Breath of the Dead

Chapter 476: Mission target becomes ally (194194)

 Chapter 476 Mission target becomes ally (194194)

Let’s go and have a look first.

 Everyone has come.

 With this thought in mind, Gu Xi appeared near Isabella's territory.

This place is not much different from other hills in the mountains, with towering ancient trees and numerous strange rocks.

However, Gu Xi noticed that most of the trees here were fruit trees.

Among these fruit trees, most of the fruits are blood red, and only a few are cyan. However, Gu Xi noticed that these cyan fruits often have eyes, or distorted and weird things like human faces. exist.

Standing outside the woods, Gu Xi did not take the initiative to attack.

 He thought for a moment, raised the cold wind staff, and used a spiritualism spell on the ground of the woods.

The next moment, Gu Xi saw an extremely thick cloud of blood rising from the woods.

 In the blood cloud, Gu Xi did not feel any resentment, but instead was full of vitality.

 “Don’t let spiritualism wander around my place.”

In the blood cloud, a female vampire appeared. She was obviously different from Dimi under Gu Xi. She was relatively normal in height, had silver hair, wore a silver rose dress, and a blood-red hat on her head. A crown of roses and black roses.

Hold a silver sword in her hand.

This long sword is very similar to several long swords that Gu Xi has seen before.

Standing on the blood cloud, the vampire stared at Gu Xi.

"Your right hand has been injured, your body has been starved before, you have received several blows, and you overused your brain once, but there is nothing else wrong with you. As long as you give me a drop of blood, I can cure all the injuries on your body. ”

 “I’m not here for treatment, I think…”

"No, you don't want anything. I won't join anyone else. You don't have to look for me."

As soon as the vampire heard Gu Xi's words, he immediately retreated into the blood cloud, "Next time, don't use spiritualism here. If you do, I'll **** you dry."

 “Wait a minute, won’t you listen to my conditions?”

“No, if I want to be a full-time official, I have every opportunity to become the dean of the college. I am here just because it is easier to get suitable blood here.

You are not willing to pay with any blood, so there is nothing to talk about between us. "

Without saying a word, Gu Xi stretched out his hand and flicked out a drop of blood.

This drop of blood fell into the hands of the vampire. The vampire looked up at Gu Xi, rolled his eyes and said, "Not sincere."

It turns out that Gu Xi has already seen what the vampire needs. The drop of blood he ejected has removed all his information. What is stored in it is only the vampire's needs and the gratitude of the person being treated.

 But it was precisely because Gu Xi had tampered with the blood that the vampire said Gu Xi was not sincere.

 “Sit under the tree and I’ll help you with the treatment. Needless to say, there’s nothing else to say.”

 After speaking, the vampire pointed his long sword towards Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi thought the vampire was going to take action, but she didn't expect that a golden Holy Grail flew out of the blood cloud behind her, and the Holy Grail was filled with blood.

 Then blood began to rain from the sky.

Gu Xi found that the blood rain was centered on him, covering an area of ​​about ten meters. No matter where Gu Xi looked, it was like a heavy rain.

But soon Gu Xi felt that his whole body became warm.

The right hand that was treated by the medical tent before has become more flexible now. The injuries that were not treated at the beginning have now been cured.

After the blood rain stopped, Gu Xi also let out a long sigh.     “Thank you!”

 At this time, Gu Xi also gave up the idea of ​​embarrassing the vampire again.

 She obviously doesn’t want to get involved in the various conflicts in the college.

 She has her own affairs.

 Such an undead, Gu Xi doesn’t want to make things difficult for others.

 If you have that time, you might as well find other people, maybe there are those who are not convinced and will attack when they meet.

 To deal with such undead, Gu Xi will not feel any psychological pressure when fighting.

So Gu Xi stood up, nodded to the vampire, and was about to leave.

 But at this moment, Gu Xi noticed a bit of white light flying into the blood cloud.

 Gu Xi paused for a moment, "I want to ask, do you want to resurrect someone by collecting so much blood?"

 The vampire was stunned for a moment and stared into Gu Xi's eyes.

 “This has nothing to do with you.”

“No, I just want to remind you that if you want to pursue situations other than three times, there may be other ideas.”

 The vampire stared at Gu Xi for a long time, "Have you ever encountered a situation where you used up three opportunities and had to choose other methods?"

“Yes, I have a friend who has a strong head. He has used up all three opportunities of resurrection, transformation of the undead, and spiritualism. If he continues to recruit, he will become an ordinary skeleton without a self.

 As a result, I met someone. She taught me a way to sneak around the three-opportunity limit and win a new opportunity for me. "

“So that’s it, I’m also bypassing the limit of three chances, but vampires are different from other undead.

 Vampires who are resurrected by blood do not count towards the three times limit.

 The person I want to resurrect has lost three chances of being resurrected because he used blood to resurrect many times.

Now as long as he is stained with a drop of blood, he will become the most ordinary vampire.

 Although I don't care if he is strong or not, I can't see him not being able to fulfill his wish.

 So I have been collecting blood here, just to find the most suitable drop of blood from so much blood that will not allow him to turn into an ordinary vampire.

 You'd better forget it, except for this road, other roads are not suitable for him. "

At this point, the vampire paused, and then she smiled again, "But thank you very much. At least you are the first person to discover and care about him."

 Gu Xi was also a little helpless about the situation in front of him. Listening to the vampire's words, Gu Xi could tell that his situation was not suitable for Gu Xi's plan.

It seems that Gu Xi has no way to help this vampire friend get around.

  The least mermaid method is not to use this vampire.

“Then I have no choice. I hope you can find suitable materials. By the way, if you can’t find suitable blood, you can try the existence of non-blood.

I have a kind of scarlet knight under my command. He is a kind of knight who has changed blood. He uses mercury as the main formula. If you are willing, I will also copy this part of the formula for you. "

 The vampire looked at Gu Xi obviously much better.

“Thank you very much. I understand your purpose of coming. I will stay in the college for a long time and will continue to do so in the future. I will support you in your affairs.

 My name is Isabella. If you need anything, you can come to me. "

 (End of this chapter)

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