Breath of the Dead

Chapter 474: Mission: Death Lord (please subscribe)

 Chapter 474 Mission: Lord of Death (Please subscribe)

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“Luna, if all the Tudor-era Aridovi City is captured and all the plots are built, Aridovi City should be able to be upgraded to level 12, right?”

“Yes, if your level can be improved, the level limit can be increased.”

 Luna is the most qualified to speak about the situation in Aridovi City.

 Based on her current judgment, it is absolutely true and credible.

 While the two of them were talking, Aridovita appeared in front of them.

At this time, Gu Xi noticed that Alidovita seemed to have undergone some changes.

 Although the number of internal towers has not increased, the defense status inside has been significantly improved.

  It seems that each tower has its own corresponding function. After all the towers are activated, the Alidovi Tower actually has strong enough defense and combat capabilities.

 “As soon as she entered Aridovita, she activated everything here.”

Looking at Gu Xi's surprised look, Luna also said helplessly.

“It seems that what Princess Anna said is true. The British royal family’s control over Victoria Tower has reached a very high level.”

  While Gu Xi was speaking, a group of crow spearmen flew out from the Alidovita Tower.

 “Why are they here?”

Gu Xi asked curiously.

“Princess Anna said that crows are a good match for Alidovita, so she transferred all the crow soldiers.”

At this moment, several Crow Lancers also fell in front of Gu Xi and the others.

 At the same time, Princess Anna also appeared on the walls of Alidovitta.

“Sir, after the opening of Aridovita, the door cannot be opened temporarily. Please come up with the Crow Lancers.”

The last time Gu Xi sent the body of Princess Anna back to Victoria City, he also encountered something like this.

Meeting again, Gu Xi was not dissatisfied. He reached out and grabbed the hand of a Crow Lancer, and was carried into the air by the Crow Lancer.

Falling in front of Princess Anna, before Gu Xi could speak, Princess Anna looked at Gu Xi.

“Sir, you must be very lucky. The skill of Death Edict can be achieved so easily.”

“Yeah, but the good luck almost ends here, I have a big trouble to deal with next.

I think you asked me to learn the Death Edict, maybe it has something to do with the Death Lord. "

“Yes, my lord has mastered Death City and Death Incarnation. It has not yet reached level 5. This is an opportunity. I know one thing from my great-aunt.

There is a hidden profession in the Necromancer. To advance, you need to start with the three divine skills of death.

At level 5, he takes up the hidden profession of Lord of the Dead Witch. At level 10, he does not take the lich route and directly starts as Lord of the Underworld. "

 Hearing what Princess Anna said, Gu Xi was also stunned.

 At first he thought Princess Anna had Death Lord skills that she could learn.

 That's why I was anxious to learn the death edict.

He didn't expect that there would be such a big surprise waiting for him.

 After the shock, Gu Xi tried his best to regain his composure.

 “Let’s not talk about it for now, Anna, I have something to tell you.”

Gu Xi quickly gave a brief summary of what he encountered in the mysterious academy.

 Finally Gu Xi revealed his plan.

 The Death Lord can make all neutral undead in the wild automatically join Gu Xi's command, and the Mystery Academy is full of neutral undead in the wild.

Especially when Navido lost some control authority or even died in battle, all the undead under him were neutral troops in the wild. Gu Xi needs the Death Lord skill.

Didn’t Kalimdor want him to fight the undead in the wild?

 Don’t you want to deny him permission?

 Don’t you want him to find his subordinates by himself?

Let's see whether it is faster for them to defeat Navido, or for him to use the Death Lord skill to subdue the undead in the academy.

 Listening to Gu Xi's plan, Princess Anna's face became solemn but happy.

“The plan is feasible. As long as you don’t encounter mummies and death knights, your plan is completely feasible. The Death Lord skill is the one that is closest to the rules among the three divine skills.

 As long as you master the Death Lord skill, you are essentially a high-level undead.

 It is quite easy to subdue neutral subordinates in the wild.

And you also have a corresponding identity, which can make the undead in the wild lose their resistance. Your plan is completely feasible.

Moreover, for such a large mysterious academy, if you use the Death Lord's ability to conquer them, it will also be beneficial to the Death Lord's skill upgrade.

 This plan is feasible. "

 After agreeing with Gu Xi’s plan, Princess Anna’s face became solemn again.

“But plans are plans, and the prerequisite is that you must master the Death Lord skill.

I can issue you a task, but I can’t let you pass it directly, nor can I lighten the task load for you. Whether you can succeed, sir, you can only rely on yourself. "

 “I know, I also obtained the two previous three divine skills myself.”

 Gu Xi said quite firmly.

Princess Anna glanced at Gu Xi and raised her hand.

【Ding! Princess Anna (Contracted Undead) has discovered your potential, and she thinks you can go further. With her help, you activate a temporary mission! 】

 【Temporary Mission: High-ranking Undead】

 【Task description: Defeat and subdue three undead above level 10! 】

 【Task requirement: Conquer three undead above level 10 (0/3)】

  【Task reward: Necromancer professional skill - Death Lord. 】

  【Note 1: Killing the enemy undead is not the best choice. Only by defeating and subduing the enemy will you become a more powerful undead. 】

  【Note 2: The necromancer and the troops he leads can be regarded as combat effectiveness together. There is no shame in bringing the undead troops to fight together. 】

  【Note 3: There are two types of undead, those with owners and those without owners. The undead without owners are more difficult to deal with. 】

“Kill undead above level 10?”

 “It’s not about killing, it’s about defeating.”

 Princess Anna under pressure said something.

“You can’t beat someone to death, you can only beat him to half-death, and then use your leadership and diplomacy skills to communicate with the other person and make him your subordinate.”

 Princess Anna talked about the difficulties here.

“Is it okay for all undead above level 10?

 Or do I have to find a dedicated undead? "

“All undead with a score of 10 or above can do it, and if you complete the task, you can directly master the skills of the Death Lord without having to come to me specifically.

 When the Death Lord skill reaches level 4, you can come to me again and I will help you start the hidden career task. "

 Gu Xi thought about the target in his hand and said decisively.


 (End of this chapter)

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