Breath of the Dead

Chapter 456: Learn leadership skills (184193)

Chapter 456: Learning Leadership (184193)

  When the giant skull rose, for some reason Gu Xi always had the idea that the size of the skull and the giant armor of Death were the right size.

This thought just flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

 Gu Xi's attention was immediately attracted by the black-robed skeleton coming out of the giant skull's mouth.

“So it’s you, you’re back so soon? Did you get what I wanted?”

Gu Xi nodded, took out the packaged skull flower and placed it on the ground.

 Seeing ten skull flowers packed in a box, the eyes of the black-robed skeleton brightened significantly.

"Yes, this is what I want. It seems you are really capable."

The black-robed skeleton just paused and immediately reacted. He jumped out of the giant skull's mouth and walked to Gu Xi.

“You said before that you wanted to learn leadership skills, right? This is for you.”

The black-robed skeleton casually took out a skull and handed it to Gu Xi.

Gu Xi took the skull and looked at the black-robed skeleton with some confusion.

“You can learn the art of leadership by sticking this between your eyebrows.”

 Gu Xi took the skull and looked at it, a look of doubt flashing in his eyes.

 Because when he took over the skull, he didn't find any prompts to complete the temporary task.

If it were before, Gu Xi might still choose to believe it.

 But since experiencing the killing stone incident, Gu Xi has become quite wary of some things.

Gu Xi would not dare to touch something like this that directly affects the soul.

“Forget it, is there any other more direct method? You have released a task before, just confirm it and let me complete the task.”

 Gu Xi pushed the skull back, and then returned the skull to the hands of the black-robed skeleton.

The flames in the eyes of the black-robed skeleton instantly turned into ice blue.

 But he did not have any conflict with Gu Xi.

 He issued the task and Gu Xi completed the task, so the reward promised at the beginning must be given.

 The previous death cities and death incarnations of Gu Xi were obtained in this way.

The black-robed skeleton has no reason to deprive Gu Xi of his reward.

 He grinned and made a cold sound in his throat.


The next moment, a voice came from Gu Xi's ear.

  【Temporary mission: The progress of the White Bone Flowers has changed, and the Skeleton Flowers must be handed in. 】

  【Temporary mission: White bones grow flowers (completed)】

  【Task reward: Leadership. 】

 【Leadership level 1, improves the morale of the troops. Every time the leadership skill is upgraded by 1 level, the morale of the troops increases by 1, and the chance of high morale increases by 4.2%. 】

  【Explanation 1: Creatures such as undead and machines are not affected by morale. 】

  【Note 2: After learning the art of leadership, you will embark on a new path. When choosing a path, please be sure to note that you will not be able to go back after you choose it. 】

 Looking at the leadership skills he finally learned, a hint of smile flashed in Gu Xi's eyes.

 But his attention was quickly attracted by the second explanation.

 It seems that he is not the only one who chooses leadership skills when his subordinates do not need leadership skills.     But what does the choice of road mentioned here refer to?

 Gu Xi is somewhat uncertain here.

 There can’t be other directions besides the direction of the death edict, right?

 While Gu Xi was checking the situation, the black-robed skeleton spoke again.

 His tone returned to its original tone.

"I said, now that you have mastered leadership skills, do you want to learn logistics? By the way, I have another task that I would like you to help me with. I wonder if you are willing to take it?"

 “I would, but not now.”

 Gu Xi responded casually.

“I have also taken on several other tasks here. Now that I have learned the most important leadership skills, I can just relax here.”

 Gu Xi said this on the surface, but he actually had no intention of completing Madam Sha’s mission.

 Gu Xi's only idea at this time was to find a safe place and learn the three branches of leadership skills first.

 Let’s think of ways to attack the death edict later.

If he's lucky, he can get the death edict this time.

 If he is unlucky, he will have to go back and think of a solution.

At that time, I will grind it from the black-robed skeleton and Madam Sha to see if there is any way to get one or two skill stones to ensure that I can learn the Death Edict in this mysterious academy.

 After all, Gu Xi knew where the Death Edict could be learned.

However, Gu Xi never expected that his excuse would trigger the reaction of the black-robed skeleton.

The flames in the eyes of the black-robed skeleton turned icy blue again.

However, he did not stop Gu Xi from leaving, but said to Gu Xi: "This is what it should be, but I can warn you, I am a mortal enemy of the man in the train. If you go there now, you will definitely be attacked. "

"You can rest assured about this. My main goal this time is leadership. Everything else is just a matter of following the generation. On the train, I couldn't learn anything else except leadership. What did I do in the past?"

The black-robed skeleton nodded with satisfaction, "That's it. By the way, if you want to learn pathfinding, you can keep walking to the north. There is a large platform deep in the mountains, where you can find people from the Bat Department. , they will assign you the task of learning pathfinding."


 Gu Xi thought about the aerial cities he had seen in the sky before, and he had a certain judgment in his mind.

Regarding the kindness of the black-robed skeleton, Gu Xi smiled and said, "Okay, I understand, thank you very much."

"It's nothing. Who made you and me predestined? That's what they say. If you still want to learn something, you can come to me. I'll teach you."

Gu Xi didn't take these words seriously. At this time, he just wanted to leave quickly and get the death edict first.

 Seeing Gu Xi intent on leaving, the black-robed skeleton did not stop him.

But this time when Gu Xi left, the black-robed skeleton was not carried underground by the giant skeleton like before. Instead, it looked at the direction Gu Xi left with a strange expression.

After Gu Xi walked away, a giant skeleton beast fell from the sky. This giant skeleton beast looked like a reindeer with bat wings and a crocodile fish.

 When it landed next to the black-robed skeleton, the head was obviously larger than the huge skeleton the black-robed skeleton was standing on.

 In the middle of the eyebrow of this giant beast, there is also a long sword that is very similar to the Sword of Danares.

"It's just a little bit close, just a little bit close. Why is that **** guy so stubborn?"

But fortunately, the giant armor of death has been killed. Now go and bring back Professor Matt's body. As long as you get the soul-controlling bell in his hand, the puppets scattered here can be used. "

The black-robed skeleton glanced at the giant skeleton beast beside him and ordered with some depression.

 (End of this chapter)

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