Breath of the Dead

Chapter 45: Small town businessman (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 45: Small Town Businessman (please follow up)

The style of the town of Cairns is different from that of Victoria City. The town in front of you is full of a British rural style. The town is not big. There are various plants planted outside every building. .

 The flea market here is also organized on the streets and in the gardens in front of each villa.

 In every garden, there will be one or two stalls.

  Anyone can enter the garden on their own and pick out the items they want from the stalls.

 Gu Xi walked around several gardens and found that just as the coachman said, country people really like all kinds of mirrors.

Most of the stalls in the flea market sell all kinds of mirrors, from palm-sized cosmetic mirrors to full-length mirrors as tall as one person, from the most popular mercury mirrors to older bronze mirrors.

There are even some people who found a large number of mirror fragments from unknown sources and put them on the stalls for sale.

Those who came to buy things did not take it seriously. Instead, they pointed at some mirror fragments, trying to pick out some good things from these mirror fragments.

 For such a situation, Gu Xi naturally would not just look at it, he would sometimes take a look at the mirror situation.

However, most of them are ordinary mirrors, and only a few parts are mirrors contaminated with strange powers, but not many are contaminated, and they fall into the category of gray garbage.

Those who sell mirrors do not think that the things they sell are garbage, and they often charge quite high prices.

At first, Gu Xi thought that he was carrying more than one pound. Even if he was not a rich man, he could still buy something here.

But he never imagined that he was so poor here. With the little money he brought, he really couldn't afford anything.

At the same time, Gu Xi also discovered some cultists here. They didn't even mean to hide their identities, they just walked around openly wearing black robes.

 The stall owners and passers-by here are not surprised, and some even say hello to them.

 Gu Xi had no intention of taking care of such a matter.

 At this time, he just regarded it as wasting some time and increasing his knowledge.

 Gu Xi had already planned to spend an hour or two here, and after having lunch, he would return to the previous bus stop and take the steam bus back.

 He is not going to leave the tavern after that. As long as the people on the other side of the Compass of Destiny get things done and he has laid an anchor, he can quit the game in front of him.

With this thought in mind, Gu Xi’s attitude when looking at the flea market in front of him was different from others.

 He didn’t have anything he wanted, and he didn’t have anything to sell. He just came to hang out and kill some time.

This made the stall owners look at Gu Xi differently. They all thought that Gu Xi was an expert and they looked down upon the things in front of them.

 Gu Xi walked out of a garden and was about to take a look in the garden in front of the next villa when a man stopped Gu Xi sneakily.

"Guest, I think you are looking for something good. I have the goods here, the best."

Gu Xi took a look at this man. He was not too tall, with a high nose and deep eyes. He had freckles on his face. He was wearing a top hat, with messy red hair exposed under the brim.

He was wearing a black trench coat. Even when he was standing in front of Gu Xi, he pressed the trench coat tightly. His movements were clearly the same as those of the roadside sellers Gu Xi had encountered before.

 “What, are there any good goods?”

"Yes, this way!" The man's eyes lit up when he heard this. He looked around and took Gu Xi to the roadside. Then he pulled up his windbreaker, revealing what was hidden under the windbreaker.

 Gu Xi took a look and saw, my dear, this guy actually had at least thirty mirrors hidden inside his windbreaker.

Most of these mirrors are mercury mirrors. Some are complete and some are broken. However, each mirror is engraved with magic patterns of one kind or another.

With Gu Xi’s current knowledge base, he is unable to fully understand the magic text on the mirror. “How about it, I didn’t lie to you, I have good stuff.”

 “Where did it come from?”

Gu Xi did not take action, but observed from a distance.

"Don't worry about where you came from. My name is Solo. I am a professional. My profession is an adventurer. I have the ability to find treasures. These are all identified by me. They are different from the fakes on their stalls. I have them all here. It’s good stuff.”

Looking at these mirrors from a distance, Gu Xi couldn't judge the quality of these things. He hesitated and said nothing more.

As soon as Zoro saw Gu Xi's reaction, he knew that he was hesitating, so he immediately said: "It's here, pick it up and take a look."

As he spoke, he took off his windbreaker and brought it to Gu Xi.

Gu Xi did not hesitate now. As soon as he touched them, information about these mirrors appeared in Gu Xi's eyes.

 【Ordinary mirror (gray)…】

  【Mirror surface stained with a strange atmosphere (gray)...】

  【Mirror affected by strange power (grey)...】

  【The strange mirror that has lost its power (gray)...】

 The more Gu Xi looked at him, the more helpless he became, and the change in his eyes also fell into Solo's eyes.

This surprised Zoro. He never expected that Gu Xi would be so picky.

These things are all carefully selected by him.

Even the professionals from the city and the powerful cultists recognized his vision, but Gu Xi couldn't look down on any of them.

 After Gu Xi took a look at everything here, Zoro carefully took out a box and said.

The box is completely dark black, and there are many magic patterns engraved on the surface of the box, as if they are sealing something.

"I said these guys don't like it, right? Let's take a look at these mirrors. It's not that I don't want to take them out, but these mirrors are so weird that even I have to seal them in lead boxes. ”

"open to take a look."

Although Gu Xi was not very satisfied with the mirrors hanging on his windbreaker, he had to admit that Solo still had a discerning eye.

 At least half of the mirrors hanging on the windbreakers have a strange aura.

 It's much better than the stuff sold at those stalls in the garden.

 So he is actually very optimistic about Solo's choice.

Hearing Gu Xi's words, Solo opened the box. Gu Xi noticed that there was a fragment of mirror placed on the first layer of the box.

This fragment is only the size of a palm, but it is made entirely of pure silver. One look at it and you can tell that the original mirror was a good thing.

 But for some reason, Gu Xi felt a sense of death on the mirror.

 This mirror is dead?

 (End of this chapter)

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