Breath of the Dead

Chapter 470: I want to be the head of the department (please subscribe)

 Chapter 470 I want to be the head of the department (please subscribe)

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Kalimdor was speechless for a moment. He knew very well that what Gu Xi said was the truth.

 No matter what direction the college is in, or whether the college exists or not, as long as someone activates the ticket, he can enter the college to study.

  There is no need to consider who gave him the ticket, nor does he need to consider whether he has any grudge against the dean of the college.

 It is enough for them to know that by entering the academy with a ticket, they can learn the corresponding knowledge.

“Well, you are right. If you just want to learn some basic skills, this is enough. After all, as the director of the department, he can issue you an admission ticket.

 But don’t you think that there are not many such good opportunities?

 Would you like to try something else? "

 Hearing Kalimdor's words, Gu Xi couldn't help but laugh.

“Director Kalimdor, your ability to persuade people is not very good. When you speak, I always feel like a wasted wolf with nothing.”

 “Well, I’m not good at this.”

 Listening to Gu Xi's sarcasm, Kalimdor not only didn't get angry, but actually laughed.

“Mechanics and combat are my style, but what I said this time is true. I have a plan. Did you see the previous battle?”

Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what he was talking about was the explosion that had been heard in the sky before.

 He nodded to show that he knew.

“It was also at that time that I discovered that there were still so many people in the college who were thinking about the position of dean.

 So I thought for a while, how about giving up the monopoly, recruiting some people, and rebuilding the college.

 For example, I can become the dean. Miranda, if you are willing to join now, I can arrange a position for you as deputy dean and department chair.

 In this way, the positions of three department chairs are vacant in the college. "

Karimdo said while looking at Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi's mind was filled with questions.

 What do you mean, give him the position of head of the department of the Mysterious Academy.

Then what should he teach?


Is this cost-effective? One is that you can come back to learn skills next time, and the other is to become the department head of the college.

 Which one of these will have more benefits, Gu Xi naturally knows it.

Kalimdor wanted to say something again at this time, but Gu Xi said decisively: "Yes, I will join. I want the position of department head."

As soon as Gu Xi finished speaking, Kalimdor and Miranda looked at Gu Xi at the same time.

The two were stunned for a moment, and Miranda burst into laughter.

 “Hahaha, Kalimdor, I didn’t expect you to be here today.”

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he felt that something was not right. He glanced at Miranda and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"No, he also has the same problem as Navido. He always has the habit of not explaining things clearly and letting people guess. In the end, when you ask him for a reward, he will say that you made it up in your own head. , he didn’t say it at first.

But this time he suffered a big loss.

 He ​​originally thought he would give you a hint and you would just agree, but he didn’t expect that you would directly ask for the position of department chair.

I guess he originally just wanted to give you a faculty position in the college, maybe the highest possible position is a professor.

 Hahaha, it really made me laugh. This is the condition, you can accept it.

If you don’t give me the position of department head, you shouldn’t hand over the soul-controlling bell. "

  When Miranda said this, Gu Xi also understood that he was thinking too much.

But this is okay, he has given the conditions anyway, and it depends on Karimdo whether he is willing or not.

 Anyway, even if you leave now, Gu Xi will not lose money. The best thing to do is to give Miranda the things before leaving and ask her to give herself another ticket.

 At this time, Kalimdor also recovered from the shock.

“Well, originally I was worried about the shortage of manpower, but now there are only three departments left. When I become the dean, I have to give up the position of department head.

 The head of the strongest department can become the deputy dean.

 At that time, there were only two department chair positions available, and I happened to find a portrait of a former dean in the college who could become a department chair.

 Coupled with one of my former disciples, he can manage the crocodile department I gave up.

Your joining has given me another opportunity.

 Four departments are the most reasonable.

 I can promise you, but you have to become the head of the Shanbao Department that was taken away by the former deputy dean.

 Everything must be built from scratch by you. "

  Gu Xi had no objection to starting from scratch and establishing a new department.

At Gu Xixiang, there are standard procedures here.

 It's just that Gu Xi has a problem now.

“If I become department chair, will I stay here forever?”

“No, you can arrange three professors in each department to be responsible for teaching tasks, and you can arrange another seven faculty members to help manage students.

 Finally, you can leave a portrait. Even if you are not here, you can still manage through the portrait.

 So you don’t need to worry about departmental control at all. "

“Okay, I can become the new department chair, but I would like to ask again, does it have to be Shan Bao?

Anyway, the original Shanbao department no longer exists. Can it be renamed? "

"Of course even if you don't say this, I will ask you to change your name, because when a new college is established, all names will be changed."

As Kalimdo spoke, he stretched out his hand to Gu Xi.

Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, but did not hold it, but waved his hand behind him.

Kalimdor was shocked by Gu Xi's actions. He saw Gu Xi put a bell made of skulls into his hand.

  Then Kalimdor saw a hint of a mouse-stealing smile flashing in Gu Xi’s eyes.

Because at this time, Gu Xi heard a ding in his ear.

【Ding! The first round of long-term mission: The Light of the Mysterious Academy is completed. 】

  【Long-term Mission: The Light of the Mysterious Academy】

  【First round mission description: Join the team that rebuilds the Mysterious Academy. 】

 【Task requirement: Join the team that attacks the Mystic Academy territory (1/1)】

  【Second round mission description: Defeat the villains inside the mysterious academy. 】

                                                                              ema groundleg in hand by hand >> [Task requirements: Defeat the rebels within the Mysterious Academy (0/10), settlement will be based on the number defeated, at least one rebel needs to be defeated. 】

  【Task reward: Identity as the head of the department of the Mysterious Academy. 】

  【Note 1: The dean of the mysterious academy is also a position that can be taken advantage of in the game world. 】

  【Note 2: In the Mystery Academy, authority is sometimes higher than level. 】

  【Note 3: With a corresponding identity in the Mystery Academy, you can learn all kinds of knowledge you want to learn without restrictions. 】

It turns out that when Gu Xi responded to Kalimdor’s first sentence and proposed that he wanted to become the dean of the department, a long-term task had already popped up.

Now that he has completed the first round of the mission, even if Kalimdor regrets it, there is no way to kick him out of the team.

 (End of this chapter)

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