Breath of the Dead

Chapter 52: Harvest and discovery (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 52 Harvest and Discovery (please follow up)

The two skeleton soldiers listened to Gu Xi's order, decisively lifted the body of the old twisted magician, and rushed towards the strange deer.

The strange deer did not expect that someone would dare to charge at him just after he got up. Without thinking much, he stretched out his right front paw and wanted to hit him.

At this moment, Luna's ice touch also fell on the strange deer, slowing down his movements.

Two skeleton soldiers carried the body of the old twisted magician, rushed to the wound on the belly of the strange deer, and stuffed the body into it with a raised hand.

 “Corpse explosion!”


The power of the corpse explosion this time was no less than that of the giant snake. Once exploded, the body of the strange deer was blown into two pieces on the spot.

The remaining skeleton soldiers were not idle either. They attacked the strange deer crazily, until Gu Xi heard the sound coming from the system, and then he stopped them.

 【Kill the twisted magician who failed to transform (mutated, elite template, level 6), you will get 106 experience points, the undead who participated in the battle contract will get 66 experience points, and all summons that participated in the kill will get 9 experience points. 】

With the death of this strange deer, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn’t expect that he would encounter such a thing even though he was just here to collect a house.

It's okay now. The small building in front of us is either in ruins or in ruins. It seems that we need to find someone to clean up the place and build a new building.

Fortunately, the place in front of me looks like ruins to the outside world, so no one will suspect anything when he cleans it up.

 Otherwise, he would have to explain why this place turned into what it is now less than a day after he got it.

  "Pack up the things here and send them all to Aridovi."

Gu Xi pointed at the collapsed building and the corpse of such a large strange deer, and asked the skeleton soldiers to clean up the battlefield.

Luna took advantage of being a ghost and floated toward the ruins of the small building, looking for suitable good things there.

Walking to the corpse of the strange deer, Gu Xi quickly looked through it. Soon, Gu Xi found some good things from the eyes, heart and neck of the strange deer.

At the same time, there are also some items left in the places where the giant snake died in the battle and the two twisted magicians died in the battle.

  【You got live snake nails (white)*1】

  【Living snake nail (white): A nail that can fix a snake somewhere. The nailed snake will not die, but will be nourished by magic power, its body will change rapidly, and its toxicity will become stronger quickly. 】

  【You got magic pattern cloth (white)*3】

  【Magic cloth (white): Cloth affected by magic can be used to make clothes, battle flags, or pages of magic books. 】

  【䱱obtained the broken birch wood fragment (green)*1】

  【Disconnected birch fragment (green): A piece of birch wood that has lost its magic power. It used to be a wand, but now it can only be used as a thought and a holy relic, used to summon the obsession of certain souls. 】

  【You get crystal eyeballs (green)*1】

  【Crystalized Eyeballs (Green): Eyeballs that have been turned into crystals by strange power. There is still enough magic and strange power stored in them, which can be used to make equipment or serve as alchemy materials. 】

  【You get demonized heartblood (green)*1】

[Demonized Heart Blood (Green): A source of a certain wizard's magic power, but this magic power has been contaminated and can only be used as an alchemy material, to strengthen weapons and equipment, or to strengthen the undead. 】

  【You get the transformation ring (blue)*1】

[Transformation Ring (Blue): A ring with special power that can turn a person into a special creature (related to the character of the transformer). After transformation, the level and strength will be +4 (after transformation, it cannot be changed back to its original form) The strength can no longer be improved)]

 After taking a look at the things he had just found, Gu Xi finally smiled.

Although he suffered a lot of losses in this battle, it was not too bad.

 At least by looking at these things, he can get his money back.

At this time, Luna, who was in the ruins of the small building, shouted excitedly: "Sir, do you see what I found?"

Gu Xi ran over to take a look and found that Luna was holding something like a birdcage in her hand. Looking at Luna's excited look, Gu Xi knew that this thing must not be a simple product. He took it and took a look, and a message quickly popped up in front of his eyes.

 【You get the design drawing of the Owl House (medium size)*1】

[Owl House Design (Medium-sized): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build an Owl House (medium-sized building) in the city. All players entering the city will have +1 creature intelligence and meat will be provided every week. 50 units (upgradeable)]

 “Hey, this is a good thing.”

Looking at the birdcage in front of him, Gu Xi nodded with satisfaction.

“That’s when I discovered that this small owl building can not only provide intelligence blessing and weekly meat, but also use the owl to send messages. After the small building is upgraded in the future, it can even serve as a flying point.”

“It’s okay to deliver letters, but the size of the owl is too small when it comes to flying, so I think I’d better forget it.”

Gu Xi shook his head, not quite believing what Luna said, but this was another gain in front of him.

"Okay, the harvest this time is not small. Let's search here again and clear this place before dawn."

With such a harvest, Gu Xi and Luna searched more carefully in the small building.

Soon Gu Xi found that he seemed to have a feeling that there was a strong Yin energy somewhere in the small building.

Thinking about the resurrection stones in the hands of these twisted magicians, Gu Xi knew that they were probably the places where twisted magicians used to imprison innocent people.

 He pushed aside a large stone that had fallen there, and he actually discovered a hidden door in the basement.

  Even before the hidden door was opened, the thick smell of blood could be heard from below.

Gu Xi knew he was in the right place. He carefully opened the hidden door and looked down the stairs. Then he was stunned.

 Under the stairs, there is a place similar to a kitchen or a slaughterhouse, with a large number of human corpses hanging from the ceiling or on meat racks.

But what surprised Gu Xi was not this. The first thing he saw was a familiar red dress.

The corpse hanging on the meat shelf in the kitchen is clearly Shaya, the maid of Destiny Compass.

 Watching her being disembowelled, with all her internal organs exposed, Shaya's face became quite ugly with fear and pain.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xi understood why the waiter had a somber face when delivering the news.

 “Sir, do you know him?”

 “Well, a thief with great potential, it seems she is not willing to die.”

Looking at Sha Ya's widened eyes, Gu Xi said calmly.

Luna didn't think much about such a corpse. There were already quite a few corpses in this small building, and she didn't care about one or two of them.

 Sighed, Gu Xi finally put Shaya's body down and put her internal organs back in.

Just when Gu Xi was about to help Sha Ya sew up the skin and flesh, leaving a whole body for Sha Ya, Sha Ya's hand suddenly moved.

If it were anyone else, in such an environment, they would probably have jumped up in fear.

But as a necromancer, Gu Xi had never seen anything like this before. He just glanced at it and stopped what he was doing.

He could see that in this environment, Shaya began to transform into the undead because of her unwillingness and some special influences.

Although this transformation has just begun, looking at Shaya's twisted face and the red dress, Gu Xi felt that there was something interesting about this girl.

Gu Xi thought about it seriously, and he felt that he had encountered it anyway, so he might as well help Sha Ya.

It just so happens that Gu Xi still has a contracted undead that he has not signed. If Shaya has good potential, he can sign it directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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