Breath of the Dead

Chapter 450: Earthbound Spirit in the Valley (please subscribe)

Chapter 450 The Earthbound Spirit in the Valley (Please subscribe)

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As soon as Mrs. Sha finished speaking, Gu Xi's eyes lit up and he found that he was lying on the evil coffin, with drool still flowing from the corner of his mouth.

 As soon as he lowered his head, Gu Xi found three folded white papers in his hand.

 Gu Xi thought for a while, and finally put away the three pieces of white paper, jumped on the evil coffin and left this place.

After getting out of the influence of the fallen wisdom tree, Gu Xi took out three pieces of white paper.

 There are three items recorded on the white paper that need to be found.

These three mission items are actually not difficult, nor do they require quantity, but they have a specific direction, either to kill someone and remove a certain item from him, or to take a special item from a certain place. .

Anyway, these items obviously have independent uniqueness.

 The style is also quite unique. If you want to look for it, you either can’t find it or you can see it at a glance.

 Gu Xi folded the paper of the mission item again, and raised the cold wind staff into the sky.

 A gargoyle fell in front of Gu Xi.

"Take a look at these three things, pay more attention when exploring the road, and report back immediately if you find anything."

 The gargoyles took the white paper, glanced at the information on it, and then quickly flew away.

As soon as he flew away, other gargoyles immediately received corresponding messages.

 All gargoyles can come back and tell Gu Xi immediately when they find something unusual in the sky.

 After letting the gargoyle go, Gu Xi also patted the evil coffin.

They were delayed a bit just now, but now they had to rush to the valley quickly to find the Skeleton Flower.

This time Gu Xi didn’t encounter anything strange along the way.

This journey has been quite smooth.

 There were no enemies that suddenly appeared to attack him, no people getting lost, or some strange items left behind by people.

Even after leaving the influence of the Wisdom Tree, Gu Xi himself became more and more energetic.

So Gu Xi simply sat at the front of the evil coffin, watching the trees passing by and relaxing his mind.

 After about half an hour of this, the evil coffin stopped near a hilltop again.

At this time, Gu Xi also noticed the situation in the valley in front of him.

 According to the map, this is the valley where the Skeleton Flower is produced.

This valley looks no different from an ordinary mountain forest, but when Gu Xi stood on the top of the mountain and looked down, he had a different feeling.

The entire valley was shrouded in thick clouds and mist. Those clouds and mist were not normal clouds and mist, but exuded a faint dead gray color.

It is also accompanied by a strong rancid smell. If Gu Xi was not in the game right now, the smell alone could make people vomit.

After noticing the unusual aura emanating from the valley, Gu Xi also became wary.

Since entering the game, he has encountered many corpse burial places and soul gathering places, but he has never encountered such a situation.

 The situation in front of us is either because there is a small undead city of high level buried under this valley.

Either this was once the burial place of a high-level necromancer.

 No matter what the situation is, it is not a good thing for Gu Xi.

 It seems that if you want to get the skull flower this time, you may have to fight. While he was observing the situation in the valley, there was also a slight vibration of the ground in the valley.

Hearing this voice, Gu Xi's heart tightened.


There is no need to do any movement, the gate of the steel city appears behind him. The ground binding strange dragon lying in front of the steel city gate raised his body for the first time, staring at the every move in the valley below.

The Earthbound Dragon obviously has its own wisdom.

 His mouth was grinning widely at this time.

 Obviously, the Dixie Dragon has reached the following situation.

 The breath in the valley felt familiar to him.

 A powerful being died here and became undead here.

 One who, like him, is part of the earthbound spirit.

Just as the Earthbound Dragon was getting ready for battle, more than thirty gargoyles flew out of the valley.

Before these gargoyles could fly out of the valley, a red light flashed behind them, and the three gargoyles were chopped into pieces in the air and fell into the gray fog of the valley.

 Then right now!

There was a muffled sound on the ground!

I saw a huge full-body armor about ten meters high rumbling out of the valley!

This full-body armor is blood red, shining with an eerie luster under the sunlight, and the surface of this full-body armor is actually inlaid with dark gold edges.

Those dark golden edge lines are fine and complex, as if there is a special magic power, forming one after another like rose patterns on the surface of the armor.

The shape of this full-body armor is very strange, and it gives people a feeling of being both evil and domineering.

In the hands of this full-body armor, he was holding a two-handed battle ax that was not much shorter than the armor!

The battle ax is all silver-white, emitting a cold light, which looks particularly dazzling under the sunlight.

But that’s not what attracted Gu Xi.

Instead, there are white skulls hanging on the body of this armor. They are obviously relics of countless wars and are intimidating.

These skulls are densely distributed on the back of the armor, hanging from the shoulders to the waist, as if wearing a cloak made of death and terror.

This armor seems to have been stained a deep brown by time and dust, but its existence cannot conceal the ghostly aura emanating from the skull.

 When the armor moved slowly, all the skulls seemed to come alive in an instant. They were laughing there, mocking everyone who tried to get close to it.

Gu Xi recognized it at a glance. The skull cape on the armor. Isn't that his target this time, the skull flower?

 No wonder ten are needed.

These one or two flowers may fall accidentally, but the ten flowers are clearly telling Gu Xi that he must defeat the armor in front of him and collect the Skeleton Flower from his body.

When Gu Xi was speechless, the armor also noticed Gu Xi. He raised his head, raised the two-handed battle ax in his hand, waved it in Gu Xi's direction, then turned around and walked back to the valley. .

This time shocked Gu Xi.

 What's going on? They all walked to the door and didn't come out?

 Is this looking down on yourself?

Just when the armor turned around, the Earthbound Dragon suddenly moved. He opened his mouth, and a ball of water spurted out and hit the armor's body.

This time it was regarded as an active attack by Gu Xi. The armor became angry on the spot and struck the Earth-bound dragon with an axe.

But at this time, the body of the Earth-bound Dragon turned around, and a large amount of water was quickly wrapped around the keel, turning it into a water clone.

And he used his body to receive the armor's full blow.

 (End of this chapter)

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