Breath of the Dead

Chapter 47: New news sent (please follow up)

Chapter 47 New news (please follow up)

Gu Xi never expected that he would barely catch the steam bus back to the city after eating just one of their pies.

Their pigeon pie is clearly the ceiling of the dark culinary world. Live pigeons are wrapped in dough and baked in the oven. This method is really something that no one else but the British can think of.

Just to rest his stomach, he was a little uncomfortable because he was hungry during this period, and coupled with the stimulation of the pigeon pie, he almost became dehydrated.

At the same time, it also consumed a little bit of the physical strength that Gu Xi had finally replenished. On the way back, Gu Xi remained slumped in his position, with no intention of moving.

 Fortunately, there were no problems along the way. When Gu Xi staggered into the tavern, the bartender at the front desk glanced at Gu Xi.

“I said what’s wrong with you, can you still eat the soft rice tonight?”

"Forget it. Is there anything I can do to fill my stomach? I'm about to die now."

 Gu Xi said helplessly, these are all professionals, and they were almost killed by the food here. It seems that Luna's idea is right, Alidovi City should build a tavern first.

 Otherwise he would become undead within a few days of staying there.

"Okay, let me make arrangements. You need to drink more sugar water like this. I won't arrange for anyone to disturb you tonight."

As the bartender spoke, he mixed a cup of sugar water for Gu Xi.

After Gu Xi drank it all in one gulp, he returned to the room and collapsed. As for the gains he had made during the day, Gu Xi was not in the mood to sort them out now.

Now he just wants to take a good rest and replenish all the energy he has consumed along the way.

It was just that when Gu Xi was sleeping until midnight, something suddenly happened in his heart. The Shattering Staff quickly fell into his hand, and at the same time, a bone spur appeared in his left hand, and he pointed at the door.


At this sound, Gu Xi found a figure appearing at the door.

 “I didn’t was you?”

Gu Xi was about to say that he didn't order any service tonight, but he found that the waiter standing at the door was the waiter on the other side of the Compass of Destiny.

"How did you come."

"Your things, this is a comprehensive document, this is the transfer deed. After you sign it, the land is yours."

The waiter threw a packet of information onto Gu Xi's bed expressionlessly.

 Gu Xi opened these documents and looked at them quickly. He found that just as the waiter said, it was the title deed of the ruins at the end of Greenwich Street.

At the same time, there is a transfer deed and a legal document. It can be said that as long as these documents are signed, the land will be interest-free.

It's just that Gu Xi is a little curious. Do the people of Destiny Compass deal with things in such a hurry?

 Went into other people’s rooms in the middle of the night to deliver things.

With such doubts in his heart, Gu Xi still signed his name on these documents.

After signing these documents, Gu Xi looked up at the waiter.

At this time, the waiter said with a gloomy face: "The agreement between us has been completed, please take care of yourself."

“Wait, can I ask what happened?”

Seeing that the waiter had a wrong look on his face, Gu Xi quickly stopped him. "It's nothing. I'm in trouble. The ruins look like ruins on the surface, but they're actually a complete apartment building. They just put some spells to drive people away to make them look like ruins. Plus, the stuck The events in Mden and Damingwe districts have made some people reluctant to take over these ruins.

 In the end, no one knew that this place was secretly occupied.

 When our people were doing this, they were attacked several times, and only then did we discover the problem.

Now that the land deed is handed over to you, it is your own business whether you want to take back the apartment or not. "

 After saying that, the waiter glanced at Gu Xi, snorted heavily, and then disappeared in front of Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi heard something in the waiter's words, but before he had time to ask what was going on, the waiter had already disappeared.

At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through Gu Xi's mind. This waiter would have suffered a loss in that apartment building.

 The more Gu Xi thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

 Otherwise, the waiter would not have explained the matter in such detail. He is clearly telling himself that the place he picked has been occupied by someone else. Now that the place legally belongs to you, you must seize it.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi no longer felt sleepy. He sat on the bedside and seriously considered the situation in front of him.

 The waiter's strength was obvious to Gu Xi. Although he didn't know how high his level was, it was obvious that he was definitely a professional. Even someone like him suffered a lot. The apartment building was full of dangers.

 Just shrinking back when you see danger is not a good habit.

Instead, the danger before him aroused Gu Xi's motivation. After thinking seriously for a moment, he jumped out of bed, put on his clothes, picked up his luggage, and quickly went out.

When he went downstairs, the bartender who was still working just raised his head and glanced at Gu Xi without saying anything.

After leaving the tavern, Gu Xi was about to head towards Greenwich Street. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he looked up and saw that the human head hanging on the Victoria Bridge was emitting a pale yellow light.

 It was like lighting a large oil lamp in the middle of the bridge and directly covering the entire bridge.

Gu Xi glanced over there and couldn't help but sigh that the eldest brother who had his head cut off was so powerful. He had been dead for who knows how many years and he could still exude such an aura. How powerful was he when he was alive? Awesome.

With this thought in mind, Gu Xi was not too bored along the way.

Soon he came to the ruins at the end of Greenwich Street.

If it wasn't for the waiter's special instructions, Gu Xizhen would never have thought that there was an apartment building hidden behind the ruins.

Now, Gu Xi, standing in front of the ruins, had a different idea.

Whether it’s a ruin or an apartment building, it’s now named Gu.

Standing outside the ruins for a moment, Gu Xi walked towards the ruins without saying a word.

As Gu Xi walked towards the ruins, he suddenly had the idea that he had something else to do.

But Gu Xi immediately realized that this was a kind of drive against him, but Gu Xi was obviously the owner of the land in front of him, so why should he leave.

"I am the owner of this land. This land is mine. Even if the Queen of Britain comes, this land is still mine. I want to see if I want to return to my own land. Who dares to stop me? footsteps."

I’m asking for collection, reading, publicity, recommendation, and monthly passes. I’ll ask for whatever you have. Please help me.



 (End of this chapter)

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