Breath of the Dead

Chapter 427: The origin of the full building title (169188)

Chapter 427: The origin of the building title (169188)

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Compared to the diverse training camps, those small and medium-sized buildings are somewhat insignificant.

Level 4 Tombs, Level 3 Skeleton Transformation Fields, and Level 2 Bone Wilderness all increase the number of skeleton soldiers produced, and are training camps for all evil temples to train skeleton soldiers.

  【Building name: Tomb

 Level: Level 4 (can be upgraded)


 All buildings related to skeleton soldiers in the city have a production speed of skeleton soldiers +40. 】

  【Building name: Skeleton Transformation Field

 Level: Level 3 (can be upgraded)


 All buildings related to skeleton soldiers in the city have a production speed of skeleton soldiers +24. 】

  【Building name: Bone Wilderness

 Level: Level 2 (can be upgraded)


 All buildings related to skeleton soldiers in the city have a production speed of skeleton soldiers +22. 】

  It can be said that the existence of these three buildings has increased the output of 86 soldiers for each skeleton training camp under Gu Xi.

 This includes skeleton archers and skeleton mages.

It can be said that this way, Gu Xi's speed of sending out skeleton soldiers has been greatly improved, and the pressure of replenishing troops has also become much smaller.

At the same time, Level 4 Plague Cauldron, Level 4 Gathering Lamp, and Level 3 Bone Pillar are used to increase negative energy, soul and flesh, the three most needed resources for necromancers. It can be said that the title deed of Ghost Face Ruins is the traditional The necromancer's most desired territory.

  【Building name: Plague Cauldron

 Level: Level 4 (can be upgraded)


 The rate of negative energy generated in the city increases by 2000 per day. 】

 【Building name: Julinglantern

 Level: Level 4 (can be upgraded)


 120 units of souls are automatically gathered in the city every day (can be used for spiritualism), and the success rate of spiritualism is +4. 】

 【Building name: Bone Column

 Level: Level 3 (can be upgraded)


 90 corpses are automatically generated in the city every day (can be used for spiritualism). 】

Compared with the title deed of Ghost Face Ruins, the Dark Farm title deed shows obvious traces of patchwork and transformation.

Level 4 Pumpkin Field, Level 3 Cannibal Garden, and Level 2 Crow Wood respectively add buildings for the Tree of the Dead, Ghost Butterfly, and Scarecrow. It is obvious that the Tree of the Dead is the protagonist of this land deed.

  【Building name: Pumpkin Field

 Level: Level 4 (can be upgraded)


 All buildings related to Treants or trees in the city have a production speed of Treant units +8. 】

  【Building name: Cannibal Garden

 Level: Level 3 (can be upgraded)


 All elf-related buildings in the city have a production speed of elf-type units +45. 】

  【Building name: Crow Forest

 Level: Level 2 (can be upgraded)


 All crow-related buildings in the city have a production speed of crow-related units +20. 】

In these three buildings, it is actually not easy to understand why tree men appear in the pumpkin field, why goblins appear in the cannibal garden, and what is the relationship between crows and scarecrows.

 The most important thing is how the president and the others obtained these architectural design drawings.

 It is impossible that they also have special buildings similar to Blood Maple, which can transform normal buildings.

 Gu Xi had a puzzled look on his face, but with the comparison of these three buildings, the remaining 4 levels of tomb chamber steps, 4 levels of empty granaries, and 3 levels of piles of corpses were not bad to Gu Xi.

 【Building name: Tomb chamber steps

 Level: Level 4 (can be upgraded)


  The chance of producing a boss among the undead soldiers in the city increases by 4%. 】

  【Building name: Empty Granary

 Level: Level 4 (can be upgraded)


 All undead in the city have +4 vitality. 】

  【Building name: Corpse Pile

 Level: Level 3 (can be upgraded)


 60 corpses are automatically generated in the city every day (can be used for spiritualism). ]    After reading the status of the two land deeds, Gu Xi still couldn't suppress his curiosity and asked.

“President, why does this dark farm look so weird?”

"That's right." The president said proudly, "I shouldn't have known about this originally, but you have your own death city, so I can tell you the origin of these land deeds.

  In the past Bailian Daji, you must have obtained the land deed. "

“Yes, but all the land deeds I got were blank land deeds, unlike now, which have corresponding buildings.”

 Gu Xi responded honestly.

“It’s good to have it. If you only get a blank title deed, it’s because you handled it in the wrong way. For example, you acquired this place and chose to occupy it.

 You can get a temporary city in this world.

 For a period of time in this world, you can build and develop in the city.

 When you leave, if you choose to take the city with you, you can get a land deed like this. "

Gu Xi's eyes widened as he listened. He really didn't know such an operation existed.

 “Is this... okay?”

“Of course, otherwise you would think where did the scattered cities in the major family spaces come from? These are their accumulations in the game.”

It was only then that Gu Xi realized that it was all because his abilities were too far ahead.

If other people can occupy a city, they will naturally choose to occupy it first, unlike Gu Xi, who will choose to directly demolish it and exchange it for land.

 After occupying the city, it is natural to transform the city into one that matches your own style.

 That’s why there are land titles like Dark Farm.

Seeing that Gu Xi understood, the president said: "The games you have experienced are too short, and the intensity is not too intense. This is also a lack of education today.

Unlike back then, when I was still in school, I guarded the border for three years in the game and developed the border fortress. In the end, although I did not take away the fortress that I developed myself, the small church I built was still there. There is a cemetery behind the chapel, but I took it with me.

 The chapel and the cemetery behind it are still the core of my home.

My core bodyguards still only believe in the zombies coming out of the cemetery and the skeleton soldiers coming out of the chapel.

 This has been an old habit for many years.

 The current colleges do not teach anything and do not guide students to engage in challenging exercises. This is really a major shortcoming in education. "

 Gu Xi thought about the ferocious weasels running around in the guild and the old monkey guarding important positions, and thought to himself: I believe your ghost.

But he still asked superficially: "President, I have never heard of this kind of education method. President, which college are you from?"

“The Wind of the Bones, no, at that time I was still called the Bone Collection Institute of the River Styx, and the main focus was on collecting bones in the River Styx. It was more than a hundred years after I graduated that I changed the name to the Wind of the Bones.”

 Changed the name after more than a hundred years?

 Gu Xi was stunned for a moment. He remembered that when he entered the school, it was said that the wind of the underworld was named in 3077. He was the chief of the class of 3317, which meant that it had been 240 years since the wind of the underworld was named when he graduated.

 The president graduated more than a hundred years before he was named.

 Then how old will it be...

 Gu Xi’s eyes changed when he looked at the president.

 (End of this chapter)

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