Breath of the Dead

Chapter 438: Alidovi City, whose strength has soared (please subscribe)

 Chapter 438: Alidovi City’s strength has soared (please subscribe)

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At this moment, the door of the Astrologer's Tower suddenly opened, and an old mage covered in blue robes walked out.

When he saw Gu Xi, the old mage said: "Sir, I am still used to using owls to deliver messages. It is better not to use broadcasts or anything like that."

Gu Xi glanced at the old mage and found that his eyes were very sharp, like an eagle in the sky, and he seemed to be able to see through everything.

Luna whispered in Gu Xi's ear at this time, "The astrologer from the Astrologer's Tower, Bit."

Gu Xi glanced at the Astrologer's Tower, and all kinds of information popped up.

 【Building name: Astrologer's Tower

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


 Perform a horoscope once a week to determine the attributes of this week, which will have an effect on increasing or decreasing the number of some troops.

 It can protect the city lord from the perception and detection of some people through divination methods.

 You can use astrology to determine the weather conditions in the coming week. 】

  【Astrologer: Bit (Level 1)

 Characteristic impact:

 Lucky person: During the weekly horoscope, the chance of getting lucky increases by 20%.

Those with discerning eyes: It is easier to find some special information through divination methods.

 Serious: He is relatively independent in doing things. No matter what happens in the horoscope, he is unwilling to modify the information. 】

  【Explanation: Bit is an astrologer, his existence will affect the output of soldiers every week, no matter what prediction he brings, this is the arrangement of fate. 】

"Hello, Bit, why don't you want to use radio? You must know that our current city is not too big. Owls are enough, but in the future the city will become very big. Owls may not be able to transmit all the information in one day. Pass it on."

“Sir, this owl represents the weekly horoscope results from our Tower of Astrologers. All training camps only believe in this result. If it is not sent by our owl, all of them are fake.

Even if a radio is built here, astrologers will not disseminate astrological results by radio. "

After hearing this, Gu Xi understood what was going on.

 It seems that this is not a question of whether to use an owl, but a question of whether the astrological results are true or false.

 Gu Xi, who understood this, didn't force it anymore.

“Okay, let’s forget about the broadcast, but can you really guarantee that the owl can deliver the letter in one day?”

“Sir, please rest assured that our Astrologer Tower can also be upgraded, and we will definitely not have any problems.”

After hearing this, Gu Xiyeman said nothing more.

He chatted with Bit for a few words, and also entered the Astrologer's Tower and walked around. After looking at the crystal ball on the table, the star map posted on the wall, and another one he didn't know he could see. What kind of telescope?

 Then Gu Xi left the Astrologer's Tower.

At this time, Luna and the others were already waiting for Gu Xi in the direction of the meeting hall.

While passing by the Council Hall, Gu Xi discovered that the steps in front of the Council Hall had been reprocessed, and all the original wooden steps had been turned into black stone steps.

 Luna and the others may have put the killing stone fragments in when upgrading the meeting hall.

 As a result, the Assembly Hall has obviously been affected. The current Assembly Hall looks like it is shrouded in the breath of death.

Even if Gu Xi has not gone there, you can still know that the Assembly Hall has been upgraded to level 2, and the upgrade speed of the Assembly Hall will be faster in the future.

 Gu Xi is quite satisfied with this. The better Aridovi develops, the more benefits it will bring to him.

Gu Xi now wishes that the Assembly Hall could be directly upgraded to level 9 so that he could put city walls and moats onto the battlefield.

 It's not like now that it has been upgraded to level 5, but because there is no summoning tower, it cannot be directly put on the battlefield.

Shaking his head, Gu Xi just arrived at the main city gate.

We haven’t seen each other for more than ten days. Gu Xi’s main city gate has obviously become much larger. The original single city gate has now become three city gates side by side. On the city gate, in addition to Gu Xi’s battle flag, there are six more. A white bone dragon. When he saw these bone dragons, Gu Xi knew that these things were hopeless.

 The bone dragons made from the corpses of **** red dragons are not as good as the earthbound dragons transformed by the Jing Dragon King.

The front limbs of these bone dragons are all connected to the wings. They look like bipedal flying dragons. They are not too long and have no other changes around them. This is the most **** type of existence.

 The only advantage may be that it will be stronger than the bone dragon made of ordinary bones.

 Gu Xi took one look at the attributes of these bone dragons and shook his head.

  【Bone Dragon (level 7, summoned troops): experience (3124/8000), attack 32, defense 16, life 180, skills: flying troops, undead creatures, giant creatures, knockback, aging curse. 】

 As expected, he is a **** level 7 soldier, not even a dragon's breath.

What kind of effect is knockback? The aging curse can't even affect skeleton soldiers. These bone dragons are really hopeless.

