Breath of the Dead

Chapter 48: Hidden small building (please support)

 Chapter 48 The hidden building (please support)

As Gu Xi said these words, the force stopping Gu Xi became much weaker, but there was still a force stopping Gu Xi from moving forward.

Gu Xi thought about it and immediately understood what was going on.

He said loudly: "I am the owner of this land, and I make decisions as the owner of this land. This land is the land of Damingwei District and belongs to Damingwei District. It has nothing to do with Camden District."

 As soon as he had finished speaking, the force that had stopped him completely disappeared.

At the same time, the ruins in front of us also changed. The entire ruins retreated to both sides, and various materials were piled up into a strange three-story building. This small building only covers an area of ​​about 200 square meters. The entire small building looks It looks like a good apartment building with some materials pieced together.

Twisted and weird, but Gu Xi noticed that the windows in this small building seemed to be more and larger than a normal apartment building, as if it had been specially modified.

In addition, there is a small garden covering an area of ​​about 100 square meters outside the small building.

 There are a variety of special flowers and herbs grown in the garden.

 A hint of a smile appeared on Gu Xi's face.

It seems that his guess is good. There are only two rules for excluding foreigners here. One is that this place has no owner. If the owner of this place brings legal land deeds or other materials, these first-level rules cannot stop it.

 The second floor is about the division of neighborhoods. It can be said that the owner here has really taken people's hearts into consideration.

Just as he thought, no one would choose to give up the opportunity of Camden and let this house be located in Damingway.

 So the people here have occupied this place for so many years in vain.

Now that the owner of this place is here, it is useless no matter how many people occupy it.

Looking at the apartment building that appeared in front of him, Gu Xi took two steps forward with the Smashing Staff.

 At the same time, behind him, a gate made of huge stones quickly appeared.

 The skeleton soldiers under Gu Xi were walking out of the gate.

 “Go in, take this apartment, and clean it all out.”

The skeleton soldiers all know what Gu Xi means by cleaning up. This does not mean asking the skeleton soldiers to clean up, but asking the skeleton soldiers to clean up the dangers in the apartment building.

After all, the apartment building in front of him didn't look like a normal building. If he didn't have time, Gu Xi would have thought about demolishing the apartment building and building a new one.

Just after the skeleton soldiers rushed out, before they reached the door of the apartment building, Gu Xi heard the strong sound of wind.

A snake tail as thick as a person swept past the gate, smashing the skeleton soldiers at the front into pieces.

Then Gu Xicai saw the situation in front of him. He found that a giant snake was nailed to the door. Only the tail of the snake could move. Three iron nails were driven into the head of the snake, making the snake become one with the door.


 When he saw the situation in front of him, Gu Xi ordered decisively.

Luna, who had been hiding behind Gu Xi, understood instantly. She quickly appeared behind the snake and pointed at it.

 Touch of ice!

The snake was quickly frozen. At the same time, several skeleton soldiers quickly stepped forward and pierced the giant snake's seven inches with their spears.

  【Skeleton soldiers (summons) kill magical mutant snakes (level 4), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, the contracted undead get 10 experience points, and the summons participating in the kill get 5 experience points. 】

As the snake was killed, a piercing alarm sounded in the apartment building.

The sound was sharper than Luna's banshee wail, but it was not aggressive.

 But as the sound sounded, a large group of owls flew out of the nearby window. There were a lot of these owls, and in just a few seconds, hundreds of them swooped towards Gu Xi.

 Don't think that owls have little attack power. They are also carnivorous creatures and usually eat rabbits, rats, and snakes.

When they flew out, they pounced directly on the skeleton soldiers, as if they wanted to drag the skeletons into the sky and throw them away.

 Gu Xi only has this few troops at his disposal, so he must not let his men be destroyed right here.

When the owl flew down, Gu Xi pointed at the sky.


 Then ten bone spurs flew out and pierced the owl's body like arrows.

 【Kill the magic owl (level 1), you get 7 experience points. 】

  【Kill the magic owl (level 1), you get 6 experience points. 】


When Gu Xi took action, several skeleton soldiers quickly stood in front of Gu Xi. They held up their shields and blocked the attack from the sky for Gu Xi.

Since he didn’t have to worry about his own safety, Gu Xi locked eyes with the owls in the sky the moment they died. He pointed at the bodies of the owls and said again.

 “Corpse explosion!”

This time, the bodies of several owls exploded on the spot, killing several owls nearby.

After killing a few more owls, Gu Xi's skeleton soldiers began to kill these owls.

Although the number of owls is large, their level is actually not high. When they came in a large group at first, they looked quite powerful. However, after being bombed for a round, the situation became much simpler. A skeleton soldier As long as the owl is not dragged into the sky, it can easily kill twenty owls.

 This is even more true now. These skeleton soldiers went out with all their strength to kill the owls. They cooperated with each other. Some were holding two-handed swords at a close distance, and some were holding spears at a distance.

As long as the owl falls down a little height, it will be easily nailed to the ground.

At this moment, the door behind Gu Xi and the others suddenly opened, and a black figure rushed out from behind the door.

The way the black shadow moves is quite weird. It looks like it is floating. However, the black shadow cannot float too far. It will stop somewhere after flying about ten meters.

When he stopped, he could see the original appearance of the black figure. It was a man in black robes. His face was completely distorted and there were not many teeth left.

 But after the man stood firm, he pointed at Gu Xi, and a red light shot out from his hand.

 The skeleton soldier in front of Gu Xi quickly raised his shield and stepped forward, blocking the red light with himself.

When the skeleton soldiers exploded, Gu Xi also retreated to the rear and threw two bone spurs at the black shadow.

It's just that Gu Xi's bone spurs are much slower than the movement speed of this black shadow.

Several bone spurs flew out, but failed to hit the enemy.

But fortunately, this black shadow needs to stop before he can attack. When he turns into a black shadow, he cannot attack others.

 Gu Xi's hands kept moving, making it impossible for this guy to stop.

At this time, Luna also received Gu Xi’s prompt and was looking for an opportunity to freeze the enemy.

While Gu Xi was preparing in this way, the skeleton soldiers also killed all the owls and began to rush towards the black shadow.

 (End of this chapter)

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