Breath of the Dead

Chapter 429: Luna Returns and Orange Outfit (please subscribe)

 Chapter 429 Luna’s Return and Orange Outfit (Please subscribe)

 “Luna, are you back?”

Hearing the news that Luna was back, Gu Xi immediately found Luna.

At this time, Luna looked tired, but she was in good spirits and felt a little excited.

When she saw Gu Xi, Luna said immediately: "Sir, I got the things."

 “Don’t worry, take a rest, how are you doing, are you injured?”

"I was not injured. I left immediately and the enemy did not notice me. When I came back, the journey was smooth."

As Luna spoke, she also looked at the armored ghouls following her.

  It can be seen that these ghouls played a considerable role along the way.

 “As long as everything goes well, I’m still worried about you.”

After confirming that Luna was fine, Gu Xi handed the strange mirror space back to Luna's hands.

 And Luna also took out the three things that the Hanged Man threw into the mirror underground palace.

“Sir, this is the last thing thrown in, please take a look.”

As soon as the three things were taken out, Gu Xi felt a strong breath of death coming towards his face.

Then Gu Xi saw a black stone the size of a human head at first glance. The breath of death came from this stone.

 In addition to this stone, a ring and a left leg as white as jade were also brought.

Looking at these three things, Gu Xi's heart suddenly lifted.

His eyes fell directly on the ring. Could it be an orange outfit? What are its attributes?

With this thought, Gu Xi reached out and picked up the ring.

He discovered that the surface of the ring was made of jade and was engraved with a lotus pattern composed of nine white fox tails. Among the lotus patterns, there were fox eyes slowly opening.

  【You got orange equipment, Fox Eye Ring】

  【Fox Eye Ring (orange, ring, ownerless, can be soul bound, binding requires fifteen days of sleep)】

 【After equipped: All troops under the player have attack +1, defense +1】

  【Equipment requirements: Intelligence 10】

[Special 1: Nine-tailed Divine Power, one of the kit combinations. Collect nine pieces of kits and can be combined into the Nine-tailed Divine Power Set. After the set is completed, you can automatically master all psychic spells (all levels are 9), and all your troops are immune to psychic spells. Influence. (A single piece does not have this effect)]

[Special 2: Mind Killing, consumes 1,000 mana, and exerts a psychic influence on all creatures within a radius of fifteen kilometers. All creatures will have suicidal thoughts, and all those affected will lose 15 points of life (cannot be upgraded, cannot be strengthened, cannot be Affected by other forces)]

 【Special 3: Power of the mind, increase virtual life by 100 points, virtual mana by 200 points, all six-dimensional attributes +3 points, all skill levels +1 (all blessings are virtual data and cannot grow by themselves)】

[Special 4: Suppression and Purification. After equipping orange equipment, you can directly activate the suppression and purification effects. Suppress two purple equipment (0/2), invalidating all negative effects of purple equipment, and halving the negative effects of the remaining purple equipment. At the same time After giving up the purple equipment, the purification effect can be produced (after giving up the purple equipment, the negative effects will be cleared, unlike other users of purple equipment, the effect will be maintained permanently after using it once)]

[Note 1: According to legend, a master killed a nine-tailed fox and made her body into a nine-piece suit. If you can collect all the equipment, you can get all the nine-tailed fox. the power of. 】

  【Note 2: Orange equipment is an indestructible decoration. If you want to use it, you need to soul-bind it. If you don't want to use it, you need to find soul-transforming water to remove the soul-binding. 】

When the properties of the Fox Eye Ring came out, Gu Xi looked up and down, back and forth several times, and finally confirmed one thing. There were no negative effects. Orange equipment had no negative effects.

Not to mention that the four effects in front of you are super powerful. The final effect of the nine-piece set is to directly master all psychic spells, and directly reach the most advanced level 9.

 How is the effect of psychic spells? Gu Xi has a deep experience when facing the killing stone.

If it hadn't been for the spiritual lamp to remind Gu Xi, and if it hadn't been for Princess Anna to help Gu Xi, he might have died in the Bailian Festival.

Not to mention that this also makes the subordinates immune to the effects of all psychic spells.

This is the complete mastery of attack and defense of psychic spells.

 Not to mention other things, if the nine-piece set is collected, even if a pig comes over, it will be a psychic expert pig.

The next thing is Mind Kill, which is clearly a super powerful ultimate move. If you insist on talking about it, it is a death ripple with a range of fifteen kilometers and causing 15 points of damage to everyone.

Although it consumes a lot of mana, it has a large attack range, which is a good thing to use at the beginning of a big battlefield.

 1000 points of mana may be a big deal to some people, but to a big mana consumer like Gu Xi, it is nothing at all.

The third item, the power of the mind, is used to improve attributes. Although they are all virtual attributes, I believe that my attributes have been improved, but this thing can really be used in combat.

Such as skill level +1, this cannot be stated openly, but when Gu Xi attacks, the skill must be based on the effect of the blessing.

 This is enough for Gu Xi.

The most important thing is the last item. The negative effects of the two purple equipments are all suppressed. After all the purple equipments are given up, the negative effects stop. No matter who sees it, this is a magical skill.

 Set, ultimate move, attribute enhancement, suppressive purple equipment, plus no negative effects, if such things are not called orange equipment, what else can be called orange equipment.

 Seeing this, Gu Xi wanted to yell loudly.

Whatever is fifteen days or not, this thing belongs to him. It must be bound to the soul and no one can take it away.

 Bind, bind now.

Gu Xi thought excitedly, but in the end he suppressed the excitement in his heart and allowed himself to finish processing the remaining things.

  All the parts on the Nine-Tails Kamui include the fox-eye ring, the nine-tail whip, the fox mask, the fox fur coat, the fox bone boots, the fox velvet cloak, the fox spirit shield, the fox claw necklace, and the fox eye ring.

 Gu Xi had already guessed in his mind that there must be something in the remaining eight killing stones, but the problem was that now he could not locate the world where he had practiced the Bai Lian Grand Ceremony.

 Let alone the remaining orange equipment. If the orange equipment were so good, there wouldn’t be only three orange equipment left in Bailian City.

 So among the remaining two items, I'm afraid there won't be any orange equipment, but Gu Xi still wants to see if there is anything good in them.

Putting the fox-eye ring aside first, Gu Xi immediately checked the other two items that Luna brought back.

This time Gu Xi was looking at the black stone the size of a human head.

When he picked up the stone, Gu Xi was obviously stunned for a moment. The contrast here must be too great.

 The ring just now was an orange one. This time it’s a gray one. What does this mean?

  【Killing Stone Debris (gray, garbage): The fragments blown off from the Killing Stone have lost all their power and only carry the meaning of endless resentment and death. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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