Breath of the Dead

Chapter 458: The death edict is in hand (please subscribe)

Chapter 458 The Death Edict is in hand (please subscribe)

 The next volume is going to be a big one, does anyone have a guess as to what it’s going to be?


 “Learn diplomacy.”

 After Gu Xi made his choice, he took another sip of tea and took out a skill stone again.

 “The art of recruiting soldiers, the art of recruiting soldiers!”

  【When you use a skill stone, you can choose one of the following three skills as a reward. 】

  【Recruitment Skills: Leadership skills derived from skills, which can be upgraded and increase the weekly production of creatures in the castle. At level 1, first-level soldiers +3, second-level soldiers +2, and third-level soldiers +1. (Players must stay in the castle when the action ends on the last day of each week for this skill to work.)]

     :Leadership branch route skill, which can be upgraded. When one's own morale is high, the increased morale will be proportionally converted into attack power and applied to all soldiers. 】

  【Artificial Glory: Leadership branch line skill, which can be upgraded to make war machines and golems affected by positive morale (negative morale is still ineffective). 】

The choices that popped up this time made Gu Xi feel pain in his heart. Compared with the last three options, Gu Xi really wanted the options this time.

But Gu Xi had no choice. It looked like he had to choose one of three, but in fact he had already decided on the route. The death edict was Gu Xi's goal.

 He doesn’t have any more skill stones to choose from.

Facing these two new branch routes, Gu Xi gritted his teeth and said, "Choose the recruitment technique!"

 After saying this, Gu Xi was sweating profusely, as if he had been fished out of water.

But Gu Xi had no intention of stopping just like that. He had successfully found what he wanted twice in a row, so Gu Xi would not delay.

 He drank the rest of the tea in one gulp and said quite seriously: "Death edict, death edict!"

 After saying this, he crushed the last skill stone.

 The next moment, Gu Xi's eyes lit up, and his whole person seemed to relax a lot.

 When you use skill stones, you can choose one of the following three skills as a reward. 】

  【Death Edict: A derivative skill of leadership, which can be upgraded. All neutral creatures that surrender to join the Necromancer army will be automatically converted into corresponding undead creatures according to their soldier level and upgrade status. 】

  [Balance Rune: Leadership branch route skill, which can be upgraded. After using rune magic, the morale of the troops will be +2 until new rune magic is used. 】

  【Joy of Battle: Leadership branch line skill, which can be upgraded. When the morale of soldiers is high, the attack power is doubled for 45 seconds. 】

 At this point, Gu Xi no longer had to worry about anything.

 “Death edict!”

As Gu Xi completed his choice, a skeleton in black robes appeared behind Gu Xi, holding a horn and blowing.

Although this is just a blurring effect, it means that Gu Xi has made a choice on a certain skill route.

From now on, Gu Xi will have no choice but to keep walking along this road. Other routes may have been blocked.

But Gu Xi doesn’t care about that.

  Throwing the teapot in his hand on the ground, Gu Xi burst out laughing.

 He originally thought that it would take at least thirty days for him to obtain the Death Edict skill.

Now it seems that this matter is not so difficult.

After laughing, Gu Xi sat down directly on the ground without wanting to move.

At this time, Shaya also noticed that Gu Xi was acting strangely. She came over and kicked Gu Xi.

“Sir, what’s wrong with you? You look like you’re in a fugue after having a good time?

 Some people seem to be asking what this is called, the time of wise men? "


 Gu Xi stood up and patted his clothes speechlessly, "I just accomplished the goal this time. I got the death edict. How about it? I'm awesome."


Shaya glanced at Gu Xi, and she had to admit that Gu Xi's luck was really good.

 After learning the art of leadership, the death edict was obtained so smoothly.     But what is the condition of the sweat on his head.

Is it possible that gambling on luck is also physical work?

Actually, Shaya didn't know that Gu Xi really tried his best this time. If he didn't have enough willpower, he would really be unable to withstand the second wave.

Those things that are visible to the eye are all good things.

 There are some cares that could really be used.

It’s just that Princess Anna asked for a death edict by name.

 Gu Xi also guessed that this was a prerequisite for the Death Lord mission. For the sake of the three divine skills, Gu Xi gave up other opportunities and made his choice.

 It can be said that at that moment, Gu Xi's heart seemed to have been emptied out.

Now seeing what Sha Ya said, Gu Xi didn't give a good look either.

“Okay, I have rarely achieved a small goal. Let me take a rest and eat, and then we can do the task.”

Shaya was also very happy to see that Gu Xi had no intention of driving her back.

“Okay, you rest here while I go take a look around.”

 “Can you do it?”

“Sir, don’t worry. It’s my job to explore the way and get information. There’s nothing I can’t do.”

"Okay, then go ahead and let me know if there is any news. I really need to take a rest."

Gu Xi waved his hand and asked Shaya to leave on her own.

Originally, Gu Xi planned to ask Shaya to inform Princess Anna, but Shaya had just said that Princess Anna was in charge of Alidovitta.

 So Gu Xi was not in a hurry to take action.

 He can also learn three different basic skills in this mysterious academy.

 Coupled with Mrs. Sha's affairs, Gu Xi still has a lot of things to do in this space.

 He needs to stay here for a while.

It's just that Gu Xi's attitude has changed now. Before, he was quite nervous and had to rush to do everything.

It's different now. He has got what he wants, and the remaining tasks are not so urgent.

 Gu Xi can leave at any time, even if he cannot learn the other three basic skills.

Then there is no need for him to be so nervous now, he just needs to relax.

Learn more now, and when he reaches level 5 in the future, he will have more options to choose from.

 Gu Xi slowly fell to the ground and closed his eyes.

However, Gu Xi didn't sleep for long. Before the sweat on his body had dried, Shaya, who had gone out to explore for information, rushed back.

“Sir, my lord, wake up quickly, we seem to be being targeted.”

 Gu Xi sat up after being shaken awake.

"No need to worry, anyone. The enemies in this world are generally not strong. If a group of them come, we will kill a group of them."

 “No, sir, look at this.”

As Shaya spoke, she proposed a strange skull.

This kind of skull is about the same size as a normal skull. There are **** eyeballs in the eye sockets, but there is a pair of bat wings on the top of the head. When it is caught, the wings are still flapping.

If Sha Ya hadn't caught it in his hand, Gu Xi even felt that this thing could fly away in an instant.

 This is obviously a unit used for surveillance.

 This is someone watching Gu Xi.

 (End of this chapter)

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