Breath of the Dead

Chapter 469: The arrival of the department chair (please subscribe)

 Chapter 469 The arrival of the department chair (please subscribe)

 Listening to Vega's introduction, Gu Xi understood some of the situation.

 It turns out that in the academy, there are actually levels of authority.

 The dean is the highest-level existence. He controls the entire college and can easily appear in any corner of the college and monitor everything in the college. It can be said that he is almost invincible in the college.

It’s just that the current dean is probably dead. The vice dean, who was the original head of the Shanbao Department, took away the dean’s authority and disappeared into time and space together with the main building of the college.

 Also disappearing are some of the authority of the department chair in his hands.

Each department chair has some authority, which is mainly used to manage students in their own department and the majors they teach.

 Further down are the professors, who also have some authority. Some of them have even higher authority than the department chair because of their long time or unique abilities.

Like Gu Xi said, the soul-controlling bell is the most important part of the college's defense system.

 Normally it should be in the hands of the dean and vice-dean.

 But the professors of Golemology and Puppetry will also have a copy.

 This is why there are so many soul control bells.

 There are quite a few such things, but there are really few as important as the Soul Controlling Bell.

 Hence, Vega did not dare to touch the soul-controlling bell. He was afraid that once this thing came into his hands, everyone would be dead.

 He can only think about the permissions at the next level down, the permissions of faculty and staff.

These faculty members are not professors, but mainly librarians, guardians of the Forbidden Forest, key keepers and the like.

 They have some relatively special but insignificant permissions, mainly to serve students.

 After that, there is the lowest level, students' permissions. Students can study in the college and learn at least four basic skills or other skills.

As for the others, there is no such thing, but the college can guarantee that every student who comes in will be alive.

 When he said this, Vega actually looked at Gu Xi.

"It's a pity for you. When you came in, the college was like this. You are not a student at all."

“Ah, am I not considered a student? Can I skip the rules of the academy and learn more skills?”

 Vega simply didn’t know how to answer Gu Xi’s question.

In his view, the questions raised by Gu Xi were simply random.

 Since ancient times, learning in the mystery academy has consisted of four skills.

 You can learn less, but you cannot learn more.

 It is simply impossible to think about breaking the rules of the academy.

Just when Vega was thinking about how to explain to Gu Xi that he could only learn four skills in the Mystery Academy, a voice sounded from behind Vega.

“No, no matter what era in the academy, students can only learn four basic skills.

However, I can do you a favor. You don’t seem to have learned anything. What you have learned here are the rewards you got after helping the department head.

  I can help you enroll and give you the opportunity to enroll again and learn four basic skills. "

Hearing this, Gu Xizhen was startled. He looked in the direction of the sound and found a woman who was more than five meters tall walking towards this side.

This woman is not in the skeletal state that Gu Xi saw outside the academy. Her skin is a bit bluish-white, and it looks like Dimi's skin condition.

She wears a skirt-like armor made of red and black iron pieces. When walking forward, you can land silently.

 As she walked, Gu Xi also noticed that a large amount of white steam would spray out from behind her.

 After walking about thirty meters in front of Gu Xi in a few steps, the woman stopped.

 She first looked at the situation around her, and then said.

"My name is Miranda, the head of the Bat Department. I heard from Vega that the soul-controlling bell is in your hands? What do you think, do you want to make a deal with me? I can guarantee you a chance to re-enroll. "

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi also had a thought in his heart.

If he can really re-enroll in school, then he can't hand over such a soul-controlling bell that he has no use for.

“It would be a waste to leave the soul-controlling bell to you. Miranda, you should know your own strength. You can’t beat Navido.”

 At this time, another voice also sounded, and an ordinary skeleton about the same height as a normal person came out from nearby.

This skeleton is wearing a black robe, holding a staff with a fist-sized diamond on the head, and a silver long sword hanging on his waist.

When walking forward, blue magic circles will appear under his feet from time to time, and then he can teleport forward a certain distance instantly.

 In a few steps, he was about thirty meters away from Gu Xi.

However, Gu Xi noticed that he seemed to be standing less than ten meters away from Miranda.

 Obviously they know each other and have a pretty good relationship.

“My name is Kalimdor, the head of the Crocodile Department. I saw you on the lake before. After you got on the train, you left again.

I originally wanted to communicate with you, but you got off the car in the mountains. There are reasons why it is inconvenient for me to enter the mountains.

 So you and I missed it.

If I hadn't heard this time that someone was inquiring about the soul-controlling bell and wanted to sell the soul-controlling bell, I wouldn't have come to see you.

 You must have taken the soul-controlling bell that Navido wanted.

 He is that kind of person, he always treats students as chess pieces.

 Never tell others what you want.

 As a result, every time he wanted something, it would always be taken away or thrown away as garbage or unwanted items.

 But it happened to him every time, and he encountered this kind of thing every time. "

Kalimdor laughed at Navido, the black-robed skeleton that Gu Xi met, joking that he had spent all his efforts but got nothing.

After ridiculing, Karimdo changed his tone and said, "Now that the Soul Controlling Bell is in your hand, Vido will definitely want to **** it back. It's a waste for you to hold it in your hand. Why don't we cooperate?"

Gu Xi glanced at Karimdo and then laughed.

"Cooperation is fine, but just now Mrs. Miranda was willing to give me the opportunity to re-enter the academy, so what can I get from cooperating with you?"

"Miranda can't beat Navido." Karimdo rolled his eyes at Gu Xi.

"So what? You don't think I will wait here until you finish fighting. Let's rebuild the academy."

Gu Xi had a look on his face that said, "I don't know, I don't know."

“I must have a ticket to the academy. Once the academy is rebuilt, I will issue a ticket to come in.

I think no matter which one of you wins, you will not deny this ticket. "

 (End of this chapter)

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