Breath of the Dead

Chapter 445: How to learn leadership skills (please subscribe)

Chapter 445: How to learn leadership (please subscribe)

However, Gu Xi did not make a decision because of the black-robed skeleton's words. Instead, he asked seriously: "Then will you teach anything else?"

“Yes, what do you want to learn? Destruction, chaos, light, order? I only know these four categories of magic.

I know herbology, potions and alchemy.

 Daggers, daggers, exotic weapons, I only know these in terms of physical combat.

 There is probably nothing related to the undead that is suitable for you to learn, but you still know a lot about the undead. "

Hearing Gu Xi’s question, the black-robed skeleton immediately started talking.

 It seems that these skills are simpler than several skills that must be learned using some special means.

This attracted Gu Xi's attention. Gu Xi had also heard of destruction and chaos magic, and its attributes were relatively close to those of undead magic and dark magic.

However, these are not as good as the leadership and logistics mentioned before.

If you want to learn more, Potions and Alchemy are a better choice.

 But those must come after leadership skills.

 At present, Gu Xi is most concerned about learning leadership skills.

Standing in front of the black-robed skeleton, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, then said decisively: "Ignore the rest, learn leadership skills first. You have to ensure that I can learn leadership skills. Otherwise, I won't even demolish this place." It will make you feel better."

"Don't worry about this. Our college has always said that if you want to teach, you will teach well. There is no chance of any problems. Are you sure you want to learn leadership skills first?"

Gu Xi looked back at the way he came. At this time, the train happened to pass by the place where he came up just now.

However, Gu Xi just took one look and said with certainty: "Sure, I want to learn leadership skills."

"Very good. If you want to learn leadership skills, then I have to tell you about the four treasures of our college. Our college is divided into four departments, which are symbolized by reindeer, bat, mountain leopard and crocodile. Four departments.

The representative animal of our department is the reindeer, which is responsible for logistics. The original treasure is a pair of antlers racks, which not only allows people to learn logistics for the first time, but also doubles the size of everyone's backpack.

The leadership skills you want to learn are from the Crocodile Department. They kept a huge crocodile in the lake in front of the original college, and the crocodile had a sword stuck in its head.

 You don’t need to pull out the sword, you just need to find the crocodile and touch the sword to learn the art of leadership.

The Bat Department masters the art of pathfinding. They have a cloak that can be taken to the sky as long as it is worn.

 When you can control the cloak and fly back, you will have learned the pathfinding technique.

The department that took away all the treasures was the Shanbao Department. The treasure of their department was a cup. Getting the cup means getting lucky. "

“Then what I want to learn about leadership now is to go to the lake and find a crocodile that I don’t know whether it’s dead or alive?”

“No, the professor from the Shanbao Department robbed three treasures from the other three departments. He put our three treasures into a cup, blended them into one, and drank it with his last breath.

 Now that our treasures are gone, if we want to learn leadership skills, we have to start from another aspect.

Go and find something for me. As long as you can find it, you can learn leadership skills. "

 After speaking, the black-robed skeleton stretched out his hand, and a very special white herb appeared in front of Gu Xi.

This herb is divided into three clusters, but has only one leaf, and a small skull flower grows on the top of the leaf.

"It's this kind of herb. If you keep walking along the railway track, you will see a fault in the valley. There will be this kind of skull flower. If you pick ten of them, you can learn the art of leadership." Gu Xikan He glanced at the black-robed skeleton.

“I don’t have much education, don’t lie to me. After picking herbs, didn’t I study herbal medicine? How could it be leadership skills?”

 “You can just go directly, and you will definitely have leadership skills when you come back.”

 “I don’t believe it unless you give it a mission.”

【Ding! At your request, you activate a temporary mission! 】

 【Temporary mission: Flowers grow from bones】

 【Task description: Collect ten special skull flowers】

 【Task requirement: Collect skull flowers (0/10)】

  【Task reward: Basic skill-Leadership. 】

  【Explanation: This is an opportunity for the undead to learn leadership skills. 】

As soon as Gu Xi finished speaking, there was a tingling sound in his ear.

 The temporary task requested by Gu Xi popped up.

 After taking a look at the description and requirements of the task, Gu Xi firmly responded: "Accept."

Seeing that Gu Xi accepted the mission, the black-robed skeleton also grinned, "Just accept the mission. By the way, this is a map. It will be more dangerous in these locations, so you have to be careful.

There are also many tasks hidden in this mountain forest. You can check them out for yourself. Don’t think that these tasks are unimportant. Sometimes ordinary temporary tasks are a good thing for you. "

 After saying that, the black-robed skeleton retreated into the giant skeleton, allowing the giant skeleton to shrink back into the ground.

When the giant skeleton was about to bury itself, the black-robed skeleton seemed to have thought of something else, "By the way, when you come back, remember to do another spiritual summons. Normally, no matter how long you call here, you still can't wake me up." of."

Hearing this, Gu Xi was speechless. Did he want his spiritualism to go to waste?

However, when he wanted to complain a few words, the giant skeleton had already buried himself, and everything returned to its original state.

At this time, Gu Xi had no choice. He glanced at the map and then handed the map to Xie Coffin.

 For Gu Xi now, the most important thing is to complete the mission, and first get the leadership skill.

As for other tasks, we have to wait until Gu Xi gets his most important thing.

It is impossible for him to leave leadership skills aside and learn other things.

 After taking away the map, Xie Coffin automatically analyzed the route of the map.

Although some terrains in the mountains cannot be drawn in detail on the map, there are many places that are shown on the map.

For example, if you don’t have a map, you might not know that there are two different train stations within such a short distance of a train running back and forth between the mountains and the lake.

It’s just that there is a big cross mark at the location of the train station. It is obvious that the two train stations have either disappeared or no longer exist.

In addition, there is an abandoned castle on the edge of the big lake. The sign on the castle is that it is dangerous and cannot be approached.

However, Gu Xi always had a feeling that everything drawn on this map was clearly meant to tell the person who got the map to go here quickly, there is something you want here.

 (End of this chapter)

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