Breath of the Dead

Chapter 467: Lock target (189194)

 Chapter 467 Targeting (189194)

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Sha Ya left quickly after receiving the mission, and Gu Xi was not so anxious at this time and rushed on her way.

 The reason why Gu Xi was on his way just now was mainly because he planned to complete Madam Sha's mission.

Now that he saw that the situation was not quite right, Gu Xi had no idea of ​​rushing on.

 “Encamp where you are and prepare for battle.”

Under Gu Xi's order, the undead who survived the battle quickly moved into action, leading Gu Xi to a nearby camping location and quickly setting up camp.

At the same time, Gu Xi also released the steel city gate as a support for his battle.

As the steel city gate was released, the Earth-bound dragon also appeared near the city gate. The Earth-bound dragon that was suppressed by the city gate did not turn into a clone, but started to swim around the city gate.

 At this time, he is considered to be in his weakest state. Before anyone can transform into a clone, he can be attacked by magic or physical attacks.

 But now there are no enemies, and the earth-bound dragon has no direction to clone itself, so this is naturally the only way it can be done now.

However, Gu Xi noticed that four turtles were swimming around next to the Earth-bound dragon.

 They don't look like serious Prime Minister Turtles at all. Instead, they have limbs of normal human length. They are clearly masters of close combat.

 When Gu Xi looked over, they all felt something at the same time and turned to look at Gu Xi.

Turning his head, Gu Xi found that all their eyes had no pupils, and he could tell at a glance that they were not alive.

 Gu Xi was a little surprised by their reaction.

However, Gu Xi immediately realized that they were the subordinates of the Earth-bound Dragon, and not all of them were his own soldiers.

 It seems that the ghost realm of the Earthbound Dragon has slowly taken shape.

 At this moment, Shaya rushed back quickly.

"grown ups."

“Why did you come back so soon? Did you find something?”

Sha Ya didn't care about anything else and told Gu Xi the situation directly as soon as she saw him.

“I thought it would take a long time at first, but I didn’t expect that this thing was quite famous. As soon as they saw me taking it out, they knew who it was. It was a professor from the Reindeer Department.

I heard that he originally taught Magical Creatures, but then it disappeared for some reason, but this shield was created when he was still in school. This thing was quite famous in the academy at that time, so as soon as I took it out, I immediately Someone saw it. "

 “Where are the reindeer?”

 Gu Xi immediately thought of the black-robed skeleton.

He seemed to say that he was from the Reindeer Department. Judging from the current situation, professors who graduated from other Reindeer Departments should have certain connections with him.

 It’s just that the relationship between Gu Xi and the black-robed skeleton should be considered good.

 Why did he send people to attack him?

Gu Xi's face sank, "Shaya, this situation is wrong. Please recall again. Are there any details that we missed during the previous battle?"

Sha Ya is doing intelligence work and is better than Gu Xi in terms of memory and details.

As soon as Gu Xi mentioned this request, Shaya quickly reviewed the previous battle.

 Because the enemy attacked sneakily from the sky, and the Phoenix was extremely fast, when the enemy discovered the first wave of attacks, Gu Xi and the others did not react.


 At this moment, Shaya suddenly said something.

"Sir, it seems that when you escaped, the other party asked you to hand over something. He came here looking for something, and he can be sure that the thing is in your hands."

“What could it be?

 The fangs of the Fire Rat King? This is not right. "Gu Xi looked thoughtful, "I received this task from Mrs. Sha. Obviously, Mrs. Sha is not from the Reindeer Faculty, and he has no direct connection with this person.

 Could it be the inheritance skeleton?

This is the thing that the black-robed skeleton used to pass on before?

  Or is this the most crucial thing in the Mystery Academy? "

 Gu Xi analyzed himself back and forth.

“Sir, your idea seems wrong.”

As an intelligence officer, Shaya has a tight grasp on some details.

"Sir, there should be more people who know about our attack on Crazy Liulin, but it will definitely be known to some people nearby. This guy obviously chased him from a very far away place.

 When we first came here, we definitely didn’t tell anyone where we were going.

 So the reason why he came after him was not for the things in the Crazy Willow Forest, but for other things. "

Hearing what Sha Ya said, Gu Xi also reacted, "I understand."


Gu Xi stood up and walked back and forth, "That **** did it on purpose. The reason why he only wanted ten skull flowers was because he wanted me to kill the Italian giant armor.

 Because he knew who the person behind the giant armor of Death Wish was, and also knew that that person had the habit of leaving skulls as trophies.

 Skeleton flower grows inside the skull.

If only one or two flowers can still be stolen, ten of them will prove that I killed the giant armor of death.

And his target was the thing behind Death Wish's giant armor, the corpse nailed to the edge of the pool with a long sword.

  No, the corpse shouldn’t be the focus.

Neither is the sword.

  The Caribou Department has little to do with leadership.

Then what he wants is the bell made of skulls. "

With a flash in his eyes, Gu Xi understood what the black-robed skeleton wanted.

Gu Xi didn't care at all about the black-robed skeleton's plan to open his own way.

This kind of thing is relatively common. This is the case when assigning tasks. No one will tell the person who receives the task what they want in the end.

 After all, everyone has their own goals and directions in doing things.

 They issue tasks, as long as someone can help solve the immediate problem.

 What happens next does not require them to take any action at all.

 Gu Xi used this method back then to deal with the white-clothed Guanyin of Heaven and **** the orange ring.

 Now that he encounters such a thing, he can especially understand the thoughts of the black-robed skeleton.

But understanding is understanding, if the black-robed skeleton sends people to attack him, that won't work.

 You have to come over and say what you want at the beginning, and then discuss it carefully, and it’s not like you won’t give it.

Now, if they attack Gu Xi, then in Gu Xi's eyes, they are enemies.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi stopped and turned to Shaya and said: "Shaya, go and find out. There is a skull-like bell. Go and ask what it is for.

I would like to ask again, if anyone wants it, as long as they are not from the black-robed skeleton, they can come and buy it. "

 Gu Xi’s idea was simple, regardless of whether the trouble this time was caused by the bell made of skulls.

 He planned to use this thing as bait so that no one could offend Gu Xi and leave alive.

 (End of this chapter)

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