Breath of the Dead

Chapter 49: The Twisted Magician (please read)

 Chapter 49 The Twisted Magician (please follow up)

 The effect of Luna's ice touch is quite good. As long as it comes into contact, no matter what level it is, it will be affected to some extent.

This was the opportunity that Gu Xi was waiting for. When Luna froze the shadow, Gu Xi raised his hand and a bone spur flew over.

The black shadow was frozen for a moment, and his body visibly froze. The way he turned into a black shadow and moved immediately stopped, and the bone spurs easily penetrated into his body.

As he was stabbed by bone spurs, the skeleton soldiers near Gu Xi immediately pounced on him, attacking the guy with spears and swords.

This guy also uses his own power to continuously emit red light, which can shatter a skeleton soldier with every blow.

But the number of skeleton soldiers was too much. Even if he could fight again, he would only break two or three skeleton soldiers.

  This guy was hacked to death by the skeleton soldiers within a few strokes.

  【When the Skeleton Soldier (summon) kills the Twisted Magician (Youth, Level 3), you will get 18 experience points, the combat team will get 1 experience point, the contracted undead will get 22 experience points, and the summons that participated in the kill will get 4 experience points. 】

Twisted Magician? What kind of existence is this?

 Before Gu Xi could figure out the relationship, a sound of high-speed movement suddenly came from behind him.

Gu Xi looked back and found that another man in black robes dressed like the twisted magician appeared in the small courtyard of the apartment building.

It's just that he looked older, with long white hair peeking out from the black hood. The hair was already shiny and oily, and he didn't see him taking care of it.

When he stood still in the courtyard, he first saw the black figure beaten to death by the skeleton soldiers.

At this time, the face of the man in black robe became distorted, "Harry, you killed my son, I will kill you!"

 After saying this, the man in black robe pointed his hand forward, and the same red light hit Gu Xi.

 The skeleton soldiers beside Gu Xi quickly stepped forward and blocked the blow for Gu Xi.

However, Gu Xi clearly noticed that the corpses of the skeleton soldiers that were blown to pieces this time were obviously more broken.

 “Hold him off.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he threw bone spurs at the opponent. At the same time, he was still thinking in his mind that next time he would have to learn a long-range attack method that could track the enemy. If he always relied on bone spurs, he might not be able to kill him. enemy.

 Under Gu Xi’s order, the skeleton soldiers quickly stepped forward.

 But this twisted magician, like the twisted magician who was killed just now, has the ability to turn into a black shadow and move at high speed.

  Skeleton soldiers are simply unable to catch up with the enemy at their speed.

 Gu Xi also wanted to ask Luna to freeze the enemy like before, but this person's reaction was faster than Luna's. Sometimes even if he paused, he could take off in an instant and dodge the attacks directed at him.

Facing such a fast-moving enemy, Gu Xi knew that relying solely on skeleton soldiers was not enough. He shouted decisively: "Luna, howl!"

Luna understood Gu Xi's meaning instantly. The moment the man started to start again and turned into a black shadow, there was a scream in the direction of the man's progress.

 The Banshee Wail is activated!

Luna's screams spread to the surroundings, and the black shadow that had just started was beaten out on the spot.

 When he came out of the effect of the moving shadow, Gu Xi pointed decisively over there.

 That person also knew that Gu Xi could release bone spurs, so his body quickly rolled to the side.

 Gu Xi just pointed casually and when he rolled, three flying knives were shot out from Gu Xi's left hand.

The flying knife flies faster than the bone spurs, and can accurately point to the desired location. Although this guy rolled fast, a dagger still stuck in his body. But he had no intention of taking off the dagger. Instead, he stood up and pointed in Gu Xi's direction.

 At this time, there were no skeleton soldiers holding shields under Gu Xi's men.

 But a skeleton soldier holding a spear immediately appeared in front of him, and he volunteered to block the blow for Gu Xi.

And Gu Xi also took this opportunity to throw a dagger at the man again.

That look seems to be telling the enemy that I have no magic power anymore, so come and cause trouble for me.

Sure enough, this man also sensed the meaning of Gu Xi's attack, and he rushed towards Gu Xi's direction decisively.

 But just when he was about to start, Gu Xi suddenly took out the crushing staff and pointed it at the man in black robe.

 Because Gu Xi took out a new weapon, the black-robed man was startled, and his movements were obviously slow.

Gu Xi happened to see him stepping on the corpse of a skeleton soldier. Gu Xi didn't think much and launched a corpse explosion at the skeleton soldier.


  The power of the secondary corpse explosion is directly proportional to the life of the corpse.

 A small explosion broke the man's left leg on the spot.

When the nearby skeleton soldiers saw this situation, they rushed forward decisively, intending to hack the man to death on the spot.

 But the next scene left Gu Xi stunned. The man actually raised his right hand and put a ring inlaid with a large stone in his mouth.

There was no movement from him, and a scream came from inside the small building. The sound was like a person's cry before death, and the scream was even more pitiful than Luna's banshee cry.

Gu Xi didn’t know what was happening inside the small building. As he was looking over there, he saw a ball of blood flying out of the small building and accurately landing on the man in black robe.

When the blood fell, the man in black robe instantly absorbed all the blood. Then Gu Xi was surprised to find that the leg of the man in black robe that was hit by the bomb returned to its original appearance.

Even the pale hair of the man in black robe has turned black, and he looks full of vitality.

 Is this rebirth or resurrection?

 Gu Xi had a puzzled look on his face, but he still understood. The ring with the large stone absorbed the power of the blood, restoring the strength of the man in black robe to its strongest level.

 Gu Xi's previous attacks for most of the day were all in vain.

Facing such a situation, Gu Xi was very decisive, "Come on, don't let him run."

 Luna immediately appeared behind this man, and the touch of ice fell on him.

But at this time, the combat power of the man in black robes had obviously increased to its peak level. The ice only appeared on him for a moment and then disappeared on the spot.

Gu Xi couldn't care about anything else at this time, and the five bone spurs flew towards the man in black robe. At the same time, Gu Xi quickly rushed towards the man in black robe. This time it seemed that he was going to engage in close combat.

As soon as the man in black robe saw Gu Xi rushing towards him, he stretched his hands forward and hit Gu Xi with two red lights.

Gu Xi did not dodge, the two skeleton soldiers jumped out on the spot and exploded in front of Gu Xi.

With the opportunity for the skeleton soldiers to explode, Gu Xi decisively rushed in front of the man in black robe, and hit his head hard with the crushing staff.

 (End of this chapter)

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