Breath of the Dead

Chapter 437: A trip to the sewer (please subscribe)

Chapter 437: A trip to the sewer (please subscribe)

 After listening to Dimi's words, Gu Xi thought for a moment and looked at Luna again.

 Luna looked up at the sky.

With a force of three thousand men, if you want to become the main attack force, the most suitable place at the moment is the Alidovi City that has been opened for two generations.

“You go to the barracks and report it, and then you choose one of the Tudor and York dynasties to prepare for battle. You can do spiritualism. If you don’t, bring an army of servants there and bring the corpse back for disposal.

 If you can, just handle it yourself.

 Before going into battle, go to the White Bone Wine Lady to get some information.

 This is your test and your reward. "

Dimi thought for a moment and finally agreed. As for where to go, Dimi needed to inquire about the situation.

  After all, the situations in the two periods were different. At the same time, Dimi also went to Alidoveta and saw the headless queen wandering around the outermost edge of Alidoveta.

 She has become a better handkerchief friend.

 So she knew something about the Tudor dynasty, but as for the York dynasty, she was not very clear.

 Now that you have to choose between two dynasties, you cannot act out of loyalty.

Dimi needs to think clearly about some issues here. What are the most special arms in each era, whether there are masters, and what he will face. All these are what Dimi needs to consider.

 The most important thing is that now that Dimi has formed a regiment, Gu Xi has asked Dimi to recruit souls to replenish the troops if he has the ability, which shows that Gu Xi has delegated power.

 In the future, if you want to replenish or expand your troops, as well as all kinds of weapon supplies, Dimi will need to handle it yourself.

 The things here cannot be dealt with with just one or two measures.

Dimi couldn't help but think about what he could use.

 Perhaps she can take out the alchemy potions and sell them in exchange for better weapons and equipment.

Seeing Dimi thinking there, Gu Xi started his final patrol again. This time Gu Xi went to the well and entered the sewer, where he saw the [Dead Eye Laboratory] and the [Death Eye Laboratory] built in the sewer area. [Heart's Eye Sword Gym].

Although these two buildings are built in the sewer, their area is not small at all.

At the same time, the styles of the two buildings are completely different. The style of the Xinyan Kendo Hall is quite simple and clean. All the sewage on the ground has been cleaned up. You can see many wooden dummies erected along the way. In front of each wooden dummy, there is a person. Men with black cloth tied around their eyes practiced sword practice there.

The movements of these men were quite powerful, but Gu Xi could tell from their skin that they had been affected by the blood maple, and together with the buildings, they were slowly transforming into undead.

The Dead Eye Laboratory is different. The entire Dead Eye Laboratory is like a garbage dump. Not only did they not clean up the sewage in the sewers, but they also threw the experimental products out because of the original filth here.

Here Gu Xi met the Dead Eye Laboratory’s soldiers, the Dead Eye Musicians.

They looked like dead musicians, with empty eyes and no eyeballs. They were wearing Scottish plaid skirts and holding Scottish bagpipes in their arms.

 When they blow, a large number of rotting rats will follow behind them.

These are the Dead Eye musicians.

[Dead Eye Musician (level 4): experience (0/750), attack 6, defense 4, life 25, skills: immune to blindness, mourning song (curse the enemy, reduce the enemy's vitality), rat song (attract a lot of Rat swarm attacks the enemy), Xiqu (increases the attack power of one's own troops). 】

Looking at the condition of the Dead Eye Musicians, Gu Xi knew what kind of existence they were. They were considered auxiliary troops. They can curse the enemy, improve their own troops, and have a certain combat effectiveness. Although not very strong, it is enough for some situations.

With such a unit, Gu Xi doesn’t need to say anything more, as long as these are suitable for use.

 After this, Gu Xi walked around in the sewer area again.

 Finally came out of another exit of the sewer.

 Compared to the occupied plots on the ground, there are more plots in the sewer. Now Luna's construction queue happens to have a team building medium-sized buildings here.

 Gu Xi went over and took a look and found that this engineering team was the original construction team of Alidovi. They were all composed of zombies. Although they moved slowly when working, they transported a lot of things.

And they can lift heavy objects alone and put everything together like a puzzle toy.

  It can be seen that there is a reason why they can build a small and medium-sized building in 12 hours.

 With such a capability and sufficient resources, it would be strange if it could not be built successfully.

Perhaps in the eyes of the engineering team, such a building may be no different from a table or a chair.

 After exiting the sewer, Gu Xi climbed to the ground near the Astrologer's Tower.

 This is a small building with only two floors. In front of the small building is a notice board, which states the situation of the week.

  【This week is the week of brimstone, all demonic units are increased by 50%. 】

 When Gu Xi came out, he saw the information on the notice board at first glance.

 At the same time, there is an owl standing on the notice board.

 Gu Xi was startled when he saw it, thinking someone was looking for him.

But he immediately discovered that this owl was not any one in the Owl House, but was originally parked here on the notice board. It seemed that this was for publicity every Monday to tell everyone what week it was.

 This situation made Gu Xi feel relieved.

Fifteen days have passed since he left, and he doesn’t know if anyone from the Chaoyang Guild is looking for him.

But now Gu Xi has not sorted out the city and troops, and has not learned the death edict. He does not want to get involved in the guild's affairs.

Even if he wants to get involved in the guild's affairs, he has to wait until he has digested this wave of things.

 So when he saw that the owl was not looking for him, but was used as a broadcaster, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Gu Xi turned back to Luna and said, "I remember that we have an architectural design for a campus radio station. You will build an on-campus radio station here and broadcast it to the public every week. Don't let the owl notify you.

There is only an Aridovi city now, so we can come here with notification. When the Aridovi from other eras are conquered, can we come with the owl notification?

 The time will be slow in that case, and broadcasting is the most appropriate. "

Luna nodded to show her understanding. While the few people were talking, they headed towards the meeting hall not far away. After passing there, walk a little further towards the main city gate.

 (End of this chapter)

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