Breath of the Dead

Chapter 471: Big guys gather on the lake (191194)

Chapter 471 Big guys gather on the lake (191194)

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As for Gu Xi’s attitude, Kalimdo didn’t understand why. He seemed to have been deceived by Gu Xi.

But at this time, he also understood that regardless of Gu Xi's low level, his strength was not weak at all.

 At least in the current situation, Gu Xi's troops can be used.

So if Gu Xi is willing to be a department chair, then let him do it.

"Then it wouldn't be good for us to talk here. In these mountains, I will always be stared at by that guy Navido. It's inconvenient to do anything. Go to the lake that I can control."

As Kalimdo spoke, he opened a huge blue portal in front of Gu Xi.

That portal is quite big, big enough that even Miranda can enter.

Miranda also knew Kalimdor's abilities. She glanced at Gu Xi, lowered her head and entered the blue portal.

 Gu Xi thought for a while, then raised his hand and started to clean up everything here.

 After all, his troops and city gates are still stationed here.

The others have passed, and it would be bad if the troops did not return to Alidovi City.

  It will be a trivial matter that he cannot bring out the troops by then. If the troops are attacked here, it will be a big trouble.

 In the past, Gu Xi was not afraid of attacks because no matter who attacked him, he would always gain something.

 But it’s different now. Gu Xi also has a share in the mysterious academy. If this is broken, Gu Xi will be distressed.

 So you can't mess around at this time. You must take over the space of the Mystery Academy in an orderly manner and ensure the integrity of this space.

Gu Xi felt as if he had a lot to worry about.

 Obviously I am only at level 4, but I haven’t even reached level 5 yet.

Kalimdor said that he didn’t like the situation in the mountains, but he kept waiting for Gu Xi.

 It wasn’t until Gu Xi had packed everything that he opened a new portal for Gu Xi.

The moment he stepped into the portal, Gu Xi felt his feet loosen, and he plunged into the lake.

Fortunately, Gu Xi reacted quickly and released the water dragon beast to drag him up to the water.

However, his whole body was extremely wet.

Lying on the water dragon beast, Gu Xi found that Kalimdor, with a smile in his eyes, was looking at him, who was all wet.

"you do this delibrately?"

 Gu Xi didn’t let Kalimdor go just because he and he were members of the same team. Gu Xi directly criticized him.

 “No, it was just an accident.”

Just after Kalimdor finished speaking, Miranda on the side spoke.

“He did it on purpose. That’s what’s wrong with him. It’s okay. You don’t have to be afraid of him. If anything happens, just report him back.”

Looking at Miranda's attitude of not taking it too seriously, Gu Xi felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this mysterious academy.

However, neither Kalimdor nor Miranda meant to elaborate.

Kalimdor just pointed at the lake, and a crocodile with its belly in the air floated up from the lake.

This crocodile is as long as a train car, its limbs are obviously swollen, and it seems like something is about to explode under its skin.

Stepping on the belly of the crocodile, Gu Xi knew that the crocodile had been dead for many years. Standing on the crocodile, Miranda also looked confused.

 “It’s been so many years, haven’t you given up yet?”

“No, Sam has carried the sword of leadership for the Crocodile College for so many years. Everyone who graduated from the Crocodile College remembers him. Even if he dies, I will keep him.”

Gu Xi looked down and realized that this crocodile was the one with the sword of leadership stuck on its head.

It's just that he's this big, I'm afraid anyone who has some strength in learning can come up and get a sword of leadership.

 Gu Xi was still thinking about things, and Miranda on the other side said: "But you won't be able to manage the Crocodile Department in the future. Do you think your students will want to teach leadership skills?"

 Having said this, Kalimdor also fell silent.

 He understood that if he really wanted to become the dean of the mysterious academy, there were some things he really had to give up.

"That will happen in the future. If leadership skills are not taught in the future, I will just pretend I didn't see it."

Just when Gu Xi wanted to interrupt and say something, the two people who were about to quarrel closed their mouths again and looked in one direction at the same time.

 Gu Xi turned his head and looked over there, and he found that a little old man wearing a medieval dress and black stockings on his legs appeared on the water there.

 He walked easily on the water, and every step he took would leave a shadow on the water.

 At first Gu Xi didn’t feel much.

But as he got closer, Gu Xi suddenly discovered that this person was not a real person. His skin, clothes, and even everything about him were all painted in oil paintings.

  When he came over, both Kalimdor and Miranda bowed their heads to the little old man.


Miranda then introduced the little old man in front of Gu Xi.

This little old man was the dean of the Mysterious Academy for the past two terms. When Kalimdor was still a student, this little old man was a professor of the Bat Department. When Lanmida entered the academy to study, he was a professor of the Bat Department. Department Chair.

  It can be said that this is the standard process of the Mystic College, from faculty, to professor, to department chair, and finally to the position of dean step by step.

 So don't worry about his name. When you see an old man like this, just call him professor.

Of course he can be considered a special case in the Mystery Academy.

 Others died here because something big happened in the Mystery Academy.

He was the only one who turned into an oil painting after his death and hung it in the college. After something big happened in the college, he was affected by the breath of death and actually became alive.

 After coming back to life, because he was the dean of the college and had certain authority, he also protected a group of students.

 He had no ambition before.

It's different now. Kalimdor found him and negotiated terms with him, making him willing to join Kalimdor's team.

 In the end, he will become the head of a department, and can even use this ability to become the first undead dean of the new college.

And what he has to do is also very simple. Navido, the black-robed skeleton, has some dean-level authority.

 These are the cases where the dean of the college died in the battle and the vice dean got into trouble, so they were automatically assigned to the heads of several other departments.

 The control priority is not high.

This professor has only one role. When they attack Navido, he takes action to destroy this part of Navido's authority control.

As long as he has no authority, other things will be much simpler. Kalimdor and Miranda can handle everything here.

Of course they will not say this out loud, they are waiting for the last person to arrive.

 (End of this chapter)

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