Apart from being placed on top of the main city gate as a facade, it is of no use at all.

Looking at Gu Xi shaking his head, Luna also asked at this time.

“Sir, would you like to go to the meeting hall and take a rest? I have seen a lot along the way, but the overall data still needs to be looked at.”


 Gu Xi thought for a while. There were some data that he always needed to know. After all, without knowing how many troops and strength information he had, Gu Xi wouldn't even know where he was.

Seeing that Gu Xi agreed, Luna quickly took Gu Xi towards the council hall.

Shaya and Princess Anna don’t have any objections. For them, going is not going anywhere.

However, when Gu Xi and the others returned to the meeting hall, Gu Xi found that all his heroes had returned.

 There are even Dimi who has just taken control of the army and Amilcar who is guarding the Scarlet Temple.

It seems that they all know what Gu Xi wants to do next.

  After taking one look at them, Gu Xi entered the meeting hall.

At this time, in the meeting hall, the original small room had become larger, and a long table was placed in the entrance hall.

 On the long table, there is a map of Alidovi City.

 Compared with the map at the barracks, the map in front of me is simpler, but the locations of the buildings on the map are clearly drawn.

Gu Xi stood at the map and could see the current attributes of Alidovi City at a glance.

  【City name: Aridovi (urban agglomeration)

 City Direction: City of Death

 Urban Characteristics: Primitive City

 City level: Level 5 (297/300)

City core: Aridovi Tower, Aridovi City (capital city), Aridovi City (not captured during the Tudor Dynasty), Aridovi City (not captured during the York Dynasty)

Core buildings (8/9): Assembly Hall (level 2) (gives 2500 negative energy points every day), tavern (level 2), dock warehouse (level 2), dock market (level 2), magic tower (level 1), Blacksmith's Shop (Level 1), Barracks (Level 3), Astrologer's Tower (Level 2)

 Station: Giant Garden (level 1), Skeleton Sword Soldier Camp (level 2), Despair Mage Tower (level 4), City Defense Tower (level 7)

 Special buildings: Sword of Courage, Clock Tower (Level 3), Evil Wood Lake (Level 1), Fire Pile (Level 1), Magic Vortex (Level 4), Blood Maple

 Large buildings (31/35):

Level 1: Dragon Bone Laboratory, Ghost Tower Bridge, Bone Magic Tower, Herb Cemetery, Soul Tomb Laboratory, Bloodfield Haunted Mansion, Wandering Street, Heart Eye Kendo Hall, Bay Temple, Mermaid Garden, Shipwreck Bay, Sloping Roof, Green Green Forest, Abandoned Farmland, Dead Eye Laboratory, Eagle Spider Nest, Star Curtain Cemetery, Blood Tomb, Mist Tomb, and Scarlet Temple

Level 2: Evil Church, Evil Bone Temple, Demonic Blood Mansion, Bloody Forest, Vampire Mansion

Level 3: Evil Bone Temple, Rotten Cemetery, Undead Tomb, Ghost Butterfly Garden, Rotten Farmland, Bloody Slaughterhouse

 Medium-sized buildings (41/59):

Level 1: Library, Haunted Pier, Weird Pier, Smuggling Pier, Lonely Pedestrian Square, Haunted Mine-Crystal, Witch Hut, Energy Orb, Burial Tree Pit, Witchcraft Chamber, Dryad Jungle, Bloody Herbs Garden, bright fire enchantment table, rotten swamp, rusty bone basement, dark prison, Maiden Plaza, twisted digital street, fast traffic light, school library, mummy recycling site, engineer camp, ghost power tower, ghost converter

Level 2: White Candle Factory, Owl House, Altar of Eternal Servitude, Graveyard Herb Garden, Underground Alchemy Laboratory, Blood Garden, Endless Ore Pile, Skinning Slaughterhouse, Blood Eye Vineyard, Bone Wilderness, Crow Forest

Level 3: Bloody Alchemy Laboratory, Blood Pool, Skeleton Transformation Field, Cannibal Garden

Level 4: Tomb, Pumpkin Patch

 Small buildings (25/80):

Level 1: Corroded Moat, Eagle Eye Arrow Tower, Vampire Statue, Energy Lighthouse, Iron Blood Assembly Point, Morale Drum Tower, Magic Arrow Tower, Sand Moat, Magic Fountain of Victory, Magic Tree, Hidden Manger, Atrium Arboretum

Level 2: Main city gate, garrison gate, steel city gate, plunder hall

Level 3: Bat Cave, Bone Column, Corpse Pile

Level 4: Well, Blood Throne, Plague Cauldron, Gathering Lamp, Tomb Chamber Steps, Empty Granary

Auxiliary buildings (115/150): street lamps*30, small dock for boats*25, twisted ancient trees*35, crow lanterns*25]

 (End of this chapter)

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