Breath of the Dead

Chapter 424: Gu Xi’s pick reward (168188)

Chapter 424 Gu Xi’s reward selection (168188)

 “It should be!”

 “That’s right, we must reward you heavily!”

"I agree!"

As soon as the president finished speaking, the senior officials present also started talking in twos and threes.

 They are different from ordinary members outside. They all know how much the allocation will be.

 At the same time, they also understood that all the allocations this time were earned by one person, Gu Xi.

If Gu Xi is not given reasonable rewards, then Gu Xi will not stay in the Chaoyang Guild for too long. There are many guilds out there who want to steal people.

“So Gu Xi, if you want anything, just say it. The top leaders of the Chaoyang Guild are here. As long as you ask, we can give you whatever you want.”

When Gu Xi heard this, he realized that this was the reason why the president called everyone here.

Is this because he is afraid of giving Gu Xi a reward and Gu Xi is not satisfied, so he directly asks Gu Xi to give his opinion?

 Gu Xi also reacted. It seemed that the guild got enough things this time.

 Gu Xi thought for a moment and already had an idea in his mind.

"Now I want to have a dragon from one to six. In addition, I want to learn the leadership skill before reaching level 5. No, I want to learn the Death Edict all the way. I also need the help of the guild to level up some skills. In addition, I will come later A purple outfit.”

Gu Xi had already reported to Gaoli, but when he looked at the people in front of him, he found that there was no embarrassment on their faces.

“I’m afraid one to six will not work. I can arrange buildings from one to five. We only have two dark temples for death knights. One is where players advance, and the other is where three death knight teams gather.

 It is impossible to give you any seat.

Of course there may be other temples within several families, but you have to talk to them. "

 The president immediately explained the situation.

 Gu Xi was not surprised at all that there was a dark temple in the guild.

 But Gu Xi didn’t know about the temple matters in other families.

 Gu Xi couldn't help but turn his head and look at the patriarchs of those families.

There are three families here, namely the Poisonous Lich Liu family, and Gu Xi knows Liu Kai from their family.

 The Song family of the Holy Blood Hammer, Gu Xi knew Song Yumo from their family.

There is also the Ice Wind Li family, and Gu Xi has no contact with them.

Among these three families, the Liu family is a pure necromancer, and the remaining two families have death knights. However, when Gu Xi looked at them, they did not react at all.

Looking at this situation, the president could only say: "It seems that the temple has no choice. Let's do this. I will give two sets of one to five, and I guarantee that they will not be duplicated. What do you think?"

“No different? Is it still the undead type?”

 Gu Xi couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, it's not the undead type. I don't want it yet." The president said proudly, "You are still young and don't know how good the undead are. There are quite a lot of undead races. As long as they are living things, after death Undead will form.

 For every creature, the final change will cause changes in the undead race. "

Hearing this, Gu Xi thought about it and nodded in agreement with the president's plan.

 After seeing that Gu Xi agreed to this plan, the faces of the patriarchs of the three families became better.

 The next thing about Gu Xi’s learning is the difficult problem.

If you want to learn other spells or something, there are plenty of people in the guild who can teach Gu Xi.

 But leadership skills, and also the death edict, these people themselves don’t know how to teach Gu Xi. The president also said helplessly: "Why do you have to learn the Death Edict?"

Of course, Gu Xi couldn't tell. This was Princess Anna's suggestion while chatting with her while waiting for the opportunity to return.

Princess Anna at the time said: "You are not at level 5 yet, and everything has not been settled yet. If you can, get the death edict."

 After hearing this sentence, Gu Xi thought for a long time before he remembered what the death edict was.

 That is a branch skill under leadership.

To master the Death Edict, you must first be a Necromancer.

 After that, you must learn the art of leadership, and then there are three branches under the art of leadership: recruitment, diplomacy, and financial management. Gu Xi must master the recruitment and diplomacy.

 You can learn to master the Death Edict only later.

The whole process is quite difficult and troublesome, but this Death Edict is also a good skill, and you will definitely not lose money if you learn it.

 Because Death Edict can automatically convert all neutral creatures that surrender to join the Necromancer's army into corresponding undead creatures according to their soldier level and upgrade status.

It can be said that after obtaining the death edict, you get a guarantee that all neutral creatures that surrender from the outside will become the corresponding undead.

 The benefits of this will be understood by any necromancer.

 But everyone understands it, but few people have learned this step.

 The biggest reason for this is the learning of leadership skills.

The basic skill of necromancers is spiritualism.

 Leadership is the basic skill for human knights.

There are very few necromancers who have learned it, and even death knights have never learned this skill.

Unless some players who don’t know whether it’s good luck or bad luck accidentally encounter it, no one can learn this skill specifically.

It was precisely because he understood the difficulty of learning the death edict that Gu Xi did not speak out what Princess Anna said.

Instead, he said very seriously: "I got a supporting building, which requires a death edict to activate."

After hearing this, so many people present looked at Gu Xi speechlessly.

  Gu Xi This is a typical behavior of boiling pot dumplings for a little sourness.

 But you can’t deny this yet.

 The request put forward by Gu Xi is not too difficult.

 After all, there are always more solutions than difficulties, and so many people can always think of some solutions.

At this time, a vice president stood up and said: "I have a ticket to the Mystery Academy. In the Mystery Academy, you can learn four primary skills. This is the only leadership skill that a necromancer can learn. Chance.

However, as a matter of probability, whether you can really learn it depends on whether you can enter the corresponding college.

 There is only one chance. If I miss it, I will not get another ticket. "

“If you learn the leadership skill, then I will have a solution.” At this time, the patriarch of the Song family stood up and said, “I have a few skill stones for advancement, and the leadership skill has three branch skills.

The worst I can do is give you three skill stones, and you can just advance to any level.

 At this point, the death edict is almost complete. "

“If that doesn’t work, I still have three taels of gold cake here. This is used to increase luck. Take a sip before opening the treasure chest, which will greatly increase your luck and bring out good things.”

 (End of this chapter)

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