Breath of the Dead

Chapter 440: Troops and Arrangements (176191)

Chapter 440 Troops and Arrangements (176191)

 Gu Xi confirmed this number several times before confirming that it was correct.

Although he doesn’t know why the number is so large, Gu Xi himself is quite happy.

 Because according to the information at hand, most of the more than 15,000 undead troops are above level 4, a few are above level 6, and there are even some level 8 troops.

 Some of these troops were divided by the undead leaders.

Most undead bosses are around level 5, and the number of troops they can carry is between 50 and 60.

More than a hundred undead leaders separated more than 5,000 and nearly 6,000 undead troops.

The troops under these undead leaders are all relatively individual beings, and the undead troops under them all move in their direction.

This situation has even affected the Skeleton Archer and Skeleton Mage bosses.

Among the skeleton archers, there are those with long bows, short bows, light crossbows, and heavy crossbows. Anyway, there are all kinds of archers.

 The same situation applies to skeleton mages, zombies and even ghosts.

 Each undead leader uses his own fighting style to influence his troops.

 Among the remaining troops, there are more than 7,000 basic troops belonging to the three categories of skeleton soldiers, zombies and ghosts.

Among them, the Rose Corps occupied 2,000, and the Black Spear Battalion and the Bone-cutting Battalion occupied 2,000.

 There are still three thousand soldiers, including one thousand and fifty skeleton soldiers, one thousand and two zombies, plus more than six hundred ghosts.

These have all been unified and standardized. All skeleton soldiers, zombies and ghosts have all been strengthened. Their current appearance is all that of standard troops.

 It can be said that no matter which unit they get, they can fight immediately.

If it weren't for the insufficient number of skeleton mages and skeleton archers, there might be more skeleton mages and skeleton archers in these troops.

 The remaining nearly two thousand troops are scattered undead troops, as well as some powerful beings who are not undead.

 For example, gargoyles, minotaurs, red dragons, etc.

The strength of these troops may be high or low, but their existence has enriched Gu Xi's fighting methods. No matter what situation he encounters, Gu Xi can always find a way to respond and deal with it through these troops.

 Looking at so many troops, Gu Xi also had a smile on his face.

 I can definitely get a big one this time.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi stood up and said, "Everyone, everyone has seen the current military strength in the city. There are more things we can do now. I decided to launch a strategy for the two periods of Alidovi City that have been opened. .

 Let Dimi handle the matter this time.

Amilcar, I will find a way to help you with your matter, but I have always had a question. Doesn’t the Scarlet Temple need an armory?

I just took a look and it seems that there is no armory built in the city. "

Hearing Gu Xi’s question, Amilka stood up immediately, “Sir, we used the temporary armory generated at level 3 of the barracks to build the Scarlet Temple in advance.

 As long as the exclusive armory of the Scarlet Temple is replenished within a year.

However, once this time limit is exceeded, the Scarlet Temple will be affected.

Furthermore, the attack and defense of the Scarlet Knights produced by the Scarlet Temple have not reached the highest level. "

“The barracks still have this function?”

 After hearing Amilka's explanation, Gu Xi was also a little surprised. “Yes, the barracks can now complete the re-equipment of 30,000 undead soldiers. Coupled with the efforts of the blacksmith shop, there are now many weapons there, so a temporary armory was established.

 The problem of changing equipment can be completed, but the attribute of increasing the combat effectiveness of soldiers in the city is not available. "

When Amilcar said this, he paused for a moment, because the soldiers in the city had also received many blessings in terms of combat effectiveness in other aspects, and the temporary lack of an armory did not actually affect them.

However, he still reminded Gu Xi that the armory is also the key to the temple. Even if there is no armory now, it must be made up for later.

"I understand, there must be more than one temple like this. Even if you don't tell me, the temples behind will also need armories, and the number of troops in Alidovi City will only increase. It is not the first time to always borrow the armory of the barracks. thing."

Hearing that there must be more than one temple mentioned by Gu Xi, Amilka's eyes lit up.

“Sir, will there be other temples in the future?”

“Of course, look, isn’t there a Bay Temple in the Green Lake District?

Although you can't take the cavalry out of it, they are really cavalry. "

When Amilcar heard this, he smiled helplessly. Those seahorse cavalry were really cavalry, but they couldn't fight on land.

However, Amilcar also understood Gu Xi’s attitude, and there will definitely be other temples in the future.

 I'm afraid there will be other knights by then.

Thinking of this, Amilcar said again: "Sir..."

"I will arrange the affairs of the knights, but it is impossible for me to put all the knights into one knighthood."

Amilcar also understands that knights are considered a high-level unit, and no matter what kind of knight they are, more money is invested.

 The Gu Xihui is willing to establish a Scarlet Knights Order when the number of Scarlet Knights exceeds 100. Naturally, there is such a reason.

 So Gu Xi will not put two different kinds of knights in the hands of one hero.

Even if this hero can become the leader in the end.

In Gu Xi's idea, after Amilcar reaches the leader level, his subordinates can lead a knight group, plus three combat groups, two comprehensive groups and a defense group.

 This is a more appropriate configuration.

Of course Dimi will also be in such a situation in the end.

  The leader level can bring seven heroes. As long as they reach the leader level, their subordinates can bring seven regiments.

 As for whether it is a combat group or a comprehensive group, it depends on the fighting styles of these leaders.

 At present, both Dimi and Amilka have only shown hero-level strength. Thinking so much is not of much use to Gu Xi and the others.

After replying directly, Gu Xi added: "Amilcar, I can give you time to wait until the Scarlet Knights are established. But after the Knights are established, Dimi will choose the remaining Alidovi City. You handle it.

 So you still need to train the troops you should train during this period. Don't stay in the Scarlet Temple all day long. If you stay there, the speed of sending troops will not increase if you don't have the materials. "

 After saying this, Gu Xi looked at the remaining four heroes.

“When I don’t need to fight, in the mist of Alidovita and the Magic Plant Zone, I will ensure that two heroes will clear the area every day. You can arrange the time by yourself, but I want to see the results.”

 (End of this chapter)

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