Breath of the Dead

Chapter 464: Discoveries and Harvests on the Battlefield (188194)

Chapter 464 Discovery and Harvest on the Battlefield (188194)

 “Clean the battlefield…”

With the biggest Crazy Willow falling, the battle here has almost come to an end.

 Gu Xi released the ghost team and began to order them to clean up the battlefield.

However, only halfway through the order was given, Gu Xi's attention was attracted by a long sword stuck in the fallen trunk of the crazy willow tree.

That long sword is somewhat similar to the Sword of Danares.

 However, in terms of details, there are still some differences.

 Gu Xi noticed that there was a wolf fang on the handle of this long sword.

  【You come into contact with the Sword of Domredo! 】

[Sword of Domredo (grey): Academy professor Domredo came into contact with the Sword of Leadership when he was a student and was recognized by the Sword of Leadership. However, he has never learned swordsmanship. In his eyes, the sword has been integrated into Into his body, into his paws.

During a certain battle, he inserted the long sword into a big tree, and blended his crazy blood into the big tree along the long sword, using the plant to suppress the madness in his heart. 】

Compared to the Sword of Danares last time, this long sword was not as destructive, and it did not cause Gu Xi any injuries.

Looking at the tree stump with the Sword of Domredo in front of him, Gu Xi turned around and waved.

“Come here and take this tree stump with the sword on it to the city of Aridovi.”

After the order was arranged, Gu Xi was also thinking about how many people in that mysterious academy had received the Sword of Leadership and been recognized by the Sword of Leadership.

  Is it true that everyone who is recognized by the Sword of Leadership will leave a long sword behind.

 Gu Xi actually didn’t know that there were quite a few imitations of college treasures.

Nearly all the professors who graduated from the Crocodile Department have a long sword like this. After all, this department is famous for producing sword masters.

Just like all professors who graduated from the Reindeer Department, their backpacks will always be three to five times larger than others.

 Some of them can learn swordsmanship and can use long swords easily.

 Some even directly become sword masters who only know the flash technique.

However, there are also professors who do not know how to use swords. After they got the long sword, they used the sword in other directions.

 After the Mystery Academy disappeared, their swords were left behind.

 It has become something that can be seen here from time to time.

 Gu Xi's time here is relatively short. If he had stayed longer, he might have seen more similar long swords.

But if Gu Xi doesn’t know, then he doesn’t know.

After his men dug away the tree stump with its roots, Gu Xi stood in front of the big pit and glanced down.

 “Come on, one of you, if there is something down there, go down and help me get it up.”

Gu Xi pointed at the big pit and asked with some uncertainty.

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of ghosts jumped down and lifted up all the things below.

What Gu Xi noticed was that one of the pieces was a relatively normal skull, but Gu Xi was certain that it was this thing that attracted him just now.

When he saw this skull, Gu Xi frowned. He understood why he paid special attention to this skull.

 At the black-robed skeleton before, he didn't want to complete the task at first, but wanted to use the skull to teach himself leadership skills.

The skull he took out at that time was somewhat similar to the one in front of him.

 Because this incident had a huge impact on Gu Xi, Gu Xi immediately remembered this skull in his mind.

Now that he accidentally saw the same skull, Gu Xi would naturally notice it. After Gu Xi understood why he was so excited, he immediately picked up the skull.

The moment he touched the skull, a message popped up in front of Gu Xi.

  【You got the inheritance skull (Druid)】

  【Inherited Skull (Druid): You can learn skills specific to the Druid profession, transform into a werewolf, and transform into a werewolf to fight, and use the werewolf's talent tree (can be learned by other professions)】

 Looking at the message on the skull, Gu Xi put the thing down.

 Druid is a profession that Gu Xi prefers.

If he hadn't gone the necromancer route, he might have been a druid.

But even if he becomes a druid, he won't be able to follow the transformation system. The kind of groom who transforms into a beast is not Gu Xi's direction.

Even if he heard that Pai Pai Xiong was invincible, Gu Xi was not interested in that route.

 In his mind, if he really became a Druid, he would probably have to plant trees and use plants or other small animals to fight. He might as well put a small magic or something far away from the main battlefield.

 Gu Xi felt that this thing was of no use. He tossed the inheritance skull in his hand and was about to put it away.

 At this moment, Gu Xi's men brought other things over.

 What was delivered this time was the processed fire rat skin and fire rat bones.

The quest items needed by Gu Xi are also in it, including the Fire Rat King’s fang.

  After taking the tooth, Gu Xi was about to have the remaining things sent to Alidovi City.

Unexpectedly, the reminder from the fangs made Gu Xi see something different.

[Fangs of the Fire Rat King (grey): The most powerful fangs of the Fire Rat King. Fire Rats need to defeat at least a thousand of their kind before they can become the new king. Their fangs are stained with the blood of Fire Rats. .

 The book clasps made with these canines can keep books dry for a long time. 】

 “It seems that Mrs. Shakespeare doesn’t want much.”

Looking at this attribute, Gu Xi couldn't help but say something.

If it is really like the fangs of the Fire Rat King in front of me, then the remaining two mission items of Madam Sha may also be used to protect books or be good items for making books.

These things were things that Mrs. Soff was inconvenient to find and needed.

It is a pity that Mrs. Shakespeare is gone now, and so is his library.

Shaked his head, Gu Xi turned to give orders to the ghost team.

“All the wood here should be shipped back, so don’t let the wood here go to waste.

These are great things for making wands..."

Before Gu Xi finished speaking, he saw something was wrong in the Crazy Willow Forest. A group of undead seemed to be doing something around there.

"What are you doing?"

 Gu Xi walked around curiously.

When rushing over, Gu Xi saw a tree pit that had obviously been uprooted. There were also a large number of black clay pots scattered around the tree pit.

This is? Ashes?

Looking at the gray-white powder in the overturned and broken clay pot, Gu Xi had a guess in his mind.

 “What’s going on? How did you find out?”

The surrounding undead couldn't explain it. In the end, several undead leaders leading the team quibbled for a long time before Gu Xi understood what was going on.

 (End of this chapter)

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