Breath of the Dead

Chapter 50: Resurrection Stone (please read)

Chapter 50 Resurrection Stone (please follow up)

The man in black robe reacted quickly this time. As soon as he stepped back, his body quickly turned into a shadow, preparing to turn into a shadow again.

But Luna was right behind the man in black robe. She didn't give the man in black robe any chance at all. When the man in black robe turned into a black shadow, she opened her mouth again and screamed at the man in black robe.

Before the man in black robe could move his body, he was shaken out of the shadow state by Luna.

Just at this moment, Gu Xi's smashing staff hit the man in black robe on the head. With this blow, the man in black robe's head split open on the spot.

At the same time, four or five skeleton soldiers also grabbed the limbs of the black-robed man so that he could no longer turn into a black shadow. The skeleton soldiers behind raised their spears and two-handed swords and kept slashing at the black-robed man.

 In just a blink of an eye, the body of the man in black robe was chopped into pieces like a torn bag.

But this man in black robe was still quite ruthless. After being beaten from the strongest state to being seriously injured, he not only did not feel disappointed, but also laughed.

 When he was chopped, his body turned into a black shadow again, but this time the black shadow gave people a dark red feeling.

Even Gu Xi, who had rushed to the front, smelled the strong smell of blood on the black figure.

 Gu Xi always felt that something was wrong here.

 “Luna, stop him!”

Luna screamed on the spot, but everything seemed a little late.

Under the wail of the banshee, the black shadow of the man in black robe was shaken away again, but the man in black robe who fell to the ground laughed. He reluctantly raised his head, stared at Gu Xi, and kept talking. The ground was bleeding.

"You are dead, you are dead!"

 Before Gu Xi knew what was wrong, Luna discovered a serious problem.

 “The ring on his finger is gone.”

 Gu Xi's heart tightened, and he quickly looked at the right hand of the black-robed man. The stone ring that could draw blood from the small building and quickly restore the black-robed man's life was still there.

This made Gu Xi a little confused, but he immediately noticed that the man in black robe seemed to be missing a finger on his left hand.

Although Gu Xi didn't know what happened, he knew he couldn't let the man in black robe do this again.

 “Cut off his hand.”

Several skeleton soldiers rushed out and were about to cut off the arm of the man in black robes, when the ground nearby shook for a while.

 The skeleton soldier wanted to retreat to protect Gu Xi, but Gu Xi said decisively.


The skeleton soldier didn't think much and chopped off the black-robed man's arm on the spot.

Gu Xi stepped forward and kicked the arm aside, preventing the man in black robes from having another chance to regain his life through the ring.

 Then other skeleton soldiers stepped forward and killed the man in black robes on the spot.

 【Kill the Twisted Magician (elderly, level 5), you will get 73 experience points, the undead who participated in the battle contract will get 46 experience points, and all summons that participated in the kill will get 6 experience points. 】

But until he was killed, the man in black robe had a smile on his face.

 This situation is quite strange.

At the same time, when the man in black robe died in battle, the shaking on the ground became stronger and stronger, and even the nearby small buildings began to shake. Gu Xi didn't even have time to clean up the body of the man in black robe, so he could only take the severed arm aside.

 【䱱picked up the Resurrection Stone (pseudo, blue)*1】

[Resurrection Stone (fake, blue): A mass product produced in batches to imitate the Resurrection Stone, the holy object of death. It can be used to resurrect corpses that have been dead for no more than three hours (resurrection requires the life of an innocent person, and the body has Part of it is distorted, and this pain can never be relieved)]

Looking at the ring on his hand, Gu Xi finally understood what had just happened. He was taking other people's lives to resurrect himself.

These guys are considered evil magicians. No wonder they used this method to hide this small building. If they were discovered by people in Victoria City, they would be treated the same as cultists.

Just when Gu Xi thought about this, he suddenly raised his head. At this time, a huge antler popped out from the ground, knocking down half of the small building on the spot.

 Subsequently, a strange deer with a twisted body crawled out from the ground.

More than half of this strange deer has a rocky body, with long and short antlers on its head, with at least seven antlers. The largest one is two meters long, and the smallest one is one meter long.

There are a lot of flesh and blood, internal organs and other things hanging on the antlers of the deer. The blood keeps dripping on the deer's face, making the deer look quite scary.

 As for the deer's body, it is even more patchwork with many weird and weird things. You can even see things like clothes, weapons, skin, flesh and bones appearing on the deer's belly.

I don’t know how such a monster was kept under the small building.

Before Gu Xi could understand how this thing appeared, the strange deer took the initiative to rush forward. When it rushed forward, the small building behind him that had been knocked down by half fell down on the spot.

As soon as the strange deer started, Gu Xi's bone spurs, Luna's banshee wail, and the living skeleton soldiers all headed towards the strange deer.

Unlike the previous twisted magician who could turn into a black shadow and move quickly, this strange deer was not afraid of any attacks at all. When the bone spurs fell on him, they were stuck, and he didn't care at all.

The Banshee's Wail hit the target directly, and the Skeleton Soldier didn't even look at it. He bumped into it on the spot, killing anyone who blocked it.

 After two hits, Gu Xi knew that the power of his bone spurs was still too weak, so he immediately changed his attack method and pointed at the skeleton soldier who had just been killed.

 “Corpse explosion!”

Just in time, this strange deer stepped on the corpse of the skeleton soldier. When the corpse exploded, a piece of the strange deer's body was blown off.

But what Gu Xi didn't expect was that this strange deer didn't care about the damage at all. It just lowered its head and charged at Gu Xi as usual.

Gu Xi also understood that judging from the current situation, the damage done to the strange deer just that day was actually not that big.

 It is almost impossible to kill this strange deer with a corpse explosion.

  In other words, Gu Xi basically can't break his defense against this strange deer now.

  Such a situation was something Gu Xi had never encountered before, and he was not sure what to do for a while.

At this moment, the strange deer became fierce, opened its mouth and bit a skeleton soldier blocking the road to death.

Looking at this opportunity, Gu Xi pointed his hand at the strange deer's mouth. The skeleton soldiers exploded on the spot, causing some blood to spurt out from the strange deer's mouth.

But the strange deer acted as if nothing was wrong and continued to attack in its own way. There was no change in the means of attack.

At this time, Gu Xi finally determined that his little attack power was nothing in front of the strange deer. If he wanted to kill the strange deer, he would have to use other methods.

 (End of this chapter)

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