Breath of the Dead

Chapter 463: Crazy Willow and the Werewolf (187194)

Chapter 463 Crazy Willow and the Werewolf (187194)

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The crazy willow that appeared in front of Gu Xi covered an area of ​​at least more than 3,000 square meters. A large number of willow branches hung down to the ground. Among the willow branches were souls that were entangled and unable to leave.

At the same time, Gu Xi noticed that there were buildings that had been squeezed into pieces on top of this huge crazy willow tree.

 The surface of the building is filled with scratches one after another, and I don’t know how they were formed.

“Arrange for zombie troops to appear. I suspect there are large troops with strong attack power here.”

Under Gu Xi’s order, ten zombie troops were driven out.

  Quickly launched a defense in front of the archer and mage troops.

  The previous attack by the Fire Rat was also a shock to each boss.

If the fire rat had really rushed in front of them, these archers and mages would have suffered a lot of losses.

 When they saw the zombies standing in front of them, the shooters finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 They have also become more decisive in taking action.

At this time, a zombie army also appeared in front of Gu Xi.

However, they are not the zombie ax shield soldiers that Gu Xi has brought with him since the early days, but the labyrinth devourers who have just reached level 6 and have been trained in large numbers.

They have two heads and can be regarded as the legal system among zombies.

At the same time, they have strong enough defense. The most important thing is that after reaching level 6, they have learned a new skill.

This skill is not a mirror skill, because all mirror abilities will be concentrated on Luna.

Their ability is still their ability to devour everything.

As long as they join forces, they can form a black hole layer, which is a kind of existence similar to a defensive shield. All attacks that fall on them will be swallowed by them.

  Until their attack power exceeds the upper limit of their health, they will explode together.

 This kind of ability is the best choice if it is used to protect important people.

 Gu Xi released thirty Labyrinth Devourers in one breath, asking them to protect themselves.

 At the same time, Gu Xi himself used the spell decisively.

Storm of Bones!

 Bone spurs!

 Magical arrows!

 The long-range spells that Gu Xi could use were thrown at the huge crazy willow in waves.

 When Gu Xi cast the seventh spell, a roar came from Crazy Willow.

A white-haired werewolf with willow branches all over his body stood out from the crazy willow.

This white-haired werewolf is more than six meters tall, and its claws are somewhat similar to the Behemoth.

The moment he stood up, he stared at Gu Xi, moved his hands forward, and his whole body shot out like a cannonball.

 The Maze Devourer immediately stepped forward to block the werewolf.

But this werewolf's attack power was super strong. With one claw, the four Labyrinth Devourers were torn into twelve pieces.

 Very powerful attack.

Gu Xi's eyes widened, and at the same time he raised his right hand and pointed the cold wind staff at the werewolf.

 “Bone storm! Bone storm! Fire trap!”

 Wave after wave of magical attacks kept falling on the werewolf.

 But the werewolf didn't pay attention to this at all. He kept grabbing the maze devourer in front of him like crazy.

As long as he is caught by him, the Labyrinth Devourer will only die.

After a while, there were only three Labyrinth Devourers left in front of Gu Xi. Seeing that the werewolf was about to rush in front of Gu Xi.

Gu Xi raised his hand and said calmly.

 “Death incarnate!”

  Then a group of black mist appeared, and the bronze-colored incarnation of death rushed out of the black mist.

On the back of the incarnation of death, there are also a number of bone spurs that grow inversely.

However, Gu Xi noticed that the internal organs that had just formed had not been installed, and the incarnation of death was still in the state of a bone dragon.

 When he rushed out of the black mist, the incarnation of death immediately grabbed the werewolf's shoulders and flew upwards with the werewolf.

Facing the attack of the incarnation of death, this werewolf not only showed no fear, but actually laughed loudly and kept grabbing the body of the incarnation of death, as if trying to tear off his bones.

 But the situation of the incarnation of death is not that simple. His body looks solid, but it is actually in a state of incorporeality.

  Normal physical attacks that fall on him will have an immunity effect of more than 70%.

The originally powerful attack power of the werewolf had no effect at all when it fell on the incarnation of death.

 Instead, the incarnation of death seized the opportunity and bit the werewolf in one bite.

 This time, the incarnation of death has been sufficiently strengthened in melee combat.

 His body became full of poison because of the toxic pool water.

 In addition, due to the toxicity, his body has become much stiffer.

This has strengthened his attack power, and now he prefers to bite enemies with his teeth.

The werewolf here is his target, and Death Incarnate also wants to see how strong his melee ability is.

He was bitten several times by the incarnation of death, and large chunks of flesh and blood were torn off the werewolf's body.

However, the werewolf seemed to feel no pain and ignored it at all. Every time it hit it, it would grab death with its claws.

 After a few strokes, he actually left some scars on the face of the incarnation of death.

 But at this time, the incarnation of death had also tested his fighting ability. He didn't want to fight anymore, so the incarnation of death dragged the werewolf in front of him. With a glare, two melting rays of light hit the werewolf's body.

Werewolf didn’t expect that the style of death incarnation would change so quickly.

Just now he was clearly a strong man with a melee style, but why did he turn his head and use a magic move?

He wanted to struggle a little more, or at least give the dragon incarnation of death a hard slap on his face. Unexpectedly, the eyes of the incarnation of death could actually emit melting light.

With this blow, half of the werewolf's body melted on the spot, and the rest of his body naturally lost its breath.

Throwing the werewolf incarnation to the ground, the death incarnation did not stop. He turned around in the air and pounced on the huge crazy willow.

Before he could rush to Crazy Liu, the incarnation of death opened his mouth and sprayed out a green beam of light.

 Dragon Breath of Death!

After the blow was sprayed out, the huge crazy willow tree turned green on the spot.

 A large amount of green light shrouded under the crazy willow tree.

Under this green light, the crazy willow tree kept twisting, but could not dodge. Finally, on the top of the crazy willow tree, a large number of ghostly souls of strange creatures began to appear.

 It can be seen that Crazy Willow still wants to save his life at the last moment.

Unfortunately, the Death Dragon Breath of Death Incarnation is not that easy to deal with.

 The death dragon's breath ended with one blow, and Gu Xi also heard the pop-up sound.

  【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills the vegetative werewolf (level 11), you get 5544 experience points (overflow storage 5544 points). 】

 Gu Xi was also a little surprised by this reminder. He didn't expect that such a big tree could be considered a part of the werewolf's body.

Only by killing the crazy willow tree, I finally killed the crazy werewolf.

 (End of this chapter)

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