Breath of the Dead

Chapter 46: Different mirror surfaces (seeking reading)

Chapter 46 Different Mirror Surfaces (please follow up)

 “I found this in the ruins of a castle when…”

Solo also wanted to explain the origin of this mirror fragment to Gu Xi, but Gu Xi had already picked up the mirror fragment himself.

[Dead Magic Mirror (Green): This was originally an omnipotent and omniscient magic mirror, but it deceived its owner and brought disaster to the owner. Before its owner died, she killed the deceitful mirror with her own hands. The magic mirror. 】

 Looking at the information that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi felt even more surprised.

 He picked up the mirror at first because the dead energy on the mirror attracted Gu Xi.

Gu Xi has seen dead cities, but not dead mirrors, so he is a little curious.

 But he never expected that there would be such a story behind the mirror.

“Wait a minute, tell me where this mirror comes from?”

  Holding the mirror, Gu Xi interrupted Solo's bragging.

Zoro was not angry when he saw it, but responded quickly: "The ruins of the castle behind the woods over there are the woods with a lot of wild boars. I heard that there are too many wild boars in that woods, and there is obviously an iron No mine can be mined.”

Solo said while pointing in one direction.

However, the range he pointed at was relatively large. Gu Xi looked in the direction of Solo's finger, but could not see anything.

 “Okay, I want this mirror fragment.”

"Okay, I won't negotiate the price with you. I only want thirty-five pounds. Of course, gold and other items of the same quality are also acceptable."

So expensive?

 Gu Xi frowned, feeling poor again.

But he turned over his hand, took out a piece of strange rat skin and asked: "How about this thing?"

 Solo can find so many special mirrors, so he naturally has a certain sense of strange auras.

The moment Gu Xi took out the strange rat skin, Zoro knew that this thing was no worse than the mirrors inside his windbreaker.

"Yes, but the quantity is not enough. As you know, this kind of leather is not easy to sell. I..."

As Zoro negotiated the price, he thought quickly in his mind. If he could get a few more pieces of these weird rat skins, he could look up at his windbreaker and change it again, so that the power in those weird mirrors could be collected. , it won’t disperse so easily.

 It’s just that the businessman, although he wanted it in his heart, still put forward more demands.

 Gu Xi has been around the flea market so much that he already knows the prices here.

He knew that this kind of item, which obviously had a strange aura, was very expensive in the hands of ordinary people.

“Two skins at most. If you want it, take it. If you don’t, forget it.”

Hearing Gu Xi’s tone, Solo immediately responded.

 “That’s okay, just two skins.”

 It looks like he is unwilling to trade for fear of interest.

  Gu Xi was also speechless about this situation. He couldn't say that this silly boy didn't know which things were expensive and which were cheap.

  He can only say that the level of the flea market is relatively low, and the contact surface is relatively low.

In this way, Gu Xi finally avoided the embarrassment of having no money. After delivering the two strange rat skins, Gu Xi also put away the [Dead Magic Mirror].

 Then he asked: "Is there anything else in the box?"

"Yes." Seeing that there was business to be done, Zoro quickly opened the bottom of the box.

There is also a mirror placed on the next floor of the box, but this one is different from the [Dead Magic Mirror]. The mirror in front of you is full of weird aura.

This aura is much stronger than the mirror inside Solo's windbreaker, but Gu Xi can tell at a glance that the mirror is essentially no different from the garbage in the windbreaker.

[The strange mirror of prayer (white): A strange believer continues to pray in front of the mirror at twelve o'clock every night, attracting the strange and transformed mirror. This mirror can summon a strange mirror with a level not exceeding level 5 (note : The summoned weirdness is not controlled by the summoner). 】

This thing can only be regarded as an average thing, not comparable to the [Dead Magic Mirror]. Gu Xi took one look at it, raised his head and said to Solo: "A piece of skin, if you want it, just take it, if you don't want it, forget it."

 “Okay, sell!”

When Solo saw it, he realized that this was a big customer. He quickly handed the [Praying Mirror] to Gu Xi and quickly opened the third floor.

There is still a mirror in this layer. After opening the third layer, Solo sighed and said: "This is the last piece. Apart from this, I don't have any other mirror with better quality."

 Gu Xi looked down and found that the mirror was a gold-rimmed vanity mirror. This vanity mirror also had a strange aura about it.

[Mirror of Strange Rules (White): A mirror that can write three rules, true and false, and form a strange field through the rules to kill intruders. The rules can be modified once for each person killed, with a maximum of three people (0/3 )】

Looking at the information on the makeup mirror in front of him, Gu Xi suddenly thought of the mirror that was packed in the luggage on the steam bus.

This mirror of rules is the same as the mirror that was smashed by Gu Xi, except that the mirror in front of you is much smaller, and the number of rules that can be written is not that many.

 Only three rules can be written down in total, and Gu Xi believes that this kind of rule must not directly kill people.

There must be other explanations here.

 “This is interesting, a piece of skin.”

"No, add more of this. This thing is really difficult to get. I found the other two by myself. I got this thing from a cultist. It's quite dangerous."

“Well then, I’ll add an extra piece of leather, but you want ten pounds in cash.”

 Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, and finally expressed his request.

Sauro didn't want to agree at first, but the weird rat skin that Gu Xi brought out was too important to him. Finally, he bit his teeth and said, "Okay, let's just consider that I will bleed heavily this time. That's it."

  After handing over the strange rat skin, Gu Xi didn’t ask for the lead box and just put the three mirrors into his backpack.

Solo dug out some coins from various places on his body, pieced together ten pounds and handed them to Gu Xi.

 “Thank you!”

After collecting the money, Gu Xi felt confident and started shopping in the flea market again.

But this time Gu Xi never met another businessman like Solo.

 After walking around for a few times, Gu Xi, who didn't find anything good, had the idea of ​​returning to the city.

But after looking up at the sky, Gu Xi found a nearby tavern and sat down.

  “Is there anything you can recommend?”

“Yes, the most famous thing here is the pigeon pie!”

 (End of this chapter)

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