Breath of the Dead

Chapter 468: Trader (190194)

 Chapter 468 Trader (190194)

 After Sha Ya left, Gu Xi decisively released the other two city gates.

 These three city gates were used to form a Z-shaped defensive array.

 Six bone dragons took off and circled in the sky to prevent sneak attacks.

 After all, the previous situation scared Gu Xi.

The murderous intention that fell from the sky almost took Gu Xi away.

At the same time, it also made Gu Xi see that the incarnation of death under his command was no longer the most powerful one in this space.

In order to ensure his own safety, Gu Xi had to take out all his belongings.

As the troops occupied the corresponding positions, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Temporary safety was no longer a problem.

However, Gu Xi was not the kind of person who waited for defense. After ensuring his own safety, Gu Xi sent out the troops he could use to explore the road.

Especially for the gargoyles, Gu Xi sent them out in several directions. He did not ask for anything else. He just wanted to be able to detect enemies one step ahead when they appeared.

I have to say that Gu Xi’s idea is quite reasonable.

 About ten minutes later, a gargoyle flew back.

He was flying very fast, as if something was chasing him from behind.

 “Are there any enemies? How many are there?”

The gargoyle kept shaking its head and gesticulating.

Gu Xi took a look and quickly understood the meaning of the gargoyle's words.

Someone is rushing this way, but it doesn't look like they are coming to attack Gu Xi, but they are coming to trade.

  Gu Xi didn’t believe too much in the gargoyle’s judgment.

 He quickly climbed onto the gate tower here and looked into the distance.

 After about seven or eight minutes, the army that the gargoyle mentioned appeared on the horizon ahead.

At this time, Gu Xi finally understood why the gargoyles said that they didn't seem to be here to fight, but rather to trade.

This team is obviously an armed force, escorting a transport unit.

 Their situation is somewhat similar to the situation in this dimension, they all belong to the kind of existence that has become undead.

It’s just that in this army, there are no students dressed in black robes and scarves. The guards here are all elves and goblins the size of fists.

The situation of these elves is somewhat like the ghost butterflies under Gu Xi, but they have bee wings on their backs.

 The goblin is the kind of monster that wears a red hat and has a mouth that can open to the base of the ears.

 They were responsible for towing the vehicle and walked here step by step.

 The vehicles they were towing were piled with large amounts of gold and jewels.

As they approached, Gu Xi could clearly see that there seemed to be a layer of black air above the carts of gold and jewelry.

 Gu Xi thought for a moment, and when the Cold Wind Staff was on the top of the city gate, an owl went down to deliver the order.

 When this army approached the city gate, a group of spiritual butterflies had also appeared near Gu Xi's city gate.

They appeared near the city gate and immediately attracted the attention of the troops coming over.

The skeleton who led the team had his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something exciting.

 He even put down his troops and charged over on his skeleton horse.

 “Get back, don’t come any closer.”

Seeing that this person was about to rush into the attack range, Gu Xi had to warn him in advance.

 “Ah, I don’t mean any harm, I’m here to trade.”

The man was startled by Gu Xi's words. He quickly stopped his horse and raised a big flag.

The flag depicts a bat flying above the college. Seeing the battle flag, Gu Xi frowned.

 Do the various departments in this college still have battle flags?

 He has never encountered it before.

Seeing that Gu Xi did not attack, this man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please don't take action. I am the administrator of the bat building in the academy. My name is Vega. I am here to trade. We are not going forward now. Can you please come down and talk."

Gu Xi stared at Vega for a long time and found that he was just a skeleton, wearing a Western short-sleeve jacket. If he hadn't been riding a skeleton horse, some people would have believed him to be a coolie.

However, Gu Xi still asked: "What does the Bat Building do? Is it the name of the Bat Department?"

“Ah? No, we use bats in our college to deliver letters and use bats as mounts. The Bat Building is where these bats are raised. It is under the management of the college, but it is not included in the four major departments.

But I graduated from the Bat Department, and I am here to negotiate with you on behalf of the Bat Department on a temporary basis. "

After hearing this, Gu Xi did not go down immediately.

At this time, Vega said again: "Sir, I have the best intelligence network in the academy and the fastest way to move, so I can get here before them.

 Others did not react so quickly. "

 “Okay, just wait for me.”

Gu Xi turned over and jumped from the city gate tower.

 When he fell, the evil coffin had already caught him and brought him to a position about fifty meters in front of Vega.

 At the same time, Gu Xi's men also began to gather here.

"How did you know I was here? What do you want?"

“Sir, I saw the ghost phoenix flying over my head, but it hasn’t come back yet. Anyone who is not stupid will know what this is about.

Have you seen these things I brought?

 That ball left behind by Phoenix, we just want that thing.

 As long as you, sir, are willing to give us the ball, I can keep all these things.

 If it’s not enough, just tell me and I’ll bring a new one right away. "

 “Are you talking about a purple ball the size of a human head?”

Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, and finally asked.

 “Yes, I knew it must have fallen into your hands.”

Vega also became happy upon hearing this, "How much do you want, please just ask."

"I may not be able to give you this thing. It has been digested by my men and cannot be taken out at all."

Gu Xi also said helplessly.

 “What?” Upon hearing this, Vega also became excited.

“There’s really nothing we can do about it, but I have something here that you might be interested in. It’s a bell that looks like a skull. Are you interested?”

Vicario pondered for a moment and then called out on the spot: "Soul-controlling bell?"

 “You know this thing, how is it, are you interested?”

"No, sir, I can't eat this. No one can eat it except a few deans of departments."

“Can you tell me, next time there is such a good thing, I will keep it for you.”

Vega hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Well, it's actually nothing more than permissions.

The soul-controlling bell can control all the puppets and golems in the college, which is within the permission of the department director.

The ball left behind by Phoenix after his death can unlock the permission to fly at high speed in the academy.

 I have been keeping an eye on his authority for a long time..."

 (End of this chapter)

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