Breath of the Dead

Chapter 466: The reincarnated incarnation of death (please subscribe)

 Chapter 466 The reincarnated incarnation of death (please subscribe)

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 The incarnation of death released for the second time regained its strength instantly.

At the same time, the black mist around him has also been replaced with other kits, using an extremely cold snow layer specially designed to deal with flames.

In addition, Gu Xi noticed that a set of black lungs began to appear under the sternum of the incarnation of death.

 Obviously he has strengthened the effect of dragon's breath this time.

However, Gu Xi noticed that there seemed to be something snow-white hidden inside the black lungs.

 No matter what, when Death Incarnate attacks again, everything will be aimed at the enemy.

Just now, the phoenix blocked the death dragon breath of the incarnation of death.

 The situation is obviously different this time.

Rushing upward, the incarnation of death first knocked the phoenix, and then flicked its tail, turning back into a brass-colored tailbone and hitting the skeleton soldier on the phoenix's back.

The skeleton soldier was almost knocked off the Phoenix, but luckily he turned over and stabilized everything.

 But at this moment, the incarnation of death opened its mouth and breathed out dragon breath.

 Phoenix thought that the incarnation of death was doing the same thing again.

That kind of green death dragon breath will hurt the blue phoenix in front of you, but it will have little effect.

 After all, the most troublesome power of death in the Death Dragon's Breath is exactly restrained by the Phoenix.

 It shouldn’t be a problem if you try it again.

Then the phoenix moved upward and stood in front of the incarnation of death.

It’s just that this time the incarnation of death is no longer breathing green death dragon breath.

 Since getting new lungs, Death Incarnation’s Death Dragon Breath finally has a kit.

 Although it is still the death dragon's breath that can only be used once per summon.

 But the focus of Death Dragon's Breath has completely changed.

 The green death dragon's breath that is usually used is the standard death dragon's breath. It is a dragon's breath composed of countless people's souls and resentments.

 The death dragon's breath sprayed out this time was blue-white, like a snowstorm, covering the entire Phoenix.

That phoenix really didn't expect that the incarnation of death can be exchanged for kits.

The ice is really the biggest weakness of this phoenix.

 An ice-style death dragon breath came down, and white frost appeared on both the phoenix and the skeleton on its back.

The Incarnation of Death took this opportunity to bite the skeleton soldier earlier before the Phoenix had time to stop it.

This skeleton soldier did not expect that the incarnation of death would be so ungrateful and sneak attack on a knight like him.

 Aren't you supposed to fight your mount normally?

 What does it sound like to attack him secretly?

 But the incarnation of death didn't care about this. When he bit the skeleton soldier, he turned around, flicked his tail and hit the phoenix, knocking the frozen phoenix away.

After throwing away the phoenix, the incarnation of death flew upwards, using more and more force between his teeth. In the end, only a crunching sound was heard, and the skeleton soldier was bitten to pieces on the spot.

 After losing the skeleton soldiers, the flames on the Phoenix slowly faded away.

 When the incarnation of death saw this situation, there was no waste at all. He immediately jumped out and opened his mouth to suck.

 All the blue flames were sucked into the belly of the incarnation of death.

 【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills the Nether Phoenix Cavalry (level 13), you get 8214 experience points (8214 points are stored overflow). 】

 After the Nether Phoenix Cavalry died in battle and the flames were sucked away, only a purple ball the size of a human head was left on the scene.

 The incarnation of death glanced at Gu Xi, excitement flashing in his eyes. “Okay, you can take it.”

As soon as Gu Xi finished speaking, the incarnation of death took away the purple ball in an instant, turned around and disappeared in front of Gu Xi.

 After everything was over, Gu Xi turned back to inspect the battlefield just now.

 At that moment, half of the troops around Gu Xi were killed.

More than thirty swarms of corpse flies and white bone locusts were defeated, and they needed to be returned to replenish the insect swarms.

The situation of the skeleton soldiers protecting Gu Xi was even more like this. Three skeleton teams were destroyed, and the three skeleton leaders were killed on the spot.

From this we can see how powerful the blow that fell from the sky just now was.

 “Sir, are you okay?”

 At this moment, Sha Ya appeared next to Gu Xi.

It can be seen that the blow just now caused great harm to Shaya.

“It’s okay, how are you?”

“It’s okay. He almost died in that attack, but I didn’t make it easy for him. Sir, do you see what I got?”

Shaya proudly took out something.

 Gu Xi wanted to say something at first, but when he turned around, a trace of doubt flashed in Gu Xi's eyes.

 “Where did it come from?”

It turns out that what Shaya got was a thick shield made of white bones, with three skulls inlaid on the edge of the shield.

 These three skulls are tied together with something like a belt.

But what Gu Xi paid attention to was not this, but a deep sword mark on the shield. Under the sword mark, the shield seemed to have been cut into two pieces.

"Where did it come from? Of course it was me who cut it. I originally wanted to cut the spear that flew down, but I missed it and only cut his shield."

 Gu Xi thought about it for a moment and realized that something was wrong with the Nether Phoenix Cavalry just now. When he looked over, the Nether Phoenix Cavalry only held a spear in one hand, and the other hand was always empty.

Now it seems that he should be holding a shield, but the shield was chopped off.

This is also thanks to Sha Ya. Without this guy's attack and defense, it would be difficult for Death Incarnate to defeat him.

While thinking, Gu Xi took the shield.

 The moment he got the shield, Gu Xi couldn't help but let out a sigh.

  【You get three dragon shields (gray, broken)】

  【Three-Headed Dragon Shield (grey, broken): This is a special shield made by private individuals. The original production plan was to imitate the idea of ​​a three-headed dog and produce three types of magic shields with enhanced resistance.

 But because of the richness of the maker, he finally produced such an outrageous shield, the quality of which reached the peak level of purple.

  It is inappropriate to call a shield of this level a three-headed dog, so three-headed dragon became the new name of this shield.

It’s just that after the user turned into a skeleton, the shield also became undead, and its quality dropped to the normal purple level.

Because he was cut into two pieces, he lost most of his strength and has now turned into a gray quality.

If you find a master blacksmith who specializes in shield making, you can repair the shield and bring it to the peak blue level.

 As for whether it can become a purple-quality shield again, it depends on luck. 】

Looking through the detailed description of the Three Dragon Shields, Gu Xi also knew the origin of this thing.

 He handed the three-headed dragon shield back to Shaya.

“Shaya, go and find out who used this thing before, and find out who is plotting against us and who is attacking us from behind.”

 (End of this chapter)

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