Breath of the Dead

Chapter 446: Under attack? Why? (Please subscribe)

Chapter 446: Attacked? Why? (Please subscribe)

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 After leaving the burial place, Gu Xi sat cross-legged on the evil coffin, with the cold wind staff directly inserted into an iron chain.

With the devil's right hand dragging him, Gu Xi will not be thrown out even if he stands upside down on the evil coffin.

 Now he finally had the intention to take a look at his surroundings.

 At the same time, he was still thinking about something.

Although the task at hand was just to find the Skeleton Flower, after hearing the story about this mysterious academy, Gu Xi always felt that the black-robed skeleton was planning something.

 Does he want to use his own strength to find materials?

 Gu Xi always feels that things are not that simple.

When he left the burial place, Gu Xi suddenly patted the evil coffin and looked around with a solemn expression.

 Something seems not quite right.

 Before he was in this space, except for the sound when the train appeared, the woods were usually silent.

 The whole forest seemed to be dead.

Even when he chased the figure and found the black-robed skeleton, the situation was the same. The figure moved very fast but made no sound.

But there was a rustling sound coming from the woods in front of me.

 This situation is obviously wrong.

Gu Xi immediately reached out and grasped the cold wind staff, slamming the tip of the staff to the ground.

Storm of Bones!

 A huge bone storm spread outwards with Gu Xi as the center. A large number of nearby trees were directly cut into pieces under the influence of the bone storm, ice and fire.

When these trees fell down, Gu Xi noticed a large group of horses that had turned into skeletons and were running away into the distance.

When he saw this situation, Gu Xi didn't even think about it. He raised the cold wind staff and struck the escaping horses with a blow.

 “Magic Arrow!”

Following Gu Xi's spell, several flaming ice swords flew out from the cold wind staff and quickly hit several of the skeleton horses.

At this time, these skeleton horses turned around. They didn't know how they ran. They just took two steps on the ground and then stepped into the air. They opened their mouths and wanted to bite Gu Xi.

 “Storm of Bones!”

 Gu Xi immediately released the spell. When he did not lead his undead troops, spells like Bone Storm were considered the best defensive spells.

As the bone storm rose with Gu Xi as the center, the few skeleton horses at the front were beaten to pieces on the spot.

At the same time, Gu Xi turned his hand over and pointed to the place where a skeleton horse fell.

 “Bone shield!”

Then the steel city gate began to appear slowly, and the Earth-bound dragon immediately straightened up and stared at the charging skeleton horses.

However, these skeleton horses reacted very quickly. They exploded like bats immediately and disappeared in front of Gu Xi in the blink of an eye.

If Gu Xi hadn't looked at the scene after the battle in front of him, he would have doubted whether the scene just now was his hallucination.

At this time, the steel city gate has also been opened, and a large number of undead troops poured out from inside.

Princess Anna and the others also arrived with people.

 Seeing the current situation, they were all speechless.

Didn’t you agree to come over and study?

  Why did the fight start in less than a day?

“Sir, do you need to send some troops over?”

"It's not necessary for the moment. Just arrange for the corpse flies and gargoyles to come over. As long as I'm not attacked by others, my safety won't be a problem."

Gu Xi took a look at the situation around him and decided to let his men go out.     At least something like that just now cannot happen again.

“Sir, why don’t you send the Bone Locusts over here?”

“Okay, let’s send a hundred groups over.”

 Gu Xi thought for a moment and said, "You do your thing and leave some of the troops near the steel city gate to wait for orders."

Princess Anna actually wanted to assign some more subordinates to Gu Xi, but hearing Gu Xi’s intention, she didn’t force it.

 Anyway, Gu Xi can throw the city gate on the battlefield at any time. If anything happens, Gu Xi will not put himself in a dangerous place.

Just now, I just felt itchy and wanted to test my current strength.

 Otherwise, we wouldn’t have waited so late to open the steel city gate.

 The troops Gu Xi needed were quickly mobilized.

The corpse flies did not suffer losses in the previous battle, but they did not receive any replacements. There are still a hundred groups. The gargoyles have a production of three weeks, a total of forty-five.

Coupled with a hundred swarms of bone locusts, all the troops just appeared and blocked the sunlight above Gu Xi.

With these soldiers, Gu Xi felt confident. He waved his hand and the corpse flies stayed by his side to protect him, while the gargoyles and bone locusts were sent out to explore the way.

Gu Xi’s order is to treat everyone who can move as an enemy.

 As for the trees at this time, do not destroy them.

 After all, Gu Xi came here to study, not to destroy an academy.

 Gu Xi won't get much benefit from destroying this place. Now he just wants to ensure his own safety.

With the gargoyle exploring the way, Gu Xi soon left the forest.

 Because he was walking in the other direction, Gu Xi was getting further and further away from the train tracks.

But precisely because of this, Gu Xi discovered that there were many things he had not discovered in these mountains.

 For example, this is the situation at hand.

When Gu Xi walked out of the forest, he happened to reach the top of a mountain.

There are no trees on this mountain top, just some withered yellow weeds. However, Gu Xi discovered that there are many human figures carved from rocks on the top of this mountain.

 They have obviously been left here for a long time, and some of these figures have become mutilated due to weathering and weathering.

Gu Xi saw that inside these stone statues, there were male and female students. They were wearing the same black robe school uniforms that Gu Xi had seen on the train, with scarves around their necks.

It's just that everything on them has turned into lime gray, and Gu Xi can't tell which department they belong to.

These stone statues were placed together like toys.

 Gu Xi noticed that among so many stone statues, there was one group that was the most special, and that was the stone statues of children surrounded together.

 Among the stone statues, there is also a stone statue of a skinny kitten.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a themed statue of a group of naughty children bullying a kitten.

 In this case, Gu Xi could only say that the people who left these stone statues were really playful.

  After taking out the map from Xie Coffin and comparing it, Gu Xi stopped here for a short time.

The Bone Locusts and Gargoyles who were sent out also returned, and they brought Gu Xi news about the area within a hundred miles.

 Except for the attack that Gu Xi encountered just now, there is no trace of any living thing nearby.

In other words, those skeleton horses suddenly appeared and attacked Gu Xi, and then disappeared suddenly.

 This made Gu Xi couldn't help but raise a question mark in his mind.

That is why ah.

 (End of this chapter)

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