Breath of the Dead

Chapter 465: Attacked (please subscribe)

Chapter 465 Attacked (please subscribe)

It turns out that the big tree here had been knocked down by Gu Xi's archer troops before.

But when the undead were cleaning the battlefield and preparing to carry the tree away to make lumber, this guy uprooted it and disappeared in front of the undead.

 With the reaction speed of the undead, they were unable to save the big tree.

 At last, when the undead attacked the big tree, they knocked down these clay pots.

 Walking around the tree pit, Gu Xi suddenly thought of a possibility.

 I'm afraid this is another player who is here to learn.

It's just that his studies were interrupted by Gu Xi, and he was beaten and even almost killed before he became an adult.

 This situation made Gu Xi feel helpless.

  He still doesn’t know the origin of the player he accidentally injured, let alone the possibility of asking him to apologize.

 On the other hand, Gu Xi became somewhat interested in the ashes in the jar.

He took a serious look at these pots and found that the inner walls of the pots were engraved with some magic circles such as gathering and condensing souls.

 It seems that this player also follows the undead route, but the route is very different from Gu Xi's route.

“Pack these things up and send them to Aridovi City to see what kind of necromancy they are learning.”

 After hesitating for a moment, Gu Xi finally ordered.

If the corpse of a player accidentally injured by him, Gu Xi might even let him bury him in his grave.

But this involves the undead routes in other cities, and Gu Xi will not let it go. It is still possible to take these things back, learn some undead spells in other cities, and improve his knowledge of the undead.

After all, as a mage, if you don’t study and just rely on practice, you won’t get far.

 Such a harvest gave Gu Xi a better understanding of the crazy willow forest in front of him.

There was such a good thing here, so Gu Xi gave the order decisively.

“Scrape the land again, carefully, to see if there is anything missing.”

This time, Gu Xi has been here for nearly half an hour.

 Until he really couldn't find anything good, he led his men back.

On the way back, Gu Xi kept thinking about whether he should look for the remaining two mission items.

 If you find it, do you want to send it to Mrs. Sha again?

 Although Mrs. Sha is dead, what if.

While Gu Xi was still hesitating, Shaya suddenly appeared on Gu Xi's path.

"grown ups."

“How is it? What happened just now? Did you find out anything?”

“I heard that there was an attack between the three department heads who were still here. The reason for the attack is not yet certain, but some people speculate that some of them want to rebuild the mysterious academy.”


 Gu Xi’s eyes widened, “Rebuilding the Mystery Academy?”

“There is a possibility that the previous Mysterious Academy has been lost in time and space and will never be found again.

 Several current deans of departments have the idea of ​​​​rebuilding the Mystery College.

  It's just that they have always maintained a special balance with each other.

 The balance is now broken, and according to the intelligence I have received, a war will soon begin between them.

 The final winner will take away the management authority of the academy from the loser and rebuild a new mysterious academy.

 It’s just that the teaching style of this college and the things taught in the college will become different by then. "

Listening to Shaya’s analysis, Gu Xi put his face on his hands and said, “Shaya, you said I should learn the other three basic skills now.

  He will wait here for the reconstruction of the college.

 The newly completed Mystery Academy will allow me to learn four more skills? "

Sha Ya was also speechless regarding Gu Xi’s question.

She told so much information that Gu Xi did not consider whether to participate in the academy's battle to see if she could occupy some position in the mysterious academy. Rather, he was thinking about whether he could take advantage of the Mysterious Academy.

How should Shaya explain this?

Just when Gu Xi was about to speak again, he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

The next moment, the evil coffin suddenly jumped forward and flew out for more than thirty meters.


Before Gu Xi could react, he heard an explosion behind him.

 Gu Xi looked back and found a seven-meter-long white bone spear stuck right where he was standing. Where the spear fell, the ground was scorched black.

It can be seen that if Xie Coffin had not taken Gu Xi away immediately, he might have been lying in the coffin now.

 What was going on? Gu Xi was also furious. He raised his head and looked into the sky.

It was found that there was a huge white bone cavalry staring at him in the sky.

This bone cavalry is about seven meters tall. He rides on the back of a blue flame phoenix with a wingspan of at least ten meters, and carries three spears about the same length as him behind him.

 Looking at this situation, Gu Xi knew that there was no need to ask, it was this guy who attacked him.

 The spear is still on his back.

 The explosion just now was definitely stained by the flames of this phoenix.

 Looks like a big move is coming now.

Gu Xi's eyes narrowed, and the shadow of the steel city gate appeared behind him.

However, the one flying in the sky ignored this situation. He pulled out a spear and pointed it at Gu Xi.

 “Outsiders, hand over your things.”

 Hand in with your sister.

With such nonsense, who knows what you want.

And how about you just throw a spear at the beginning?

  Is this a way to ask for something?

 This is clearly the rhythm of wanting to kill someone.

 Gu Xi was not used to this guy, and he didn't care that the magic he had just replenished had not been used up yet. He raised his hand and pointed the cold wind staff upward.

 Unexpectedly, the guy above moved much faster than Gu Xi.

When Gu Xicai raised the Cold Wind Staff, a spear flew down.

 “Death incarnate!”


 The incarnation of death flew out of the black mist and was struck by a spear.

 In the explosion, the incarnation of death lost half his life.

 “Spray him to death!”

While Gu Xi ordered the incarnation of death to fight for the last time, he turned to look at the skeleton mage behind him.

 “What are you still doing in a daze? Draw the devil, draw that phoenix!”

The skeleton mages reacted and quickly started to draw demons.

And Gu Xi began to pour the magic potion into his mouth.

 Because this time the incarnation of death was released directly without using other spells, Gu Xi, who had lost a lot of mana, did not dare to drink another large bottle of magic potion.

Now he is drinking miniature magic potions provided by the skeleton mage. A bottle of magic replenishment costs 100.

 Even warrior professionals would dislike this amount of mana.

 But it’s just right for Gu Xi.

After watching the incarnation of death spray out the death dragon's breath and hit the blue phoenix, Gu Xi decisively raised the cold wind staff again.

 “Magic Arrow!”

 “Death incarnate!”

 (End of this chapter)

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