Breath of the Dead

Chapter 448: Wisdom tree in the woods (180193)

Chapter 448 The Wisdom Tree in the Woods (180193)

Looking at the battlefield where one layer of the ground was almost eaten away, Gu Xi felt a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat and almost didn't spit it out.

“Forget it, I don’t need a body like this, just pack them up and prepare to leave.”

If something like this happened before attending the Bailian Festival, Gu Xi would mutter a few words.

 But after the Bailian Festival, Gu Xi had over 10,000 troops, which was considered a small prince anywhere.

It's not like there are no level 9 soldiers. He has at least one or two corpses.

 After comforting himself, Gu Xi really left this time.

Not long after Gu Xi left, the stone statues that were originally thrown on the top of the mountain began to slowly change color. They changed from gray to normal flesh color.

However, too much time has passed, and even if the petrification effect is lost, these people cannot be resurrected.

In the end, he could only collapse on the top of the mountain, waiting for the wind and sun to blow, and finally turn into a fragment of white bones on the top of the mountain.

  I don’t know whether this fate is good or bad for them.

If they hadn't taken care of themselves, they would have been able to support themselves for at least a few hundred more years. With the way they are now, no one would know they existed within a few years.

After descending the mountain, Gu Xi entered a forest again.

Although Gu Xi sent the gargoyles and corpse flies out in advance for safety reasons, he did not wait outside the woods. When the evil coffin rushed down the hillside, it rushed into the woods smoothly. .

At this time, Gu Xi only had time to take a look at the colors of the trees in the forest, but could not see anything clearly.

 At this speed, let alone finding herbs or something in the woods, even if there is such a big tree there, you can’t see clearly what kind it is.

 Gu Xi felt the cold wind blowing against his face, and the speed of the evil coffin increased a few points.

 But Gu Xi did not stop Xie Coffin from doing this.

At this time, Gu Xi understood that Xie Coffin was moving forward according to his own requirements.

Gu Xi has only one thought in his mind right now, to rush to the valley designated on the map and find the Skeleton Flower.

Things along the way meant nothing to Gu Xi, so he didn't need to waste his time.

 But for some unknown reason, the less Gu Xi wants to cause trouble, the easier it is for accidents to happen.

As the evil coffin moved forward, Gu Xi suddenly felt his left wrist feel hot.

Since the last killing stone incident, Gu Xi has been hanging a special coin on the wrist of his left hand.

The purpose is to ensure that you are not affected by anything. Even if you are affected by abilities such as the mind, this thing can remind yourself to some extent.

 After all, those who play mind magic have a dirty mind.

Now as soon as Gu Xi felt something was wrong with his left wrist, his first reaction was to activate the effect of the spiritual lamp, hoping to see if someone was affecting his mind.

 Then he looked around to prevent being stared at.

But just as Gu Xi was taking action, a piece of dry weed flew out of his backpack.

 Gu Xi didn’t understand what it was at first.

 It wasn’t until the dry weeds flew a distance of about ten meters that Gu Xi realized what he was doing.

Isn’t this the introduction to the long-term task I have undertaken and the fading wisdom?

Is it possible that there is a dead tree of wisdom nearby?

Gu Xi opened the task list and took a look at it. He hesitated for a moment, and finally knocked on the evil coffin with the cold wind staff.

 “Follow, as long as you stay within one main direction, keep following.”

 Gu Xi’s idea was simple. If he was on his way, he could follow him and have a look. Anyway, the tree of wisdom was there and he couldn’t escape no matter how hard he ran.      Sorry if things don't go your way, the priority now is leadership skills.

 If you can get any benefit from the Wisdom Tree, just get it. If you can't get any benefit, just get it.

 Gu Xi now has a lot of level 4 skills. At the same time, he can also train at Chaoyang Guild. In terms of skill level, he is not short of one or two levels of skills that can reach level 4.

So he can do the tasks that come along the way, but if it affects the leadership skills, sorry, he will pretend that he didn't see it.

 After receiving Gu Xi’s order, Xie Coffin decisively followed the dry weeds.

The dry weeds don’t know how to care about their breath at all. Regardless of whether there is wind or not, they just float slowly in front of them.

 At the beginning, Gu Xi was still very anxious, but gradually Gu Xi's heart calmed down.

In Gu Xi's mind, he didn't seem to be in any hurry.

Now that the dry weeds have never drifted off the main route, let's go slower.

 Since I have already slowed down, why not just slow down a little more?

Gu Xi, who was sitting on the evil coffin, was swaying and almost wanted to fall asleep.

At this moment, the special coin on Gu Xi’s left wrist was burned again, which woke Gu Xi up.

This time Gu Xi became nervous again.

 There won’t be any other tasks to complete this time.

 There must be skills such as hypnosis that are affecting Gu Xi's mind.

Pressing his right hand on the special coin, Gu Xi thought to himself: What is this? It was obviously used for divination and anti-divination, but now it has become anti-hypnosis.

Smiling helplessly in his heart, Gu Xi raised the spiritual lamp again, preparing to use the power of the spiritual lamp to resist the hypnotic effect.

 At the same time, Gu Xi was still thinking that it would be best if he had the full set of the nine-tailed power now. At that time, no matter what kind of spiritual power it was, it would not be able to affect him.

 How is it like now, where you can’t discover it, and you can’t deal with it after you discover it.

 At this moment, the evil coffin suddenly stopped.

Gu Xi raised his head and looked forward with his soul lamp in hand, and suddenly found a huge tree falling in front of him.

 The fallen trunk of this big tree is more than thirty meters high, and the brown bark is covered with green moss.

In front of the big tree, Gu Xi found many bodies that had fallen on the ground and were covered with moss. They were obviously still breathing weakly. These bodies ranged from normal humans to rabbits and mice.

 Their heads are all pointed in the same direction.

There is no need to say much else. Just by looking at the situation in front of you, Gu Xi will understand what is going on.

I'm afraid there is some powder used for hypnosis under this tree. This is not spiritual hypnosis, this is drug hypnosis.

While thinking, Gu Xi pressed his nose with his hand.

You must not fall asleep in this situation. If you really fall asleep, Gu Xi may not be able to get out of the influence of this fallen tree.

At this time, the dry weeds leading the way slowly fell onto the big tree.

Facing the situation in front of him, Gu Xi immediately used spiritualism.

Although he is not sure whether the big tree in front of him is dead or alive, the black-robed skeleton before was activated by spiritualism. Gu Xi can also try it on the big tree in front of him.

  As Gu Xi’s spiritualism fell, an ancient and slow voice sounded.

 “Stop, slow down, slow down, my old waist...”

 (End of this chapter)

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