Breath of the Dead

Chapter 432: Some arrangements in the city (172189)

 Chapter 432 Some arrangements in the city (172189)

The [Eagle Catcher's Spider Nest] in front of us occupies a large area, accounting for almost one-tenth of the forest land in the magic plant area.

 Compared to the previous [sloped roof], this place is quite conspicuous. The occupied forest land is directly covered with a layer of white spider webs that look like frost and snow.

Several black spiders, the size of calves, moved back and forth on the spider web. It can be seen from their green mouthparts that these spiders are highly venomous.

However, what Gu Xi noticed was not these, but a green pool in the middle of the [Eagle Catching Spider's Nest].

 Some green liquid is dripping down the spider web.

“What’s that going on? I remember that [Eagle Catching Spider’s Nest] doesn’t seem to have the function of collecting spider poison.”

"When the [Eagle Catcher's Spider Nest] was built, the alchemy laboratory happened to be upgraded to level 3, and a new formula was produced, which was useful for these ebony spiders. During this period, all the production of alchemy potions was used on it. ”

 When Gu Xi heard what was going on here, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

“Oh, what kind of potion is it? Is it very effective?”

"The poison potion will cause toxicity to some animals. Now these black sandalwood spiders are in a state of spitting out poison. They will have to take the poison potion for a while. In about two weeks, all the black sandalwood spiders in the future will be highly poisonous. The effect of the attack.

At the same time, the spider webs nearby will also be affected, with strong poison. "

While Gu Xi and the others were talking, they happened to arrive at the gate of the garrison city located in the magic plant area.

At this time, Gu Xi noticed that there were many scarecrows placed on the city gate.

When Gu Xi came over, these scarecrows would turn to look at Gu Xi. Their faces made of sacks and eyes made of buttons looked quite strange.

“No, why are these scarecrows placed here?”

“They are suitable. These are all straw hunters. You can’t move them after they are fixed one by one, but they are very effective in defense.”

With some curiosity, Gu Xi went up to the city gate of the garrison city. He found that these straw hunters were not very tall when looking from below, but when he got closer, he realized that they were over three meters tall.

They also had weapons such as nets wrapped around their hands, and stones and boomerangs were piled near their feet made of bamboo poles.

Ten crows stood on the raised hands. If it weren't for their relatively small size and the metallic luster in their beaks, Gu Xi would have thought they were the ravens used by the Chaoyang Guild to deliver letters.

 On a city wall, there is a straw hunter standing every five meters. Except for turning their heads, they usually don't even move.

Gu Xi didn't know what role they had here. Instead, Gu Xi discovered that there seemed to be a few more big trees in the mist outside the garrison gate.

There were still some hanged corpses hanging on the big tree.

 “Are those? The Tree Pit of the Dead?”

Gu Xi was speechless. He hadn't even gone to the Dark Farm to see it, and the troops there had already been deployed here.

“Yes, I actually thought about putting the Dark Farm here before, because there are several types of soldiers there that are highly compatible with the magic plant area.

But the magic plant area will not be the main direction of development in the future. The foggy area over there is too close to the depths of the mirror underground palace, and now is not the time to develop in that direction.

 Then the Dark Farm was moved to the direction of Alidovita. "

 Luna explained some of the situations here. However, Gu Xi's attention was not focused on this. He placed his hands on the top of the city wall and stared at the pit of the dead trees not far away. He noticed that the corpses hanging on those big trees were actually Will move.

At the same time, about ten meters below the big tree, arms would stretch out from the ground from time to time.

“Is the Tree of the Dead the same as a scarecrow? Is it unable to move once it’s rooted?”

“It can move, but the moving speed is relatively slow. It took nine days for these undead tree pits to walk from the **** forest.”

 At this moment, a group of strange shadows rushed out of the nearby fog.

The number of these ghosts is not large, and their strength is not very strong. They just instinctively want to attack Gu Xi's city.

As they rushed forward, the hanging corpse above the Dead Tree Pit let out an unpleasant laughter. A large number of the ghosts were immediately attracted by the laughter and rushed towards the Dead Dead Tree Pit.

But just after they rushed to a position about ten meters in front of the Undead Tree Pit, they were tightly grasped by arms stretching out from the ground.

  Then the corpse hanging from the tree fell down and began to actively attack these mysterious figures.

 This is also called root entanglement?

Gu Xi was speechless. He had only slept for fifteen days, but when he turned around, he was no longer familiar with the situation of all the undead.

At this time, all the straw hunters also took action, and the crow that landed on them took the initiative to fly towards the shadow.

 At the same time, they will also throw rocks and boomerangs at the weird ones.

 Gu Xi discovered that their shooting range was actually quite high.

 The crows can fly about 700 meters away from the scarecrow, and the stones and boomerangs they throw can fly at least 200 meters.

This is beyond the normal situation of skeleton soldiers. It seems that Luna and the others placed the scarecrow on the city gate, which is very reasonable.

 “Are all the city gates decorated?”

“No, only the garrison city gate has been arranged. There is an Earthbound Dragon at the steel city gate, so there is no arrangement.

Over at the main city gate, six dragon corpses have turned into bone dragons after fifteen days of transformation. They are all staying there now, and no scarecrow has been arranged to pass. "

“They’ve all turned into bone dragons, what about the red dragons before?

 Are they okay? "

“Not yet, I have moved them to the weird mirror space, where they can relax and not be affected by the blood maple.”

“That’s good, what about these two refugee camps? Were they affected by the Blood Maple? Wouldn’t all the undead troops come out?”

“No, these two refugee camps really produced good units. Last week, 8 Pegasus cavalry were produced, level 4, and I sent them to the weird mirror space together.

Six Cyclops were released this week, but they were only level 5. They were obviously not the strongest ones on the ground. All of these 6 Cyclops were taken away by Dimi. "

“Dimi? Have the three buildings she needs been built?”

 When Gu Xi heard that Dimi was about to leave the Cyclops, he asked one more question.

"Everything was built on the fourth day of your sleep. Dimi automatically became a hero in the city that day, but she monopolized the Giant Cemetery area by herself, and at the same time required all the vampires born in the past few weeks to be incorporated into her among the team.”

 (End of this chapter)

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