Breath of the Dead

Chapter 451: Powerful enemy (181193)

 Chapter 451 Powerful Enemy (181193)

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The ax of the armor is quite powerful, and before the battle ax hits the earth-bound dragon, a white light has already flashed out.

But he never expected that when the white light fell on the earth-bound dragon, it would slide on the water flow, circle around the water flow, and finally fly back along the original path.

 It just hit the armor itself.

  Armor never expected that the Earthbound Dragon could be such an existence that could reflect all physical attacks.

 This attack could easily kill three gargoyles before, but now the attack just bounced back and landed on him.

At this time, the armor felt the power of its own attack for the first time.

With one blow, the huge armor took a few steps back.

 At the same time, a piece of his chest was obviously cut and dented.

   It was not chopped open?

 Gu Xi was also shocked.

The defensive power of this armor also surprised Gu Xi.

If he hadn't fought himself, Gu Xi would probably have had no good outcome from this battle.

However, there was an Earth-bound dragon blocking the way in front of him, and Gu Xi was not afraid of the armor rushing over to hit him. He quickly came to the gate tower of the steel city gate, held up the cold wind staff, and struck at the giant armor. hit.

 Magical arrows.

  Fifteen days are enough for the Magic Tower to research all the magic derivative skills.

The current magic towers have begun the second round of research on derivative skills.

 At this time, the magic arrows already have two effects: scattering and elemental injection.

Elemental injection allows Gu Xi to control whether to inject ice or fire effects. Of course, if Gu Xi does not control it, it will have both effects.

  Scatter allows Gu Xi to shoot three magic arrows at the same time.

The current Gu Xi wants to test the defensive power of this armor.

 So he immediately released the most powerful magic arrow among the three arrows.

Three magic arrows hit the armor, but they could only change the color of the armor. It was not even as effective as the previous blow.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Xi's brows furrowed involuntarily.

 Although his level is not high, his attack power is always not weak.

This armor is obviously not of such a high level, how could its defense be so high?

 The three magic arrows did not cause much damage to the opponent?

Gu Xi shook his head and released another bone storm.

At the same time, the earth-bound dragon also sprayed out water dragon breath, hitting the location where the armored battle ax attack had bounced back.

The Earthbound Dragon's water dragon breath does not do much damage to armor. When the water hits the armor, all the water will be reflected back.

However, in terms of rebound attacks, the armor is obviously not as good as the Earthbound Dragon.

Earthbound Dragon is an absolute professional.

 Speaking of a rebound, it means that everything rebounded, leaving no opportunity for increases or decreases at all.

As for the armor, it doesn't have that kind of strength. Although the water column sprayed by the water dragon's breath did not cause much damage, it was bounced back and only popped up about seven or eight meters. The water flow fell to the ground. , and it no longer has the power it had before.

But Gu Xi doesn’t care about this.

 He found that the armor in front of him was obviously strange. It could resist the dual effects of physical attacks and spell attacks.

 This is obviously wrong.

 There cannot be total defense.

At this time, Gu Xi thought for a while and then his eyes fell on the valley floor.

 Various thoughts kept running through his mind.

 Suddenly he had an idea.

Maybe the armor in front of you is not the real thing. This idea quickly emerged in Gu Xi's mind.

He glanced at the armor that was fighting fiercely with the Earth-bound dragon, then pointed at the gargoyles that had just escaped, and let them fly into the valley again.

 The gargoyle had no objection to Gu Xi's order.

They spun around in the air and flew back into the valley.

At the same time, Gu Xi began to communicate about the situation in Aridovi City. If what he guessed was true, then the body of the armor should be in the valley, and troops would probably be sent into the valley by then.

I don’t know how many troops there are in Alidovi City, and whether this battle can be fought.

Just when Gu Xi was about to mobilize his troops, the armor that had not been able to achieve the desired effect was unleashed again.

 He also saw that the Earthbound Dragon could reflect all physical attacks.

 This situation is even more unsolvable than a ghost.

 The ghost is just immune to 50% to 70% of the physical attack effects.

But the Earthbound Dragon simply ignores physical attacks 100%, and can also rebound counter-attacks.

 Such a situation made the armor a little timid and did not dare to attack with all its strength.

 Because once he takes action, he will be hurt in the end.

 Armor knows very well where its defense power comes from, and what its attack power represents.

If there are a few more rebounds, his armor is likely to be broken by his own attacks.

 At that time, the internal structure of his body will appear in front of the enemy.

 So he had to think of another way.

At this time, the gargoyles had also flown into the valley from a distance.

 At this time, the armor also noticed this situation.

This armor chooses to dodge at the first opportunity and chase the gargoyles that it can defeat.

Looking at this situation, Gu Xi also laughed.

If you want to escape, it depends on whether he is willing to let him go.

 Gu Xi put his right hand on the gate tower of the steel city gate and jumped down. The evil coffin appeared at Gu Xi's feet in an instant, taking Gu Xi away for a distance.

Then Gu Xi pointed his hand forward, and the steel city gate disappeared from Gu Xi's side and was thrown in front of the armor, blocking the way of the armor.

Seeing this situation, the armor also understood what Gu Xi wanted to do.

 The armor was also angry.

 Want to block myself in the road.

Then we have to see if you have such ability.

As soon as the armor turned around, there was no need to kill in the direction of Gu Xi. He only needed to strike with the axe, and a beam of ax light flew towards Gu Xi.

 In his opinion, a weak mage like Gu Xi could not withstand his own blow without anyone to protect him.

But he didn’t expect that Gu Xi had already calculated everything.

When moving the steel city gate forward, Gu Xi immediately released the garrison gate.

The light of the ax hit the gate of the garrison city.


With this blow, half of the garrison gates shook.

At this time, Gu Xi could feel the strength of this armor.

Had it not been for the timely appearance of the garrison gate just now, he would have been chopped into two pieces by now.

  Along with the garrison gate, the straw hunters on the gate and the undead tree pit outside the gate were also released.

They were also shocked when they saw the ax coming.

This guy's attack power is very strong.

 (End of this chapter)

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