Breath of the Dead

Chapter 430: Arrangements before going to sleep (please subscribe)

Chapter 430: Arrangements before falling asleep (please subscribe)

This thing is too useless, even if it is white, Gu Xi will not do this.

Gu Xi thought for a moment, turned to Princess Luna and Anna and asked, "Can this thing be placed at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Base?"

After listening to the attributes Gu Xi mentioned, Luna thought about it seriously and said, "This is feasible."

At this time, Gu Xi also remembered the situation at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Base, and he quickly talked about these things.

 After hearing that there would naturally be more ghosts and ghosts at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Base, Luna thought about it seriously.

“I’m afraid these are not the soul of Victoria City.

 Alidovi City was originally the mirror image of Victoria City. After many Victorians died, they would turn into ghosts and appear in the fog of Alidovi City.

 Now that the fog has been dispersed a lot by us, and we have occupied a large area, it is natural that some of the souls will be integrated into our city of Alidovi. "

Hearing Luna’s analysis, Gu Xi really thought it was possible.

 Gu Xi thought for a moment, "Then the killing stone cannot be placed there. If placed there, it will destroy the base of the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

“How about putting it in the meeting hall? It just so happens that the meeting hall is about to be upgraded. The existence of this killing stone fragment can just improve the attributes of the meeting hall.”

“Okay, Luna, you can arrange this. By the way, there are also new land deeds and architectural design drawings. This time I also got an architectural design drawing for the engineering team camp. See if it’s useful.

 If it is useful, it can just increase the construction speed of Aridovi City. "

 “Engineering team? This is really useful.”

Luna also became happy when she heard Gu Xi’s gains.

 The level increase of Alidovi City is equivalent to the increase of Luna's level limit.

What Luna needs most now is to integrate Aridovi City into the new urban area and build new buildings.

 Now that there is a way to increase the speed of construction, Luna will definitely be excited immediately.

"Yes, you have to build this first. There are other things, please wait for me."

While Gu Xi was speaking, he had already picked up his left leg.

Before he first touched the left leg, Gu Xi thought it was a jade leg carved from jade. But after lifting it, Gu Xi found that the left leg was soft and bouncy, and it looked like it was full of life.

【Ding! Your temporary mission: The sealed power has changed, and you have found a left leg part that meets the requirements of the mission. 】

 【Task requirements: Find seven sealed parts (3/7), assemble and defeat the assembly (0/1)】

 Ha, this turns out to be a suitable part for this task.

 Gu Xi lost all excitement for a moment. After pinching his toes twice, Gu Xi lowered his left leg.

 Then Gu Xi began to talk about the next arrangements.

Because he needs to soul-bind the orange equipment, Gu Xi may have to sleep for about fifteen days. He must explain some things clearly.

"I'm afraid Dimi's request can be fulfilled this time. I won't be here at that time, so you, Princess Anna, will take over."

 Princess Anna has also been staying in Alidovi City these days. She knows who Dimi is and her situation.

She could feel that Dimi had long regretted raising too high a condition. She was afraid that once the building Dimi requested was completed, she would become the sixth hero under Gu Xi.

 And she will find ways to quickly improve herself and prepare to hit the leadership position.

 After all, she went from being the first hero under Gu Xi to being the sixth hero, which was already a big loss.

If she can't become the first leader of Gu Xi's men before Amilka does, then she will lose her face.

 So when Dimi meets the requirements, he will definitely find Gu Xi.

If Gu Xi is still sleeping at this time, it must be accepted by a contracted undead that belongs to Gu Xi like Luna or Princess Anna. Compared to Luna, who is only responsible for managing Alidovi City, Princess Anna is much stronger in some aspects.

 So Gu Xi simply handed over the matter to Princess Anna.

Princess Anna also took it confidently.

From Princess Anna's point of view, she is just a hero. She has managed everyone at the leader level, so there is nothing to fear from heroes.

“Luna, there are some very special things in the title deed this time.”

At this time, Gu Xi thought about the situation in the dark farm land deed again, and he quickly explained this matter clearly to Luna.

 Luna was also a little curious about this situation, so the two of them talked about it in detail.

 After a while, Princess Anna also sneaked in.

At this time, Gu Xi suddenly thought of something, and he asked decisively: "Luna, at our current construction speed, can we build the Scarlet Temple in fifteen days?"

 “Having an engineering team shouldn’t be a problem.”

 “That’ll do.”

 Gu Xi gave Princess Anna a look that said, "You know what?" Princess Anna also laughed, "My men are still mainly ghouls, they no longer need to become knights."

 “Okay, I respect your opinion!”

In this way, Gu Xi and the three of them talked and smiled and arranged the things for the next period of time.

 There is quite a tacit understanding between them. Sometimes Gu Xi is talking, while Princess Anna and Luna are there to listen and supplement.

 Sometimes they are the ones who put forward opinions and provide solutions.

  Anyway, the three of them just talked and determined a lot of things about the future development of Alidovi City.

 After explaining everything clearly, and thinking about it carefully, and finding that there were no problems, Gu Xi began to arrange the soul binding ceremony.

The soul binding of orange equipment is relatively simple. Just take off all the equipment except the orange equipment, then equip the orange equipment and inject mana to activate it.

It’s just that after activation, the player will fall into a deep sleep for fifteen days.

 For players, it may be a matter of closing and opening their eyes.

 But to outsiders, fifteen days have really passed.

In order to ensure that he would not cause trouble to others, Gu Xi chose a good place to sleep.

 In Xiemu Lake.

This time, Gu Xi planned to treat himself as a corpse and use the water from Xiemu Lake to purify his body while sleeping.

 After all, this time in the Bailian Festival, Gu Xi was seriously injured.

I didn’t notice that he was so thin that he looked like he hadn’t eaten for more than ten days.

Now is a rare opportunity to fall asleep, so Gu Xi naturally needs to make up for it.

 So Gu Xi chose Xiemu Lake as the place to sleep, preparing to use the lake water to purify his body and replenish his own consumption.

Luna and the others did not object to Gu Xi's idea. They just took the equipment from Gu Xi and accompanied him to the edge of Xiemu Lake.

 Putting the fox eye ring on the index finger of his left hand, Gu Xi poured magic power into it.

 Then he said to Princess Luna and Anna: "In the next fifteen days, the city of Alidovi will be handed over to you."

After saying that, Gu Xi closed his eyes and fell onto the lake. He was slowly wrapped in a bubble and dragged into the green lake water.

 (End of this chapter)

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