Breath of the Dead

Chapter 457: Learn new skills (please subscribe)

 Chapter 457 Learning new skills (please subscribe)

 Gu Xi didn’t know what happened to the black-robed skeleton after he left.

 At this time, he was choosing a place that he thought was safe, preparing to use the few skill stones in his hand.

 In Gu Xi's mind, he should deal with his most important matters first.

 Everything else is trivial.

 In order to ensure that he is safe when using skill stones and that he can have the skills he wants at any time, Gu Xi spent a lot of effort when choosing a location.

 When he left the position of the black-robed skeleton, Gu Xi immediately headed east.

 According to the map given by the black-robed skeleton, that is the outskirts of the mountains.

 At the same time, Mrs. Sha has a quest item to find there.

 The most important thing is that Gu Xi found on the map that the location with the fewest crosses was there.

You can probably tell that this is the place that is least affected when you get lost in the academy.

 So of course Gu Xi would choose that position.

 At least in that position, he would not be affected by any natural disasters. As for other ordinary enemies, Gu Xi was not worried at all.

 Having an army of guards around you at all times gives you the ability to protect yourself no matter where you are.

 After leaving the black-robed skeleton, Gu Xi walked eastward.

After walking for more than three hours and going around several hills, Gu Xi finally found a relatively quiet forest and stopped.

 First he released all the gargoyles to explore the surrounding situation, and then Gu Xi took matters into his own hands and dug a hole in the clearing in the forest.

 Since entering this mysterious academy, Gu Xi has been in this space for nearly ten hours.

In these ten hours, Gu Xi had not touched a drop of water.

 Let alone what to eat.

Now Gu Xi is very hungry.

 When letting the gargoyle explore the nearby situation, Gu Xi naturally also has to consider the issue of food.

 After digging the pit, Gu Xi threw some firewood into the pit and hit it with a magic arrow.

 After injecting elemental power, the magic arrow only has a pure flame burning effect.

With this blow, the firewood was ignited on the spot.

 After lighting the fire, Gu Xi waved his hands around.

Three city gates appeared next to Gu Xi in the shape of "pin", and at the same time, a large number of undead troops began to go to the city gates, getting ready for battle.

 This is a protection for Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi is not sure what will happen when using the skill stone, so he must be fully prepared.

  After all the things were arranged, the undead sent by Gu Xi to the city of Alidovi also took out the things Gu Xi asked for.

 Roasted owl and a large glass of water, this is the food Gu Xi prepared for himself.

"grown ups."

 Saya came out with the food.

 Gu Xi was a little surprised by Sha Ya's appearance.

 “Shaya, why did you come out?”

“I didn’t have much to do in the city, so I came out to take a look.”

Shaya explained to Gu Xi the current situation in Aridovi City.

At this time, Dimi had already begun to attack the city of Alidovi during the Tudor Dynasty. As the battle began, Princess Anna went directly to Alidovita to take charge.

 She said it was a British tradition.

 When big events happened in Britain, the royal family always stayed at Victoria Tower.

 Although we are not in Victoria City now, Alidovi and Victoria are a pair of mirror images. As the eldest princess of the royal family, she must sit in Alidovita at this time.

 While Luna was delivering the stone that Gu Xi had sent back.

 As for the stone and the long sword stuck on the stone, Luna believed that this was the most suitable material for the growth of the holy object-the Sword of Courage.

 Now she is thinking of ways to integrate everything here into the Sword of Courage.

Luna has already made a judgment. This time, as long as the stone and the long sword are all absorbed, the Sword of Courage can be upgraded to at least level 2.

 As for Shaya, she was originally organizing information in the tavern and library.

However, the amount of information accumulated in the tavern and library is not large.

She just took a few glances and classified the information.

Most of the information is of no use now, and she is idle now and doesn't want to go to Victoria City, so she simply came over to protect Gu Xi.

Looking at Sha Ya's serious look, Gu Xi could only say: "Then you can stay."

 After finishing speaking, Gu Xi’s attention shifted to the roasted owl.

“Why can’t you tell me that the food at White Bone Wine Lady can’t keep up with the food? I’ve been eating at her place for so long, and I’ve always had the same kind of food, and she doesn’t have anything new.”

“The main reason is that there is nothing to choose from. There are only a few things to eat in the city, and adults are picky eaters and refuse to eat many things. How do you deal with this? In the end, you can only eat roasted owl.

But this kind of owl tastes pretty good, at least it doesn’t smell like mice.

 Hey, what are you doing, sir? "

 “Get ready to boil some hot water and make some tea.”

The tea Gu Xi was talking about was naturally those few taels of gold cakes. When he entered the academy last time, Gu Xi was in a hurry, so he used the oldest method of drinking tea, a piece of tea with a large sip of water, and gave it to him directly. Here it comes.

 Although the results were the same, Gu Xi clearly felt that something was wrong.

This time Gu Xi planned to make tea honestly and conscientiously, at least to show off.

Seeing Gu Xi's serious look, Shaya also laughed.

“Sir, I am very skilled at making tea. Do you want me to make it?”

“Forget it, you can add some random things to the tea, I’d better brew it myself and drink it.”

 While he was talking, Gu Xi had already boiled the water he had brought.

This time Gu Xi really didn’t use a drop of water in this world, he brought everything with him.

After throwing two tea leaves into the water, Gu Xi was not in a hurry to drink the hot tea, but sat there and watched it carefully.

When the tea turned from light yellow to golden yellow, he took a sip. Then he took out the skill stone and squeezed it hard.

 “Diplomacy, diplomacy.”

As the skill stone was crushed by Gu Xi, a prompt popped up in front of Gu Xi.

  【When you use a skill stone, you can choose one of the following three skills as a reward. 】

Diplomacy: A derivative skill of leadership, which can be upgraded and can increase the chance of field soldiers joining and reduce the cost of recruiting and surrendering. 】

 【Curse of Death Will: Leadership branch line skill, which can be upgraded. It can reduce the enemy's morale on the battlefield. For every level up, the enemy's morale will decrease by 1 point. 】

  【Morale Balance: A branch line skill of leadership, which can be upgraded. It can erase the gap in morale between the two sides on the battlefield and put both troops in a state of zero morale. 】

 Seeing this, Gu Xi suddenly understood the tips for learning leadership skills.

 Leadership is really useful in troops like the Necromancer that don't need morale.

Let me explain the reason for not returning to the city. I have only learned one of the four basic skills, and there are still three that I have not learned. Now that I have returned to the city, it is equivalent to giving up, and I have no tickets to try again.

Unless you have a higher priority task, it doesn’t matter if you return to the city.

The reason why I would like to explain this is because there are relatively high-priority tasks coming up later, and the protagonist wants to return to the city. Please explain the situation in advance.



 (End of this chapter)

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