Breath of the Dead

Chapter 461: The task was interrupted (please subscribe)

 Chapter 461 The mission was interrupted (please subscribe)

When Gu Xi made the plan, the weird skeleton beast sent by the black-robed skeleton had also arrived at the valley where Gu Xi had fought with the giant armor of Death.

 Looking at the clear and transparent pool in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of this giant skeleton beast.

 What about such a big corpse?

Didn’t it mean that if the sword of Danares pierced the ground, it would be impossible to remove it?

  Why is it missing?

 When he realized that something was wrong, the giant skeleton beast screamed immediately, and at the same time, he walked away in the direction from which he came at a super fast speed.

 He knew very well that something was not right. If he did not spread the news immediately, there would be big problems in the subsequent plans.

However, this time the giant skeleton beast attracted the attention of other forces.

 When he came, he came secretly and was not conspicuous.

 But he was in such a hurry now that he did not hide his figure, so naturally he was discovered immediately.

 Just like what Sha Ya heard about before.

 In this mysterious college, there are three department heads left.

 They all have some of the authority of the academy.

 They also all have the ambition to rebuild the college.

They also know the situation of the professors in the college. They know what each professor has in hand and what is hidden in each place.

 The Sword of Danares is relatively difficult to deal with.

On the one hand, the Sword of Danares is difficult to deal with, and on the other hand, the Giant Armor of Death is also difficult to defeat.

The most important thing is that this giant armor is the property of the college. It is a puppet or golem. All department heads and professors have signed an agreement when they joined the college.

 Do not harm the students of the college, but protect them.

 Do not damage college property, etc.

It is precisely for this reason that they have never been able to take down the soul-controlling bell over there.

Now that the giant skeleton beast moved like this, many eyes nearby immediately fell on it.

 When they saw the emptied pool, the missing corpses and the soul-controlling bell, some of them understood that the soul-controlling bell had been snatched away.

 They did not doubt Gu Xi.

 Instead, he focused his attention on the black-robed skeleton.

 After all, the black-robed skeleton has such authority, and he also has such ambitions.

So the siege against the giant skeleton beast was launched immediately.

 This time, those in the academy sent out their strongest troops.

  They have not released any existence below level 10. They can directly start with level 12 or above.

 The purpose is to steal the most critical soul-controlling bell.

This soul control bell is part of the control method of the college's main defense system.

  Can operate all puppets and golems in the academy including stone statues and armor.

 It can be said that this is the strongest combat force in the academy.

With no way for students to fight, whoever gets control of the puppets and golems is equivalent to gaining most of the authority of the academy.

 So even if you don't get it yourself, you can't let others **** the Soul Controlling Bell.

 Hence, a large number of giant undead composed of skeletons or other things immediately appeared in front of this giant skeleton beast.

Just as the black-robed skeleton said before, what they taught, coupled with the power of the undead, formed a relatively unique undead existence.

 They fought a great battle in the mountains of the academy.

Even Gu Xi, who had already run far away, felt the aftermath of this battle.

 When the war happened, Gu Xi was listening to some of the details that Sha Ya said.

 Gu Xi discovered that there was some intelligence information that was filling in the gaps in his knowledge of the undead and magic.

 “Why did they start fighting?”

The chat was interrupted by an explosion, and Gu Xi felt a little unhappy.

"Something doesn't seem right here, Shaya, go over and have a look!" Shaya was also very curious about the situation over there. If Gu Xi hadn't been here, she would have run over to have a look.

 After receiving Gu Xi’s order, Shaya disappeared in front of Gu Xi immediately.

 Faced with Sha Ya's situation, Gu Xi could only shake his head helplessly.

 I’ve never seen anything like this.

But it’s good that she can get over, at least Gu Xi can know what happened.

 Don’t be like before, coming in blind and not knowing anything.

“Okay, there is no news to hear, let’s hurry up, there is chaos in this place, we’d better hurry up and find the mission items...”

Before Gu Xi finished speaking, a message popped up in front of him.

  【Ding, your long-term mission: the fading wisdom failed...】


what happened?

 Gu Xi jumped up immediately.

 He quickly looked through his task list, looking for the reason why the task failed.

After looking through this, Gu Xi discovered a very serious problem.

 The Wisdom Tree Lady Sha who sent him the quest died.

"What the **** are you doing? Why can the already dead tree of wisdom die again?"

After a while of complaining, Gu Xi had to stop.

The direction he headed this time was to the location designated by Madam Sha, where there was a task item needed for Madam Sha's mission.

Now that Mrs. Sha is gone, what’s the point of him going there now.

It's almost here now, so isn't it a waste of time for him to run away?

Jumping off the evil coffin, Gu Xi was a little angry, but during this period of time, he could be regarded as cultivating himself.

After getting angry, he calmed down.

At this time, Gu Xi was thinking about what to do next.

 Everyone has already come here, so he might as well go over and take a look.

 As for whether the mission items obtained are useful, that is another matter.

Perhaps when Gu Xi returns with the mission items, he can resurrect Madam Sha’s tree of wisdom.

Although he thought his idea was not very reliable, Gu Xi still jumped into the evil coffin again.

 Going towards the location mentioned by Mrs. Sha.

When Gu Xi was on the road again, the black-robed skeleton who had been waiting had also received the latest news.

That news was sent to him when the giant skeleton beast died in battle.

 He naturally saw the battle nearby.

  At the beginning of the war, the black-robed skeleton was still cursing secretly, why his giant skeleton beast was so careless.

He obviously went over carefully and came out carefully so as not to be discovered, but why was he still discovered?

 But when he saw the information sent, he understood what was going on.

 The soul-controlling bell was taken away.

There is nothing in that place.

As soon as he got the news, the black-robed skeleton immediately thought of the key.

 Things were taken away by Gu Xi.

  No, you have to get this thing back. Get it back before others find out.

But an idea flashed through the black-robed skeleton's mind.

Gu Xi is difficult to control, and he has already learned what he wants. What should we give him in exchange?

 (End of this chapter)

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