Breath of the Dead

Chapter 51: The Power of the Weird Mirror (please read more)

Chapter 51 The power of the trick mirror (please follow up)

"Luna, you lead that guy to the small building, and I will figure out the rest."

As Gu Xi said this, he started running towards the small building. As for the skeleton soldiers, no one was directing them now. They were just killing the strange deer there.

 In any case, their attacks are just trivial to the strange deer and cannot hurt the core of the strange deer at all.

Gu Xi ran to the small building and quickly took out the [Praying Mirror].

 Gu Xi knew that this thing could summon a monster below level 5, but he didn't know whether the summoned monster could be controlled.

 That’s why Gu Xi has never thought of using the [Praying Mirror].

It's different now. The strength of this strange deer may be above level 5, and it is a kind of existence with thick skin and blood.

 With Gu Xi's current troop strength, there is simply no way to cause him much damage.

 Only by going up to level 5 or so of weirdness can you see if you can hurt this strange deer.

Taking out the [Praying Mirror], Gu Xi aimed it at the head of the strange deer and threw it heavily.

His throwing skills were acceptable. With this throw, the [Praying Mirror] hit the strange deer in the face.

 Then a click was heard.

The [Praying Mirror] was broken into pieces, and a crystal-like arm stretched out from the fragments of the [Praying Mirror].

Then what came out was a man whose whole body was made up of crystals.

After he appeared, he stood directly on top of the strange deer, turned his head 180 degrees, faced Gu Xi, and made a face at Gu Xi.

With just this action, Gu Xi could tell that this strange person had murderous intentions towards him. It seemed that there was another problem with the plan this time.

Unexpectedly, the strange deer felt something standing on his face at this time, and hit his head straight up hard.

The strange man who was still provoking Gu Xi was knocked to the ground on the spot, and then the strange deer stepped on it, almost trampling the strange man to pieces.

This strange man was angered.

At first, this weird man was still thinking about hitting Gu Xi, but now he no longer cares about Gu Xi, and his target has directly turned to the strange deer.

This strange man was summoned by Gu Xi. His ability is to turn everything he comes into contact into crystal.

 Then smash the enemy into pieces. With this method, you can deal with it even if the dragon comes.

Of course he also has a weakness, that is, his body is very fragile and will break if someone hits him.

 And if he wants to transform the enemy into crystal, he must contact the enemy personally, so his level is only level 5. Otherwise, this weird ability would have been level 10 long ago.

After changing the target, the strange man immediately confronted the strange deer. When the strange deer stepped towards him again, the strange man reached out and grabbed the strange deer's leg. Under the activation of his ability, the strange deer's left front leg was on the spot. It turns into crystal.

The strange deer was still stomping down heavily. Under this stamp, his left front leg was smashed into pieces on the spot.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi was also surprised. He didn't expect that this strange man could do this.

It seems that this strange man is also the enemy he will face after Gu Xi.

The strange deer lost its left front leg, its body became unstable, and it fell to the ground on the spot.

But the strange deer was also quite fierce. After falling to the ground, he instinctively bit the left side and bit the strange man into his mouth on the spot.

This strange deer may not look like a deer, but its mouth is clearly that of a carnivore. As soon as he bit it down, the strange man who had just gained the upper hand didn't even react before he was bitten into his mouth.

The weird man's reaction was also quick. When he was bitten, he reached out decisively and stuck on the teeth of the strange deer. His strange ability was activated, and half of the teeth of the strange deer were turned into crystal.

But the strange deer had already fixed its sights on the strange man. He didn't give the strange man a chance to turn over. He bit the strange man in two with a strong force on the spot.

 The trump card that Gu Xi finally unleashed was completely useless within a few minutes of playing the game.

However, the strange man's death was not in vain. With his death, one-third of the strange deer's head was turned into crystal.

 This was the best opportunity he created for Gu Xi before he died.

 When Luna saw such an opportunity, a banshee howled on the spot.

And Gu Xi did not miss this opportunity. He pointed at the corpse of the strange man and chose to conduct a corpse explosion.

Sonic attacks like the Banshee's Wail are very destructive to crystals. With Luna's roar, a third of the monster deer's head was blown off on the spot.

This time it really made the strange deer angry. The strange deer, which had been silent all this time, actually roared out a sound this time.

But just when he opened his mouth, Gu Xi's corpse exploded. The strange man's corpse exploded in the strange deer's mouth, completely exploding the strange deer's mouth.

This strange deer couldn't care about anything else at this time. He got down on three legs and rushed towards Gu Xi.

Seeing that such an attack had not killed the strange deer, Gu Xi felt a little embarrassed.

 But he still stared closely at the strange deer. When the strange deer ran to the body of the giant snake that had just been killed, he paused again.

 “Corpse explosion!”


The vitality of the giant snake just now was strong enough. Coupled with the loss of its left front leg, the monster deer's body was somewhat dragging the ground. The explosion of the giant snake was from the belly of the monster deer. The strong impact actually hit the monster. The deer was blown to the sky.

Although the strange deer did not fly very high, it still hit the small building behind it heavily that was not completely destroyed.

When the strange deer hit it, it was like a bowling ball hitting a pin, and it flattened the remaining small building.


Seeing that Luna was about to wail like a banshee again, Gu Xi immediately made a decision.

The power of the banshee's wail was still a little weak, and it could not deal another blow to the strange deer, so Gu Xi had to consider the possibility of the strange deer getting back up again.

At the same time, Gu Xi was looking for corpses that could be used as materials for corpse explosions. There was no need to think about the bone spurs. The power of these bone spurs could not kill this strange deer.

Since the corpse explosion can still be used, maybe the corpses of the two twisted magicians can be used.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi pointed at the corpse of the old twisted magician and said.

 “Take this thing and rush inside.”

As soon as Gu Xi finished speaking, the strange deer that knocked down the small building got up again.

At this time, he was in quite a mess. At least half of the antlers on his head were broken off, and only one-third of his head was left.

At the same time, the explosion just now exploded in the belly, so a huge wound was opened in the belly of the strange deer, and all the internal organs inside flowed out.

 “Rush up and charge towards his belly!”

 (End of this chapter)

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