Breath of the Dead

Chapter 472: Lock the target (192194)

 Chapter 472 Targeting (192194)

This last one didn’t keep Gu Xi and the others waiting too long.

Soon a new skeleton appeared on the lake. He was wearing a set of thick armor. He was about the same size as a normal person. He had a long sword hanging on his waist, two long swords on his back, and two swords in his hands. A two-handed heavy sword.

 It can be seen that this person is not a professional like a mage at all.

However, Gu Xi quickly figured it out. When he came in, he didn't say that the mysterious academy must be a magic academy.

This situation is normal. After all, which mage would take the initiative to learn leadership skills.

  Necromancer like him is needless to say.

 This is simply the rarest of the rare.

The thick-armored swordsman skeleton arrived, and the team here was finally together.

 After introduction, this person’s name is Canast.

 The Juggernaut among the Juggernauts who came out of the Crocodile Faculty.

 Others only have one long sword, but he has four in front of him, and he doesn’t know how many are not taken out.

 Most importantly, he is the strongest swordsman in the Crocodile Department.

After appearing, he immediately said: "I want to master the crocodile department in the future, but I will no longer teach leadership skills. I want to teach attack skills. Later, I can take the war madman route."

 Gu Xi can now be considered a person with enough knowledge. When he listens to other people's words, he can automatically add all kinds of information in his mind.

  【War Madman: Standard promotion skill, the minimum damage value and maximum damage value of the creatures under his command are increased by 1 each. 】

This ability is used to directly increase the attack power of your subordinates.

 In addition, the attack skill itself also increases the attack power of soldiers. It is obvious that he is trying to increase the attack attributes of soldiers.

From this point of view, this Canast's ability obviously lies in his sword.

 While Gu Xi was observing Canast, he also noticed Gu Xi.

 After all, the others are all celebrities in the mysterious academy. Only Gu Xi is a newcomer at first glance, and he is still alive.

Now someone like Gu Xi, who is not even level 5, dares to jump out and become the dean of the mysterious academy.

  This is how brave you need to be.

 Carnast naturally wanted to take a closer look at Gu Xi to see what kind of abilities he had.

While looking Gu Xi up and down, Kalimdor also began to talk about his plan this time.

 Their plan is divided into two steps.

 The first step is to kill Navido, the black-robed skeleton, and take away the authority assigned to him from his hands.

 To complete the first step, you need to eradicate Navido's wings.

 There are about twenty enemies that need to be dealt with here.

 The main ones are the three professors and seven teaching staff under Navido. When something happened in the college, they always followed Navido and were protected by Navido.

 At the same time they will also fight for Navido.

For example, the Nether Phoenix Cavalry who attacked Gu Xi before was one of the clergymen.

 Vega, who wanted to trade with Gu Xi before, was a member of Miranda's staff.

 Then there are the pets of Navido.

 That is, the results of his research. Kalimdor didn't know how many there were.

 The only thing that is certain is that when they discovered that Navido had taken action, he had already killed a giant skeleton beast. In addition, the giant skeleton protecting Navido in the burial ground was also one of them.

 Now they can only count by gaoli, and they count five people in it. Finally, there are the faculty members in the college who secretly defected to him or who had to side with Navido because of their authority.

 This kind of faculty is the backbone of the college.

 There may not be many in number, but they all occupy relatively important positions, such as the deceased Lady Shakespeare, who was the administrator of the only library in the college.

 Another example is the doctors in the medical wing and so on.

 They are not necessarily faculty members of a certain department, but because of some things, they will be closer to a certain department.

Kalimdor knows all of these people. Those who can be drawn over will not be included, and those who can not be beaten will not be included. In this way, with seven deductions and eight deductions, there will not be more than five people who really need to be beaten.

 Hence, calculating from left to right, they still have to deal with twenty enemies before they get to Navedo.

 Some of these twenty enemies are with Navido, and some are not together.

 This gave them the opportunity to spread their attack.

Kalimdor and Miranda were lighting up there one by one, while the oil painting professor sat aside and looked at the lake.

At this moment, Canast suddenly said: "Oh, I understand."

His words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Gu Xi also raised his head and asked with some confusion: "What do you understand?"

“The ring on your right hand is an orange one. Let me tell you, as a Level 4 person, how can you be qualified to be the head of the department at the Mysterious Academy? It turns out you have a backstage.”

 Look at the sweat from your head.

Does this guy have no brains? How long has it been and he is still thinking about this matter? Can he really win by following a group of people like this?

However, Gu Xi still nodded at this time, "Yes, orange ring, what's wrong, don't you guys have orange clothes?"

 Listening to Gu Xi's tone, everyone, including the oil painting professor, was speechless.

 They also want orange equipment, but are orange equipment so easy to get?

 Many level 20 bosses don’t have orange equipment.

 At level 10, if you can mix the whole body with purple, or mix with a few pieces of purple equipment with relatively weak negative effects, it would be quite impressive.

  When they heard about the orange outfit, they took a few more glances at the ring on Gu Xi’s hand.

However, none of them had any reaction in the end. Even Canast, who brought this matter up, did not ask what the effect of the orange equipment was.

 In the eyes of ordinary people, orange clothing has become a myth.

 Those who got the orange equipment are all the bosses of the party.

 There are even rumors that even a level 1 novice can kill gods as long as they have orange equipment in their hands.

After this matter was briefly discussed, they discussed a plan to deal with Navido.

If we want to take action this time, the situation must not be separated to attack Navido's men.

 Because Navido is not stupid, he will take action when he finds something is wrong.

Moreover, some of these enemies are right next to Navido, and only seven or eight are outside.

 So Kalimdor turned to look at Gu Xi.

"Mr. Gu, how about you deal with the enemies outside?"

 Gu Xi glanced at Karim and said, "Okay, but what about the authority? If I defeat these guys in the end, I won't have any authority in my department."

"No, the four major departments all have corresponding authority. This has been divided since the establishment of the Mystic Academy. The authority of each college is clearly written. The head of each department has five authority. There won’t be any leaks.”

Gu Xi stared at Karim for a while, and finally reached out and took the target map.

 (End of this chapter)

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