Breath of the Dead

Chapter 462: The Battle of Crazy Willow Forest (please subscribe)

Chapter 462 The Battle of Crazy Willow Forest (Please subscribe)

Outside a willow forest, Gu Xi stopped the evil coffin.

 After half an hour of trekking, Gu Xi finally arrived at the designated place.

The willow forest in front of me has a pretty good name on the map, Crazy Willow Forest.

All the willow trees planted here are the kind of crazy willows that can automatically hit people.

According to what is shown on the map, in fact, when the college was first established, there was only one crazy willow. Later, students came over from time to time to fight against the crazy willow.

 If you win, you can get the branches of the crazy willow.

This is the best material for making wands and bats.

Of course after death, they will leave a lot of flesh and blood here.

 Whether the students win or lose, there will always be something more in the woods in the end.

Over time, the crazy willow trees slowly turned into a crazy willow forest.

 In a forest where normal creatures will be attacked from all directions as soon as they enter, only the small animals with extremely high speed or the most flexible movements can survive.

 According to the map, a large group of white-furred rats live here.

The skin of these mice is quite special. After being peeled off and turned outwards, it will turn dark red, which feels like being set on fire.

 So this kind of rat is also called the flaming rat or the fire rat.

This time Gu Xi came here originally hoping to find a kind of fang called the Fire Rat King.

However, we were only halfway through, and the person who needed the Fire Rat King’s fangs was gone. This made Gu Xi feel helpless, and at the same time he had a new idea.

 The students can come and hunt crazy willows, and so can he.

 This entire area can be captured by Gu Xi, so there is no need to specifically think of ways to capture mice.

After taking one look at the situation in the willow forest, Gu Xi raised his hand and let go of his city gate.

This time Gu Xi used the garrison gate.

With the appearance of the Undead Tree Pit, the willow trees in the Crazy Willow Forest began to move rapidly.

Arriving at the gate tower of the garrison city gate, Gu Xi looked at the crazy willow forest a hundred meters away. He found that the names of these crazy willows were indeed correct. The Undead Tree Pit just appeared nearby, and these crazy willows were waving. The wicker branches, like tentacles, kept hitting into the distance.

Even if they knew they would lose, they had no intention of stopping.

This kind of **** boxing attack made Gu Xi feel quite speechless.

If you rush in accidentally, you will definitely be beaten to death by these crazy willows immediately.

The most important thing is that Gu Xi noticed something. These willow branches were very destructive, and Gu Xi could feel it. This destructiveness was not directed at all living things.

 But for the undead.

Although he doesn't quite understand the principle behind this, Gu Xi believes that there must be a reason why no one has come to trouble Crazy Liulin in the years since the incident happened in the academy.

Now that Gu Xi is facing such an enemy, he will certainly not use undead attack methods such as the Sea of ​​Skeletons.

After discovering this situation, Gu Xi immediately mobilized all the legal and long-range troops under his command, including the small number of Corpse Witches and Withermen, as well as the dead-eye musicians who were also recruited by Gu Xi.

 After all the long-range and legal troops were called out, Gu Xi pointed at the Crazy Liulin in front and said.

"I don't care what method you use. Anyway, cover the area in front of you directly, like peeling an onion, deal with it layer by layer, don't get too close, we have plenty of time."

As Gu Xi's order was issued, the leaders of the undead shooters quickly took action. They all used their own skills. Some of them concentrated fire on the undead shooters, while others directly designated a range to cover the shooting.

 Some others took advantage of their own shooting range and stood at a relatively rear position to shoot.

The same goes for the Necromancer bosses, but they have more tricks up their sleeves. Skeleton mages who use fireballs gathered together, and they dared to call their attacks meteors and fire showers.

 Skeleton mages who use ice arrows can naturally master the attack method of blizzard.

Anyway, they went from attacking one location at the beginning to attacking themselves from behind, and penetrated into the Crazy Willow Forest layer by layer.

The crazy willows in Crazy Willow Forest actually wanted to fight back when faced with such an attack.

 But they are really not as good as Gu Xi's undead tree pit.

  The bodies of the Undead Tree Pit can be regarded as tree men or tree spirits. Even after taking root, they have stronger defense, but they can move to some extent.

These crazy willows are very strong in waving their tentacle-like willow branches, but they can't move.

 As long as you stay away from their attack range, they have no attack effect.

 As soon as Gu Xi uses his long range, these crazy willows will be out of business.

Not to mention that all kinds of methods were used.

  Long-range strikes, precise focus fire, and various spell attacks.

Even the Dead Eye Musicians released a large number of Rotten Skin Rats and sent them into the Crazy Willow Forest.

I have to say that these rotten-skinned rats helped Gu Xi a lot.

 When Gu Xi attacked Crazy Willow, the fire rat inside actually wanted to come out to help.

 After all, they all know that Crazy Willow is the guarantee of their safety.

Without crazy willows, they wouldn't be able to survive here.

With their movement speed and quantity, if they really rush in front of Gu Xi's troops, they will cause some trouble to the shooter troops and the legal troops.

As a result, the rot-skin rats released by the Dead Eye musicians happened to hit these fire rats together.

Although Rotten Skin Rats are not very powerful in combat, their numbers are not as large as those of Fire Rats.

 But it gave Gu Xi a warning.

 Gu Xi immediately sent out the corpse flies, and also sent the bone locusts to guard the front of the archer troops.

After making these arrangements, Gu Xi gave the order to the straw hunters to dispatch crows to attack the fire rats.

 With such a multi-pronged attack, these fire rats did not get behind Gu Xi's archer troops.

At the same time, Gu Xi also began to arrange some remedies and mobilized several skeleton squads to prepare them to enter the battle at any time.

 After arranging everything, Gu Xi even considered whether to arrange more units like corpse flies or white bone locusts.

 After all, as Gu Xi’s level gets higher and higher, he will face more and more situations in the future.

 Enemies will also become diverse.

 Such smaller enemies will most likely appear.

 If you want to fight against such a small enemy, you must either fight the small against the small or use the many against the many.

 Either perform a range spell attack.

No matter whether he will encounter such an enemy in the future, Gu Xi must be able to deal with it.

While Gu Xi was thinking about this problem, his troops had already entered the inner circle of the crazy willow forest, and a huge crazy willow tree appeared in front of Gu Xi.

 (End of this chapter)

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