must be low.

 Even if I can move it alone, how much can I transport?

 Besides, these things just hit my heart. The Scythe of Despair may not be much, but the Mage Tower of Despair is quite useful to me.

  Not to mention the engineering team, that thing can double the speed of building my death city. "

 Gu Xi knew exactly what he needed now.

 The number of heroes under his command is increasing, and his troops are becoming more and more scattered.

 At this time, the residence became the building that Gu Xi needed most next.

 But on the one hand, the garrison requires a large plot of land, and on the other hand, if you want to garrison heroes, you need to reach at least level 7.

 Slowly build the garrison starting from level 1, I don’t know how long it will take.

 The current level 4 station is quite useful for Gu Xi. It saves Gu Xi a lot of time.

  Not to mention the engineering team that can start work on two buildings at the same time.

 For Gu Xi, anything that can save time in Alidovi City is a good thing.

 As for the materials in the treasure house, they cannot compare with time.

Seeing that Gu Xi was on his way, Li Xinghui said no more and headed towards the direction where the players were gathering. He also planned to try his luck in the secret room of the Crystal Palace.

As for the ticket price, it’s actually not that high. It’s just one-twentieth of the treasure chest harvested in the secret room of the Crystal Palace.

 No one will open the treasure chest in the secret room of the Crystal Palace. They will transport it all out and then open it.

 In addition, the size and shape of the treasure chests are the same, so counting them is quite simple.

And most of the treasure boxes used for gambling at Chris's stall came from this, so everyone didn't dislike them.

 (End of this chapter)

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