Breath of the Dead

Chapter 436: Dimi's Corps (174190)

Chapter 436 Dimi’s Corps (174190)

After entering the Giant Cemetery area, Gu Xi immediately felt that there was a clear difference between this place and the previous times he had been here.

At this time, in the Giant Cemetery area, all the buildings that were originally part of the laboratory have been bulldozed, and three new buildings are surrounding a huge garden.

 The tall Dimi was sitting in the garden, drinking afternoon tea on a sunny afternoon.

 Beside her are a group of vampire servants.

When he saw Gu Xi coming, Dimi quickly stood up, walked to Gu Xi's side, and squatted down slightly so that his face was level with Gu Xi's.

 “Sir, you are here.”

 “I’ve been sleeping for more than ten days, I’ll come over and take a look.”

 Gu Xi walked towards the huge garden in the city, "How is the situation here? What's going on here?"

“My three buildings have been built, and this garden is my residence.”


Upon hearing this, Gu Xi couldn't help but look at the garden.

  【Building name: Huge Garden

 Level: Level 1

 Garrisoned troops: 0 (0/3, three troops can be stationed, namely zombies, ghosts and vampires)

 Garrisoned bosses: 0 (0/6, six bosses can be stationed)

 Garrisoned soldiers: 0 (0/3000, 3000 soldiers can be stationed)

  Exclusive hero: 1 person (1/1, this is where the dedicated hero Dimitrescu is stationed)

Garrisoned troops: zombies, ghosts, vampires

Characteristics of garrisoning: garrisoned troops will turn into giants

 Ancillary buildings: Herb Cemetery, Spiritual Tomb Laboratory, Bloodfield Haunted House

 Note: No matter what level Dimitrescu reaches, he can be stationed here. 】

Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Xi took another look at the huge garden on the spot. This giant flower was really huge. The flowers and plants directly covered the entire Giant Cemetery area, and even extended towards the blood cellar area not far away.

When Gu Xi came over, Dimi happened to show Gu Xi the flags of himself and his three garrisoned troops.

Dimi's own battle flag is an equilateral triangle made of three roses in blood red, dark cyan and off-white.

The remaining three battle flags are the blood dripping on the blood-red rose, the arms stretched out under the dark cyan rose, and the ghosts flying around the gray-white rose.

 This represents the three types of troops that Dimi can control, vampires, zombies and ghosts.

"Sir, I have become a hero under your command, and now I have a corresponding station. I would also like to ask you to name my troops."

“In your current situation, you can form an independent regiment. In this case, your regiment is called the Rose Corps, and the three troops are called the Red Blood Battalion, the Green Zombie Battalion and the Gray Soul Battalion.”

Dimi has no objection to the naming of Gu Xi.

The reason why she asked Gu Xi for this name was to prove to Gu Xi that she was still the number one among the heroes under Gu Xi.

“Do you have all the leaders under you now?”

 Gu Xi didn’t know what was going on here. After the naming was completed, Gu Xi asked about the leaders and soldiers of the Rose Corps.

"Not yet, the soldiers are not all ready. By the way, sir, I heard that the undead gathering area over there has trained Labyrinth Devourers, and I want some such troops.

 Ghost I plan to have an ordinary ghost, Vampire hopes that it can satisfy all my needs for the time being. ” ˆ ˆ Dimi’s request is actually neither difficult nor simple.

 Zombies and ghosts are better. The number of zombies and ghosts under Gu Xi's men is four to five thousand each.

 These are all obtained from the battlefield of the Bailian Festival.

But vampires have no such method. The source of the vampires can only be found in several vampire training camps, the demon blood secluded house that has just been integrated into it, and the vampire mansion, plus the blood field secluded house in front of them. .

Even if these three training camps for training vampires were built together, there would be no way to fill the Red Blood Camp with a thousand people in a short time.

If Gu Xi calls these vampires to do other things, such as arranging for Sha Ya, the situation will be even worse.

In order to ensure his own strength, Dimi had to make a request in front of Gu Xi.

“I can make arrangements for you with regard to vampires, but what about your own soldiers?”

"It's okay. Didn't a few cyclops come this week? I have transformed them into special zombies. These can temporarily serve as my personal guards. In addition, I have also communicated with some undead warriors. There are a few that I am optimistic about. The brave ones will join my team.”

“That’s good, have you ever thought about what kind of regiment you plan to lead the Rose Corps into?”

Dimi also thought about this issue. Corps is stronger than battalion and needs to be more diverse.

 Generally speaking, it is divided into three types: comprehensive type, main battle type and defensive type.

 The function is of course the literal meaning. The comprehensive type has all types of arms under its command and can be used in any situation.

 The main battle type is mainly based on attack troops. As the main attacking troops in the battle, if the Black Spear Battalion and the Bone Smashing Battalion are developed into corps, they should follow the main battle type route.

 Defensive type is a unit used to block enemies, guard fortresses and passes, or even defend cities.

 Mainly composed of defensive troops and long-range troops, with a small number of melee attack troops.

Of course there are some exceptions. For example, Amilcar's goal was to establish an order of knights.

  Before, there was no other way. He just took the comprehensive main battle route. Now with the Scarlet Knights and the Gladiator Black Guards, his goal is directly at the Knights and he will not take other routes.

 In addition, there will be professional attack teams such as the Mage Group and the Archer Group.

Gu Xi even heard that some people gathered together red dragons, green dragons, black dragons, golden dragons, holy dragons, rust dragons and other dragons that can spray two blocks to form a giant dragon group.

Of course, Gu Xi is afraid that he can't do such a thing. Even if he gathers together a giant dragon group, it may not take long before they all turn into bone dragon groups. That would be a real waste of energy.

However, Gu Xi had an idea in his mind to train a bone dragon regiment.

 Maybe it’s time to go to the main city gate and take a look at the six bone dragons arranged there.

I don’t know what the bone dragon transformed by such an autonomous transformation will look like.

This batch of red dragons are not the kind of high-level red dragons that can be promoted to black dragons, but inferior red dragons mixed with magma. Gu Xi is very worried about the condition of these red dragons. Their bones are no better than those of serious red dragons. Good dragon.

 Don't lower the bone dragon's combat power then.

Originally, Bone Dragons are already quite embarrassing as the weakest seventh-level soldiers. If they are weakened a little more, then these Bone Dragons really don't need to be taken out to fight. Their real destiny is to stay here and serve as decorations.

When he went to the main city gate, Gu Xi still glanced at Dimi, wanting to see what kind of corps Dimi wanted to be.

 “Fight, siege!”

 (End of this chapter)

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