Breath of the Dead

Chapter 425: Rewarded purple equipment (please subscribe)

  The purple equipment rewarded in Chapter 425 (please subscribe)

These high-level officials have quite a lot of things in their hands, and they decide things in twos and threes.

 Upon hearing this, Gu Xi found out that based on what they gave him, he really had a chance to win the Death Edict skill.

As for not getting it, it’s just Gu Xi’s bad luck, and he can’t blame anyone else.

As for the other rewards, they were all the rewards promised to Gu Xi at the beginning, allowing Gu Xi to brush up his skills and experience to level 4. These were the Ghost Pass trial ground, the second floor of the Chaoyang Magic Tower, or the Radiant Book that was originally promised. Three days of access to the restricted library area.

It's just that it's quite simple now, everything is open to Gu Xi. As long as Gu Xi has time, it's no problem to brush all the skills up to level 4 here.

 This is an investment in Gu Xi, and it is also a kind of wooing Gu Xi.

There is also the matter of purple equipment. Although many players do not have purple equipment now, for large guilds, one or two purple equipment are still available.

It’s just that the attributes are not very good and the negative effects are too strong, so many people can’t use it.

 These people present all have a purple outfit in their hands, especially the three major families, they all have their own inherited purple outfits.

 It is the kind of purple equipment that the family has been studying for a long time, all the negative effects have been eliminated, and they already know how to use it.

This kind of purple clothing has been passed down from generation to generation in their family, and it can truly guarantee the good things of the family.

 As long as the president doesn’t give you this kind of purple outfit, they won’t have any objection.

 This time the president was not stingy, he asked Gu Xi directly.

 “What do you want in your purple outfit?”

If it were before, Gu Xi would definitely think about how to get his own equipment.

 But ever since his conscience discovered that he had given the purple outfit to his contracted undead, he has not been so picky about his requirements for the purple outfit.

“Anything is fine, as long as the negative effects are not too strong.”

When the president heard this, he pointed at Gu Xi and laughed.

“You, I’m most afraid of you being the one who can do whatever you say. So, let me open the purple clothing store, and you can go in and pick out one.

However, there is no need to think about the weaker negative effects. Our guild has only produced a total of four pieces of inherited purple equipment in so many years. "

Hearing this, the other senior executives also laughed. They all knew what was in the purple equipment warehouse.

The president waved to Gu Xi and took Gu Xi out.

They walked out of the large conference room, went down the stairs, and finally came to the underground of the administrative building.

When entering the underground passage, Gu Xi found that the light nearby seemed to have dimmed a lot.

The president said with some seriousness at this time: "Next is the key defense area of ​​the guild. Even I can't withstand the mechanisms inside, so you must not mess around."

Gu Xi is not the kind of person who has a jumpy personality. In this case, Gu Xi is quite honest.

 Soon they came to the door of the first room in the underground passage.

 Gu Xi found an old monkey sitting here with all his hair bald.

The old monkey was holding a wine gourd in his hand. When he saw the president coming, he just rolled his eyes at the president and turned away as if he hadn't seen him.

 The president just smiled at this and opened the door to the room.

 But Gu Xi could feel that the old monkey in front of him, like the ferocious weasel, belonged to the president's subordinates.

This monkey is not among the five immortals. Gu Xi's mind couldn't help but turn away.

At this moment, the president had already pushed the door open, "Come in, there are a total of one hundred and three pieces of purple clothing here. You can choose whichever one you like."

"so much?"

 Gu Xi was a little surprised. He had seen players' attitudes towards purple equipment before, and he always felt that there wouldn't be too many purple equipment.

“There are so many. When completing a level 5 to 10 dungeon, a purple piece of equipment will be released. The guild can create such dungeons three to four times every year, and many good purple pieces of equipment have been taken away.

 These are things that no one wants, and eventually they are transferred to the guild to serve as resources for the guild. "

It was only then that Gu Xi realized that it seemed like this was really the case.

 It's just that most of the players Gu Xi met before were below level 4. They didn't have purple equipment, which was normal.

Seeing so many purple outfits, Gu Xi quickly changed his views on mid-level necromancers.

 At the same time, he quickly checked the attributes of the purple equipment here.

Most of the purple equipment in the room in front of you are replica products, and many of the purple equipment are in complete sets or are duplicates.

  And the negative effects are quite serious.

 Gu Xi checked here for a long time, and finally locked on one of the many purple outfits.

It was a pure black three-headed flail. The three heads of the flail were all skulls made of pig iron. These skulls also had inlaid nails, rotating eyes and retracted tongues.

  【Desunap (purple, main hand weapon)】

  【Attack: 13-22】

 【After equipped: Strength +2, Constitution +2, Perception +2】

 【Equipment requirements: Strength 5, Constitution 5, Perception 5】

 【Special 1: Head of the Ghoul, when attacking physically, there is a 50% chance of adding 50% of the enemy's damage to the next attack. 】

  【Special Effect 1: After wearing the equipment and activating the Ghoul Head effect once, you must drink blood every day to lower your body temperature. If you do not drink blood for three days, your upper limit of life will be reduced by 80%. 】

  【Special 2: Flying Man, when attacking, he can control three skulls to fly out and attack distant enemies. Even if the skulls are destroyed, new skulls can be quickly and automatically generated. 】

[Special Effect 2: After wearing the equipment and activating the flying head effect once, a scar will appear on the user's neck and bleeding will continue. If the user uses too much force, the user's head will fall off. Please be careful not to use too much force when turning the head. big. 】

 【Special 3: Three pairs of fine tongues, the speed of reciting spells and using magic is 3 times higher than that of normal people. 】

  【Special Effect 3: After wearing the equipment and activating the effect of three sets of fine tongues once, the mana consumption of each spell will be increased three times, and at the same time, there will always be a nagging voice in the ears. 】

                         his is a witch with three heads. It is said that she eventually turned into a ghoul, but no one has ever known whether this is true. 】

Gu Xi did not plan to use this three-headed flail himself. He took a look at the attributes and felt that this weapon would be more suitable for Princess Anna.

In Gu Xi's eyes, Princess Anna should have been a saint-like being at the beginning, and it would be more appropriate to take the priest's route. But now that she has turned into a lich, she needs to be viewed as a lich.

 A melee weapon suitable for a lich is a big surprise for Princess Anna.

As for the negative effects here, the living necromancer may be worried, but the lich who has died once does not need to consider these at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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