Breath of the Dead

Chapter 433: Underwater buildings and arms (please subscribe)

Chapter 433: Underwater buildings and military units (please subscribe)

While talking, Gu Xi and the others had already circled around the magic plant area. When they returned to Xiemu Lake, Gu Xi did not go out again, but prepared to go down the river from Xiemu Lake and pass through the dock area. Go to Green Lake District.

 Luna also spoke in detail about the situation in the Green Lake District.

When Gu Xi obtained the land deed to the Green Lake District, he also got 10 random architectural design drawings.

 At this time, there are three large-scale architectural design drawings and seven small and medium-sized architectural design drawings, all corresponding to this area.

 Three large buildings have been completed and the small and medium-sized buildings are still in the queue and will not be completed so quickly.

But what Gu Xi cares about now is the training camp and how many more troops he can have.

 Such an arrangement is quite appropriate.

 When he was underwater, Gu Xi was riding a water dragon beast, and Luna, as a ghost, naturally followed him floating in the air.

 Shaya and Princess Anna have shown different abilities.

Shaya can run on the water, and Princess Anna actually has the ability to fly.

Looking at Gu Xi's surprised eyes, Princess Anna said confidently: "I know elemental magic and can use flying magic. Is there any problem with this?"

"no problem."

Gu Xi was swayed by Princess Anna's aura. He shrank his head and looked around seriously.

While passing by the dock area, Gu Xi noticed that although no new buildings were built in the dock area, the appearance of various buildings in the dock area had undergone some changes.

 This is the reason why the level of these buildings has been improved.

 At the same time, in the dock area, there were two teams of skeleton soldiers patrolling, numbering over a hundred people.

These skeleton soldiers carry swords and shields and patrol behind the skeleton leader.

 You can tell from the bloodstains on their armor that they will fight at any time here.

When Gu Xi looked over there, Luna introduced: "The dock warehouse and dock market here have been upgraded to level 2 because they have a large amount of materials stored. At the same time, there are some troubles happening in the three docks from time to time.

It can be said that the dock area is the location with the most battles except the magic plant area. These two combat teams have just been transferred here. We change two combat teams almost every week.

 On the one hand, it is to maintain the security of the dock area, and on the other hand, it is to give the undead bosses an opportunity to improve themselves.

However, we also have a sense of propriety. The undead bosses here are mainly skeleton bosses, and the battle team is mainly composed of skeleton soldiers. "

At this time, Gu Xi took another look at the skeleton soldiers. He noticed that the swords and shields in the hands of these skeleton soldiers were slightly different, but the armor on their bodies was clearly of the same style.

 It seems that while Gu Xi was sleeping, the undead troops in the city also made some adjustments.

 Keep what you saw in mind, take a breath and move forward quickly.

Gu Xi was just visiting along the way and had no intention of making any changes. Gu Xi knew very well what his current mission was and he needed to know how much money he had in his hands.

 And instead of going to the parliament hall to look at the data, we should visit these places in person to see the current situation.

Like this time, after Gu Xi entered the Green Lake area, he saw two obvious buildings on the lake.

One of them looks like a reef area on the sea, where mermaids swim back and forth from time to time.

 The other place is a small castle half submerged in the lake.     This is the Mermaid Garden and the Bay Temple.

As soon as Gu Xi rode the water dragon and approached the Bay Temple, 20 water cavalry on giant seahorses rushed out from there.

These seahorse cavalry wore silver-blue armor, skull-shaped masks on their faces, and carried a silver three-pointed harpoon in their hands. After rushing out from the Gulf Temple, they saw Gu Xi immediately. .

They were all stunned at this moment, and then one of the leading seahorse cavalry raised the three-pointed harpoon in his hand and saluted Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi circled around them, then turned to Luna and asked, "Who is in charge of them now?"

“We don’t have heroes suitable for underwater battles yet, and we don’t even have leaders for underwater battles, so they have no one to manage them yet and are only responsible for the daily patrol of the Green Lake District.

In addition, they will go to the dock area over there to help survey the waterways and **** ships in and out of the port. "

While Luna was explaining the situation of the Seahorse Cavalry, the mermaids also noticed the situation here, and the mermaids with green fish tails also swam over.

Looking at the appearance of these mermaids, Gu Xi nodded with satisfaction.

This is a mermaid. The black catfish spirit that the Black Queen mentioned when she came last time can also be called a mermaid.

 These mermaids surrounding each other also held three-pointed harpoons in their hands. It was obvious that they also had the ability to fight in close combat.

Just when Gu Xi wanted to communicate with these mermaids, a large number of floating corpses popped up on the nearby water.

These floating corpses will be larger than normal corpses. They must have been transformed into giants.

Even a necromancer like Gu Xi felt a little unbearable when he saw these floating corpses.

After these floating corpses appeared, they floated directly on the water and turned their heads to Gu Xi.

Looking at their dead fish eyes, Gu Xi knew that they were floating corpses produced in the underwater corpse bay.

No matter what, Gu Xilai is here, and he must take a look at what the Corpse Bay below looks like.

So Gu Xi patted the water dragon beast, and the water dragon beast took Gu Xi downwards.

As soon as he got down, Gu Xi saw a cement pile under the water, a hill made of gasoline barrels and broken sacks. The floating corpses just now were crawling out of these hills and floating toward the surface of the water.

 Gu Xi didn’t know where these cement piers and gasoline barrels came from. Anyway, the place was expanding visibly to the naked eye.

 Gu Xi believes that it won’t be long before the bottom of the lake will be occupied by this kind of thing, and other architectural styles placed underwater will also be affected.

Shaking his head, Gu Xi let the water dragon swim upstream.

When the water dragon was about to come out of the water, Gu Xi discovered that the scales on the mermaids' tails actually grew sharp bone spurs.

 Obviously, the mermaids, like the seahorse cavalry, were slowly affected by the blood maple tree and began to transform from ordinary arms to undead arms.

This actually has little impact on Gu Xi. These three troops are all underwater combat troops, and they are more suitable for fighting in the water.

 Whether they are ordinary troops or undead troops, their combat effectiveness will not be affected.

 After all, they are considered independent from Gu Xi's battle system. They are not needed in land battles, and there is no one to lead water battles. Gu Xi can only say that they will support them first and wait until there are arrangements later.

 There is really not much difference between the undead and the undead.

 (End of this chapter)

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