Breath of the Dead

Chapter 428: Return to Alidovi City (170188)

Chapter 428 Return to Alidovi City (170188)

"Don't look at me like that. I'm still young. I'm still middle-aged. When you pass level ten, you'll know that the best thing about a necromancer is that he can't die."

Looking at Gu Xi's eyes, the president said helplessly.

 Actually, these days, as long as they don’t die during game development, most players can live longer.

 For players above level 5, their lives will be affected and they can easily live to be over 200 years old.

This is especially true for necromancers. Sometimes, it is normal for level 4 necromancers to live to be over three hundred years old as long as they are not excessive.

For a level 10 or above necromancer like the Guild Master, even if the route he takes is crooked, his life is definitely long enough.

This is also the confidence that the guild president can manage a team.

 After joking with Gu Xi, the guild president left on his own.

As for this time, all the things have been handed over to Gu Xi. How to use these things next is Gu Xi's own business.

 Gu Xi couldn't care about anything else at this time. He was going to go to Alidovi City to put down the things he got and then give the purple outfit to Princess Anna.

 The next step is to strengthen the current city of Aridovi and organize your own troops.

 After you have dealt with all this, look back and see if there is an opportunity to learn leadership skills.

 This is the key to the next step of taking care of your interest.

If Gu Xi learns leadership skills, he can specialize in training skills and prepare to reach level 5.

 If he has not learned it, then Gu Xi still needs to find a way to find a place where he can learn leadership skills.

 The time for him to reach level 5 will have to be postponed.

This is not good news. Gu Xi still hopes to pass level 5 soon and see a wider world.

However, before entering Alidovi City, Gu Xi still had to ask for leave. After all, he didn't know how many days it would take him to handle the matter once he left this time. If something happened and Gu Xi couldn't be found, it would be a disaster. It's troublesome.

 So in the guild, every time Gu Xi wanted to go to Aridovi City, he had to find someone to report it.

 After reporting, he can leave on his own.

After all, Gu Xi doesn’t know which necromancer group he is in now, and there is no superior leader to care about him. He is relatively free in Chaoyang Guild.

So Gu Xi quickly ran to the recording point in front of the teleportation square, asked someone to report his whereabouts, and then ran to the open space specially designated for him to enter and exit Alidovi City, and entered Alidovi City.

Not long after Gu Xi entered Alidovi City, the deputy leader of the Lieyang Mage Group also walked out of the administration building.

The president has already told him alone that Gu Xi will join the Lieyang Mage Group and go on missions with the Lieyang Mage Group in the future.

 So at this time, the deputy leader came out and wanted to have a good talk with Gu Xi. When the time came to arrange tasks, it would be best to arrange them according to Gu Xi's strength.

 But he never expected it, so he was still a step too slow.

  When he came out to look for Gu Xi, Gu Xi had already entered the city of Aridovi.

Although Alidovi City belongs to Gu Xi’s own territory, the person who helped record the report still regarded Gu Xi as entering the game.

Even if the deputy leader of the Lieyang Mage Group came over, he just replied.

"The person you are looking for has already entered the game. Unless you encounter a level one alert, you cannot call him out."

  The deputy leader of the Lieyang Mage Group did not know what was going on here, and thought it was really the case. So he could only say: "Then, when he comes back, you ask him to come to me. I will not leave the guild for a long time. You ask him to go directly to the headquarters of my Lieyang Mage Group to find me." That’s it.”

 After saying this, the deputy leader turned and left.

And the recorder just wrote down the matter and was not in a hurry to inform Gu Xi.

 In his opinion, Gu Xi will always come out, and he will just tell Gu Xi when the time comes. There is no need to inform him about this matter.

 Because of this, Gu Xi missed the opportunity to join the Lieyang Mage Group.

At this time, Gu Xi still doesn’t know all this. He is currently handing [Desunap] to Princess Anna.

 Looking at the three-headed flail in front of her, Princess Anna had a look of helplessness on her face.

“It’s true that I was a priest before, but I really don’t know how to use a flail, and priests usually use one-handed hammers such as maces or square-head hammers in normal combat. I’m really not used to using this thing.”

After hearing this, Gu Xi could only shrug. He did not expect such a result in the end.

But flails are not like swords, which can be used after a day or two of learning. Flails are somewhat similar to nunchucks. If you don't operate them well, you will hit yourself.

Princess Anna herself doesn’t know how to use this equipment, so naturally she won’t use this equipment. After all, she doesn’t have much time to relearn the flail tactics.

“Forget it, let’s save this thing first and see if anyone else will use it in the future.”

Facing this situation, Gu Xi could only shake his head, thinking that if it didn't work, he would go to some unknown players in the guild to exchange for other good things.

Players above level 5 may not like it, but players below level 5 will definitely be very happy to get a purple outfit.

  Putting down the [Desunap] in his hand, Gu Xi once again recounted what he had learned from the guild.

Especially regarding the leadership plan, Gu Xi explained it to Princess Anna in detail.

After hearing this, Princess Anna thought about it seriously and said, "This plan is okay, and the feasibility is quite high. Although it is forced learning, you can't really master much. The foundation may be a little weak, but as long as you can achieve the Death Edict, this That's enough.

I estimate that it will take about thirty days for you to learn all these. After thirty days, I have a task for you. "

 Gu Xi glanced at Princess Anna and said without much hesitation, "Okay!"

After complying with Princess Anna's request, Gu Xi is going down to make preparations. He needs to sort out his troops first. Now that Luna has not come back, Gu Xi still can't integrate the two land deeds into Yali. Multidimensional City.

 But the rearrangement of troops and so on can still be done.

This time for the Bailian Festival, Gu Xi received more troops, but the strength was somewhat mixed and the levels were uneven.

 Gu Xi needs to deal with these troops.

 In addition, he also needs to move non-undead troops that are more susceptible to transformation out of Alidovi City first.

Especially his red dragons. Although six of them were killed in the battle, Gu Xi was reluctant to turn the rest into bone dragons.

 So all these red dragons have to be sent to Aridovita. When a new satellite city is established in the future, the red dragons will be put there.

 At least the red dragon cannot be affected by the blood maple now.

At this time, the latest news came from the magic plant area. Luna had arrived in Alidovi City.

 (End of this chapter)

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