Breath of the Dead

Chapter 439: Arrange and count troops (175191)

Chapter 439 Arrangement and Counting of Troops (175191)

  The average order is 1917, this time it is really going to hit 2000, please work hard to get more updates!


After seeing the current situation in Alidovi City, Gu Xi had to admit that Luna had worked hard during this period.

But he really didn’t expect that there were so many empty plots of land for small buildings without proper architectural plans.

It seems that to solve this problem, either more arrow towers need to be built near the city gate, or the junk small architectural design drawings obtained from the Bailian Festival must be used.

It’s not that Gu Xi disdained those architectural plans, but that those architectural plans were inconsistent with Alidovi City in terms of added attributes and style direction.

 Even if there is blood maple to transform, the transformation will take time.

  Gu Xi could tell from the previous large buildings that the further away from the blood maple, the slower the transformation speed.

 Furthermore, soldiers can be transformed quickly, but buildings are not transformed as quickly.

“Luna, you need to pay more attention to the design of small and medium-sized buildings. Medium-sized buildings focus on various functional buildings. If small ones are not suitable, just go to arrow towers, city gates and moats.

 City development is important, but city defense is also important. "

Luna nodded to express her understanding, "Don't worry, sir, small and medium-sized buildings are already lined up. I estimate that in about six days, all the architectural design drawings will be completed.

 At that time, there will be more than 50 small plots. How to arrange them? "

 Gu Xi thought for a moment after hearing this. It would definitely not work to build arrow towers in all the fifty or so places.

Arrow towers must be built at some key locations so that when the city of Aridovi is attacked, they can defend the city immediately.

Gu Xi glanced at the map in front of him, pointed to the road to Alidovita and said: "The Dark Farm and the Undead Gathering Area, as well as the arrow towers on the roadside here, leave the rest of the space empty for now, the Magic Fountain of Victory, Build one more magic tree, secret manger, and atrium tree garden.”

Gu Xi decisively arranged the task, "In addition, there is an additional location in the core building. This time we are building a soul summoning tower. As a necromancer, we cannot do without the soul summoning tower. Moreover, Alidovi City is now at level 5. During the battle, The Soul Recalling Tower can be placed on the battlefield."

 Luna immediately responded to this point and ensured that the engineer camp could jump in directly.

 “Then there is the medium-sized building…”

 Gu Xi reviewed in his mind what he saw along the way, as well as the data and information obtained from Alidovi City, and began to make arrangements.

However, Gu Xi also knew that he did not come out specifically to build the city, and he would get other architectural plans in the future, so he could not occupy all the land.

For medium-sized buildings, he just selected some of the 11 architectural design drawings that he didn't like at first and arranged them.

 As for the progress, Luna will arrange it.

The only progress requirements Gu Xi made were the Soul Evocation Tower and the Weird Excavation Base.

 Luna handles everything else.

In terms of building Aridovi City, except for Gu Xi and Luna, no one else is even qualified to speak.

 When Gu Xi and Luna were talking, they could only listen there.

But this is also a good thing for them. They at least understand some of the conditions in the city and know how much combat effectiveness their soldiers can increase as long as their troops come out of Alidovi City.

 That's right, when Gu Xi and Luna said this, they had already calculated everything clearly.

 Except for the championship ring in Gu Xi's hand, which directly blessed the undead troops led by Gu Xi himself, all undead can take advantage of Alidovi City.

 The weapon replacement plan of the blacksmith shop, the magic fountain of victory, the magic tree, the hidden manger and other small buildings that improve attributes, the linkage blessings between large buildings, the enhancement of the evil wood lake, etc. Gu Xi and the others were not unaware, but they were shocked. If we did not calculate the offensive and defensive attributes of the leading players, heroes and bosses, as long as the undead trained in the city of Aridovi, everyone could have +8 attack and +8 defense. +5, life +21.

 What left Gu Xi speechless the most was that 2 points of luck and 3 points of morale were added here.

 This situation was something Gu Xi never expected.

You must know that this refers to all troops. Even those locusts with attack 1, defense 1 and life 1 will directly become powerful troops with attack 9, defense 6 and life 22 without the need for people to lead them once they are trained.

 It is not a problem at all for a locust to fight an ordinary ghost.

If there is another boss to command and the attributes are increased, it will not be a problem to directly exceed double digits in attack and defense.

 Hearing this situation, the four basic heroes showed a look of understanding in their eyes.

 They all understand why they have become so strong.

 It turns out that Gu Xicheng added attributes to soldiers.

Dimi and Amilcar, on the other hand, had no reaction. Both of them aimed to become leaders, and being a hero was just the beginning for them.

Not to mention that most of the troops under their command are mid- to high-level undead. These blessings falling on them are just icing on the cake, not necessary.

  If they want to make their men stronger, they still need to work **** their own.

 So neither of them showed any different expressions.

But soon all their attention was attracted.

 After calculating the increased attributes, he stopped out of curiosity and checked how many troops he had.

 How many combat teams have been formed with the undead leader?

In the end, this question didn't matter. The answer shocked Gu Xi.

 Because of the two large-scale acquisitions of undead bosses, plus the supplement of soul summoning.

Currently, the number of undead bosses under Gu Xi has reached 137, including 46 serious skeleton bosses, which is a combat team of 33 skeletons.

 In these combat teams, there are those who hold swords and shields, some who hold battle axes, some who hold war hammers, and some who hold short swords and daggers. It can be said that each fighting team has a different style.

 There are 9 serious sword and shield combat teams here, which is the largest type among them.

There are 5 more people with two-handed swords and 6 people with spears. They are directly in the bone-cutting camp and the black spear camp, but of course they are also included in this calculation.

 The rest are fighting squads with assorted weapons.

  Next are 13 skeleton archer bosses and 9 skeleton mage bosses.

 Then there is the zombie side. Because there were more bosses assigned to the Bailian Festival, there are now a total of 41 zombie bosses.

 Of the last 28, all are ghost leaders. It can be said that this is almost the number of undead leaders under Gu Xi.

 But these numbers are not equal to the number of Gu Xi's undead troops.

Gu Xi never expected that the undead and other troops under his command, combined, had already passed the line of 15,000 people.

 (End of this chapter)

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