Breath of the Dead

Chapter 434: Dark Farm Area (please subscribe)

Chapter 434 Dark Farm Area (Please subscribe)

After checking around, Gu Xi was on the shore on the other side of the Green Lake area. After going out, he left the main city of Alidovi City.

 Further ahead is the passage leading to Aridovita. At this time, a new city area, the Dark Farm Area, has been built here.

This is a new area that Gu Xi has never been to before. It occupies the right side of the Steel City Gate and is connected to the Green Lake District.

 The reason for this arrangement is that the dark farm area itself is a farm, so arranging irrigation here is not a problem.

Before the Dark Farm area was integrated into the area, several large and small plots of land were developed along the way to Alidovita.

 Now there is a part of it that just happens to be integrated into the dark farm area.

At present, in the dark farm area, in addition to the original five large training camps, there are also abandoned farmland (not occupying land), two large training camps in green forests, and a large empty land.

When Gu Xi came ashore from the edge of the Green Lake area, the first thing he saw was abandoned farmland. It was a farmland covered with weeds.

 When walking through here, you will see a large number of locusts jumping out of the ground from time to time.

These locusts, like the corpse flies on Gu Xi's hand, were counted in groups of three to five hundred.

 Because they are relatively small and have low vitality, they are immediately affected by the blood maple and become undead creatures.

 A special kind of locust with a white bone shell on its body.

 【White Bone Locust (Level 1): Attack 2, Defense 1, Life 2, Skills: Insect swarm state, swallow everything, flying troops. 】

 Compared with ordinary locusts, the vitality of this kind of white bone locust has been improved a bit, but compared with the corpse fly, this kind of white bone locust is still not on the table, and can only be regarded as a supplement during battle.

 When there is no fighting, these white bone locusts swarm in the abandoned farmland. When people walk by, the white patches look like fragments of white bones that can be seen at a glance.

After bypassing the abandoned farmland, Gu Xi saw a patch of pumpkin fields. From time to time, some strange black creatures would appear in the pumpkin fields. When they passed the pumpkins, the pumpkins would turn into jack-o'-lanterns, and these strange creatures would appear. Devour it.

This situation shocked Gu Xi, but Gu Xi noticed that there were no soldiers patrolling here.

Gu Xi frowned and was about to ask something when he found those strange black creatures running out of the nearby blood-red woods.

This situation made Gu Xi stunned. He slowly approached the woods. As soon as he got closer, Gu Xi noticed the smell of blood.

Many big trees in the forest have tree tumors that look like human faces. Every minute, the tree tumors will explode and spit out black seeds.

When these seeds fall to the ground, they will turn into strange black objects and run towards the nearby pumpkin field, and will eventually be swallowed by the pumpkins in the pumpkin field.

Only a few black weirdos could run around the pumpkin patch and drag the pumpkins back into the woods.

As long as the pumpkins can be dragged back to the woods, they can be buried underground, and it won't take long for them to grow into a new undead tree pit.

 All this should be the connection between the **** forest and the pumpkin field.

 Gu Xi observed here for a moment, and then did not observe any more. Instead, he found a path between the pumpkin field and the blood-colored forest.

Walking along the path, Gu Xi noticed that the road began to become smoother, and the original dirt floor turned into bluestone. After climbing over a small hill with an empty granary erected, Gu Xi arrived. In front of a large mausoleum built of bricks and stones.

The mausoleum in front of me was filled with a lot of white fog, and several corpse witches were moving back and forth outside the mausoleum.

On the surface, these corpse witches look similar to skeleton mages. The only difference is that they wear a white cloak. At the same time, they wear crown-like hats on their heads, and they hold a stick about the same height as them. Long staff.

At the same time, Gu Xiyou noticed that the robes on these Corpse Witches were covered with silvery scales. It was obvious that they were different from the Skeleton Mages. When they saw Gu Xi, these corpse witches would also salute to Gu Xi.

 “The corpse witches haven’t been recruited yet?”

“No, they have all been recruited. The astrologer’s tower in the city has been built, and there will be a reminder of this week’s horoscope every Monday. In order to prevent problems, all troops in the training camp will be recruited every Monday.

 The ones appearing here should be corpse witches who will be able to complete their training next week or the week after. "

 Luna explained to Gu Xi immediately.

“It looks like there are quite a lot of people.”

“The training of corpse witches takes at least one month to complete all training, so there are such untrained corpse witches here.”

At this time, Princess Anna, who had been following, said that Princess Anna knew more about high-level undead troops like the Corpse Witch.

Although Gu Xi's knowledge of the undead has been improved, there are some things that cannot be known only after reaching a certain level. He has not had direct contact with them, and there are many things that he does not understand well.

Now after hearing such an explanation, Gu Xi slowly came to his senses.

“Then the pumpkin seeds stolen from the pumpkin field just now were actually prepared for the pit of the undead tree in who knows how long?”

  “That’s what it means.”

 Princess Anna nodded.

It was only then that Gu Xi realized that although the game was a game, there was still some underlying logic in it.

 Perhaps in various training camps, they will consider themselves to be normal creatures.

 Minimum trained troops are not conjured out of thin air.

 “I understand.”

Nodding, Gu Xi turned his eyes to the other side of the mausoleum in the fog, where there was a glowing garden.

There are a lot of huge bright red or bright yellow flowers in the garden, but you can see from a distance that there are sharp teeth on those flowers.

At first glance, you can tell that these flowers are not so easy to mess with, and among these flowers, there are some little fairies that are only half a meter tall and have a pair of gray translucent butterfly wings on their backs flying back and forth.

Those goblin-like things are naturally the weakest troops in the Dark Farm, the ghost butterflies.

 Their attack and defense difference is about the same as that of locusts, which means their health is better than that of locusts.

Flying back and forth among the piranha flowers, Gu Xi noticed that they would pull out some soul fragments from the piranha flowers and take them away.

This situation made Gu Xi a little curious, so he followed them from a distance and came to the Ghost Butterfly Garden, where the ghost butterflies were born.

This is a complex of huts made of flowers. These ghost butterflies brought soul fragments and stuffed them into every hut.

After a while, the lights will turn on in the empty hut, and a new ghost butterfly will fly out from inside.

 (End of this chapter)

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