Breath of the Dead

Chapter 473: Fight for yourself (please subscribe)

 Chapter 473 Fight for yourself (please subscribe)

 This time, I fight for myself!

Looking at the newly updated map, Gu Xi consoled himself.

 It can be said that this battle was really a job that Gu Xi found himself.

 Otherwise, Gu Xi had already obtained the leadership skill and understood the situation of the death edict, so he could escape in advance.

But it is impossible for him to give up.

 He glanced at the target he needed to deal with.

 Three are neutral faculty members who have clearly joined Navido's staff, three may be Navido's free-range pets or experimental subjects, and there is also a professor who usually helps Navido run around.

 There are seven people in total here, and Gu Xi has to deal with a lot here.

 After all, when they first calculated, Navidot and himself were only an estimate of twenty people.

 When three people fight, one person will be divided into seven.

There are five of them now. Although the oil painting professor is only responsible for suppressing the authority of Navido's department chair and does not take action, there are still three strong people.

They made a good plan and went to besiege Navido together.

 Gu Xi was disdainful of their actions.

 With so many people given to you, do you really think you can’t defeat them?

Hands of the map, Gu Xi said to Kalimdor: "Can you send me back to where I came from just now?"

"You want to go back? There is no opponent there that you need to fight against."

Karim glanced at Gu Xi, a little confused about his choice.

 “My men are still over there, there are some things that need to be taken care of.”

 When Gu Xi saw the map, he had his own plan, but there were some things that he would not tell others.

 Speaking out at this time will cause some trouble.

Karim took another look at Gu Xi, thinking that Gu Xi had a further route.

"Okay, I'll send you there, but I told you that Navido and I are mortal enemies. If you use my portal to pass, Navido will definitely be watching you."

“When he attacked me, we were already mortal enemies.”

 Gu Xi smiled naturally.

Kalimdor also believed Gu Xi’s words at this time and helped Gu Xi open a portal on the spot.

 When Gu Xi was about to enter, Kalimdor handed Gu Xi something like a key.

“Take this, it is a certificate for you, so that even if you exit the scope of the Mystery Academy, you can come back quickly.”

 Taking the key, Gu Xi raised his head and asked.

“Kalimdor, no, Mr. Dean, how much time do I have?

As you can see, the enemies are somewhat scattered. "

"In three days, we have to prepare to prevent Navido from recovering his troops. You have three days to deal with his perimeter. If possible, of course the sooner the better.

If you can handle it in advance, you may even have time to come over and deal with Navedo together. "

 “Three days, right? I remember it.”

Gu Xi entered the portal without looking back.

 Just now, Gu Xi had been thinking about one thing.

 Now he has a certain idea in his mind.

Whether it can be done depends on time.

As Gu Xi stepped into the portal, Kalimdo and the others were discussing how to deal with the problem of Navido's military strength in the academy. They never expected that Gu Xi, who had been suppressed by them, would still be able to turn around. capital. But the matter they discussed had nothing to do with Gu Xi.

In the eyes of Kalimdor and the others, Gu Xi is an outsider anyway, and it would be enough if he can be given the position of department head.

 It is better not to divide the authority within the college.

After exiting the portal, Gu Xi immediately shot a magic arrow into the sky.

 At this signal, Shaya quickly appeared nearby.

Without waiting for Sha Ya to speak, Gu Xi directly put the map and target he had just obtained into Sha Ya's hands.

"Shaya, I have a very important thing for you now. Go and find out about these people for me. In addition, I need the identities and information of all neutral professors and faculty members in the college.

 Where they are, and most importantly, I need the shortest route to them. "

Shaya took the map and glanced at it, then thought for a moment, "I heard that there is a faculty member in the college who specializes in managing secret passages. I will go find him to find out."

"Okay, I'll give you one day. Regardless of whether there is any news or not, you must come back after one day."

Sha Ya nodded and was about to say that it wouldn't take that long, but after looking at Gu Xi, she didn't say this in the end.

From Shaya's perspective, there must be a reason why Gu Xi would choose to arrange his time for the day. With the tacit understanding between the contracted souls and Gu Xi, they did not need to say anything.

Sha Ya nodded to Gu Xi and disappeared in a flash.

Then Gu Xi also acted quickly.

 He released three more city gates to form a Z-shaped defense pattern, and mobilized Amilcar to guard here.

"Amilcar, I give you the right to mobilize the remaining troops in Alidovi City. I have only one request for you. When I go back, you must defend this place for me. No matter who comes to attack, you must give it to me. withstand."

Amilcar grinned, "Don't worry, sir. As long as I'm here, no one can knock down these three gates."

 Confirming that Amilcar could handle everything, Gu Xi turned around and entered the steel city gate.

The steel city gate of Gu Xi is in the city of Aridovi, and it is built on the road leading to the Aridovi Tower.

After entering through the steel city gate, Gu Xi immediately jumped onto the evil coffin.

 “Go to Alidovitta!”

 When Gu Xi appeared in Aridovi City, Luna was naturally the first to sense it.

 Originally, she could move freely in Aridovi City, but now that she has mastered the mirror ability, she is even more elusive.

 Xie Coffin had only taken a few steps when Luna appeared next to Gu Xi.

“Sir, has something happened?”

“I have encountered a little trouble, but it is also an opportunity. I am going to ask Princess Anna. Maybe this is a good opportunity.”

 Gu Xi did not explain that much to Luna, but quickly changed the topic.

"How is the construction of the Soul-Calling Tower going? How is the battle on Dimi's side?"

“In three more hours, the construction of the Soul-Calling Tower can be completed. As for Dimi, according to the news from Princess Anna, she has already invaded the Tudor-era city of Aridovi, and is now engaged in street fighting in the city.

 Judging from the current situation, it will take about five days before she can capture the entire city of Aridovi.

 If you include the time to eliminate nearby enemies, it may take at least about half a month to complete everything. "

 “That’s fast enough. How big was the Tudor city of Aridovi?”

“Big, quite big. Our city of Aridovi originally had four districts, while the city of Aridovi during the Tudor Dynasty originally had ten districts, which is larger than the area we control now.”

 (End of this chapter)

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