Breath of the Dead

Chapter 449: The Lost Tree of Wisdom (please subscribe)

Chapter 449 The Lost Tree of Wisdom (Please subscribe)

While he was talking, a face slowly grew out of the fallen tree.

It's just that this face is a little horizontal and a little distorted.

 Gu Xi could only tell that it was a feminine face, which was somewhat different from what Gu Xi had guessed at the beginning.

After changing its face, the big tree tried hard to grow another arm or something, but no matter what, she couldn't do it. She could only move the dead leaf in front of her by shaking.

“Oh, let me just say how can you find me? This is the traditional contact method of the Wisdom Tree. If I hadn’t read many books, I might not know this.

 It feels really uncomfortable like this, don’t resist, wake up..."

The next moment, Gu Xi felt as if something was broken before his eyes, and he found himself in a huge library.

 In the library, there are countless students reading and copying, and there are even a few standing around studying something.

 Looking closer, Gu Xi found that the situation of these students was a bit strange.

 Some students look like normal students, wearing black student robes and scarves of different colors around their necks.

  But there are still some students who are not right.

They have the heads of squirrels and rabbits. Compared with serious students, they look obviously a little confused.

 Gu Xi immediately figured out what was going on.

 These are the bodies sleeping in front of the big tree.

 “Young man, come here, follow me, and don’t touch any of the books here.”

At this moment, an old woman wearing a purple dress and her hair neatly **** walked up to Gu Xi.

She was holding a feather duster made of unknown feathers in her hand, and while walking, she was cleaning every book that flew in front of her.

 She did not introduce herself until she led Gu Xi to a sofa and asked him to sit down.

“Hello, outsider, I am the librarian of the college. You can call me Mrs. Sha. I think you must have heard about the college if you can walk such a long distance in these mountains.

 The college is gone, I don’t know where it went.

 Several department chairs used their last abilities to protect the students in their departments.

We ordinary teachers or public officials in colleges have no choice but to go crazy or die. Only a few of us can use our own methods to form a small field of our own and preserve a glimmer of vitality.

 What you see now are fragments of my memory.

 Originally belonged to the library of the college.

 All the books here are true, but also all false.

As long as you open a book at random, you must keep reading until you have read all the books here before you wake up from the dream. "

Mrs. Sha glanced at Gu Xi, as if to remind Gu Xi not to read any of the books here.

Gu Xi paid attention to these books at first. There were many more books here than in Gu Xi's library, and judging from the covers of each collected book, they contained advanced information for learning magic. books.

 Gu Xi even noticed that there is a restricted book section in this library.

If Mrs. Sha hadn't reminded her of this, Gu Xi might have picked up a book and read it.

But now, Gu Xi no longer had such thoughts. He lowered his head and did not look at the books.

“By the way, you came to me to improve your skills, right? I am not born with a tree of wisdom. I can only be regarded as a librarian hidden in the tree.

But I can take on this job, but I’m a little bad at it.     I just took a look and you have a lot of skills below level 4.

 I have two choices for you now. "

"You say."

 Gu Xi usually respects knowledge.

“One is to improve your professional skills. Among these skills, you can choose any one to upgrade to level 4.

 The other one is to improve all your skills, including your passive skills. I see there are some skills that you only have a preliminary understanding of, right?

But you can't choose this kind of passive skill, it can only be random. Whatever is given to you is what it is. If you have bad luck, you can't blame me. "

Having said this, Mrs. Sha glanced at Gu Xi again, "Of course, the tasks should be done. If you don't complete the tasks, I won't help you. After all, improving your skill level will consume my time. Edge energy, I need to add.”

Facing this question, Gu Xi thought about it seriously, then looked at Mrs. Sha again, and finally said something.

“All skills below level 4 are completely random.”

 Gu Xi is very aware of his current advantages. He can go to Chaoyang Guild to practice his skills at any time. It is very easy to reach level 4 of his professional skills.

 But passive skills are different, they need to be learned.

 After Princess Anna became a contracted undead, all the props in her hands were gone, and their levels were reduced to level 4. In other aspects, they were no different from the white version.

It becomes impossible for Gu Xi to borrow the Griffin Book of the Dead from Princess Anna.

 So many of his passive skills can only be stuck at this level.

Now if there was a random chance, Gu Xi would naturally choose to take a gamble.

Hearing Gu Xi’s words, Mrs. Sha glanced at Gu Xi in surprise.

 She did not expect that Gu Xi would make such a choice. She thought that Gu Xi would choose the appropriate skills to upgrade.

However, Gu Xi made a choice, and Mrs. Sha naturally had no objection, so she took out a few pieces of paper and folded them quickly.

“I need you to help me find these three things in these mountains. Once you find them, bring them over, and I will help you improve your skill level.”

Gu Xi was about to fold it and take a look, but was stopped by Mrs. Sha.

  “Don’t read any more from me. Once you start, you won’t be able to stop.”

 Gu Xi's heart tightened and he stopped what he was doing.

 Gu Xi knew very well that he did not have much resistance to various hypnosis methods now, and he did not want to trap himself in this kind of dream.

"Thank you, I understand. When I go out, can I look at this directly, or should I look further away?"

"You can take a look after you go out. I see you are very careful. What's the matter? Have you suffered a loss before?"

“Yes, I have been affected by people’s spiritual abilities, so I am careful in everything I do now.”

Gu Xi said helplessly.

Even though he was given an orange equipment, the impact of the killing stone last time on Gu Xi was still too great.

“Don’t worry, I don’t mean to control you, but you have to find enough of what I ask you to find for me. If something goes wrong, don’t blame me for not helping you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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