Breath of the Dead

Chapter 447: Basilisk's Toyland (179193)

Chapter 447 Basilisk’s Toy Field (179193)

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Just when Gu Xi looked puzzled, the sky suddenly darkened. Gu Xi looked up into the sky and found a huge mechanical castle flying over the sky.

The entire mechanical castle was made of steel. Even though it was about three or four kilometers away from Gu Xi, Gu Xi could still clearly see the rivets on the surface of the mechanical castle.

But what surprised Gu Xi the most was not this, but the various creatures flying like bats near the mechanical castle.


Just when Gu Xi was about to order the gargoyle to catch up, the mechanical castle disappeared into the sky just as it appeared.

Such a sudden appearance and sudden departure made Gu Xi couldn't help but doubt the space in front of him.

“It’s not even the world, it’s just a lot of shit.”

Gu Xi muttered something, glanced at the stone statues here again, turned around and prepared to leave.

If it was said that when he just left the black-robed skeleton, Gu Xi didn't notice anything.

 It has now been clearly told to Gu Xi that while the college is lost in the gap between time and space, the several departments that still exist are plotting against each other.

Although I don’t know what their calculations mean, it’s obvious that it has nothing to do with Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi came here to learn leadership skills.

As long as you master the leadership skill, it doesn't matter if you haven't learned the other three basic skills.

So Gu Xi has made up his mind that no matter who it is, as long as it does not affect his mission, he will pretend that he has not seen it.

But if anyone dares to stop himself from completing the task, then I'm sorry, even this space will be destroyed by you.

 “Ignore them, let’s go.”

  Looking at the dilapidated stone statues exposed to the weather and sun on the top of the mountain, Gu Xi had no intention of studying it any further. He jumped onto the evil coffin, glanced at the other end of the road, and finally left without looking back.

However, Gu Xi wanted to complete the task safely, but someone was not as good as Gu Xi wanted.

Seeing that Gu Xi was about to go down the mountain here and enter another forest, there was a sudden vibration behind him.

 Gu Xi didn’t even turn his head, he just raised the cold wind staff upwards.

 “Storm of Bones!”

The large-scale bone storm protected Gu Xi, and at the same time, a large number of white bone locusts rushed out behind Gu Xi.

The Bone Locusts are significantly more numerous than the Corpse Fly.

Corpse poison flies form a group of 400 to 500 individuals, while White Bone Locusts start with 500 individuals, and produce new White Bone Locusts through various devouring processes, and finally form a group of 1,000 individuals.

 At present, the White Bone Locusts have not reached this limit, but they are still close to 600.

 When they flew up, they pounced on the enemies behind them like dark clouds.

But just as the White Bone Locusts pounced out, a large number of them lost power and fell to the ground.

  This is obviously affected by some kind of force and has turned into stone.

Hearing the time falling like raindrops behind him, Gu Xi did not look back.

It is precisely because he knows what he is going to face that Gu Xi will not look back.

But just because he didn't look back didn't mean he didn't take action. The corpses of those white-bone locusts were the best material for Gu Xi.

Although in spiritualism, bone locusts are counted according to a group of corpses.

 But the corpse explosion is different. There only needs to be the corpse of a White Bone Locust in the corpse explosion.

Just because Gu Xi didn't look back didn't mean that he didn't know what was happening behind him. The Bone Storm he released was to sense the situation behind him.

When he felt a huge object approaching about ten meters behind him, Gu Xi pointed the cold wind staff behind him.

 “Corpse explosion!”

  Boom! boom! boom!

 A series of explosions sounded behind him, and without even looking back, he knew that an enemy was being injured within the scope of the corpse explosion.

Although the level of Gu Xi's corpse explosion is not high, and its power is only about half of the life of the White Bone Locust, it cannot withstand the +3 ice and +3 fire effects of this corpse explosion.

  No matter how strong the defensive power is, there is no way to withstand such an attack.

Amidst the explosion, Gu Xi felt that the enemy that was rapidly approaching him was retreating.

 Obviously he was frightened.

However, Gu Xi had no intention of letting the other party go.

 He just doesn’t want to get involved in some things, but that doesn’t mean Gu Xi needs to be afraid of them.

In Gu Xi's mind, if you don't provoke me, then I'll pretend you didn't see it, but if you come out to provoke me, then I'll die.

So after Gu Xi felt that the opponent had withdrawn from the range of the White Bone Locust corpse, Gu Xi raised the cold wind staff in his hand and turned around in a circle to the left.

This is a general command for the Necromancer, and is used to command troops on large battlefields.

 After all, on a battlefield, it is impossible for everyone to have the ability to inform the entire battlefield. Sometimes, it is impossible to direct a battle just by shouting.

 Some gestures have become necessary conditions in combat command.

This action of Gu Xi means that he is asking his men to attack with all their strength, regardless of the loss, and the main thing is to kill all the enemies.

Turning to the right is just the opposite. It allows the men to defend with all their strength, regardless of the enemy, and everything is focused on protecting themselves.

 As soon as Gu Xi's men saw such an order, they rushed out immediately.

Those white-skeletal locusts rushed out on the spot as if they had been ordered to eat.

Then Gu Xi heard rolling and crashing sounds from behind him.

This sound lasted for nearly three minutes, until a ding came from Gu Xi's ear and then disappeared.

  【White Bone Locust (summon) kills the rotten basilisk (level 9), you get 1 experience point (overflow storage 1 point), and the summons gets 1015 experience points. 】

 Looking at the information in front of him, a smile appeared on Gu Xi's face.

 He could finally turn his head.

But just when Gu Xi turned his head, the smile on his face immediately froze.

 Because when Gu Xi gave the order, he asked the Bone Locusts to attack with all their strength.

 The greatest ability of the White Bone Locust is to devour everything.

Although this rotten basilisk was just killed, after the attack by the white bone locusts, not even a single bone was left from the rotten basilisk.

Everything that can be seen has been swallowed up by the bone locusts, not to mention the skin and flesh of the rotten basilisk.

Even the internal organs and bones, and even the undigested things in the internal organs, were devoured by the white-bone locusts.

 Among the group of White Bone Locusts, there are now some new White Bone Locusts. Their size and appearance have not changed much, but their attributes have been significantly enhanced.

The most obvious thing is that the teeth of these new white bone locusts are much more pointed than normal, and there is a black liquid on their teeth. It is obvious that they are born by devouring the rotting basilisk, and they have a sharper texture than the original ones. Bone Locust has stronger abilities.

 (End of this chapter)

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