Breath of the Dead

Chapter 477: Shaya’s help (please subscribe)

 Chapter 477 Shaya’s help (please subscribe)

After leaving Isabella's territory, Gu Xi made up his mind to attack his next target directly without giving the other party a chance to speak.

 Everyone has a reason of one kind or another.

 But Gu Xi now needs to complete the task.

  It’s not like I’m a judge in the competition.

 He doesn’t have that much time and love to waste around.

After leaving this direction, Gu Xi immediately bypassed the mountain and came to the vicinity of another mountain.

 There is also a dead clergyman inside this mountain.

This faculty member is a pet doctor who helps college students treat sick pets.

Of course, he can't deal with some relatively powerful pets.

 What he does is raise some mice, frogs and owls.

However, after the incident at the Mysterious Academy, this place has become a cemetery for little pets.

 When Gu Xi came here, what he saw was a pile of corpses.

“There shouldn’t be any problems with the teaching staff here. Let’s recruit them and fight.”

Gu Xi raised the Cold Wind Staff and was about to throw a Spiritualist on the ground.

At this moment, Gu Xi suddenly heard Sha Ya’s voice.

“Sir, why are you here?”

 Gu Xi glanced at Sha Ya, "Are you here to gather information?"

“Yes, the Jason people here are good, and the little animals under them are very capable and can get a lot of information.

But my lord, didn’t you go back to Alidovi City?

 Why did you come back so soon? "

 Gu Xi quickly explained his mission and said: "I am choosing a suitable target to attack."

“Ah, it’s a good thing you met me, sir. If you take action against Jason, you may become enemies with many people in the future.

 The small animals raised by Jason are the best pastime for many faculty members.

 Without these little animals, many clergy would have lost themselves long ago when they became undead. "

“Okay, luckily you came here early and you’ve been around a lot. Are there any suitable targets for me to take action on?”

When asked by Gu Xi, Shaya thought of a few existences.

"Yes, go from here, about twenty miles away. There is a level 10 suture monster there. He is the blacksmith in the academy. However, after his death, he has been in a state of difficulty in communicating. All those who are close to him , will be attacked by him."

 “Is there still a blacksmith in the college?”

Gu Xi was a little curious. It was quite surprising to Gu Xi that this college was so big.

He never expected that there would be a full-time blacksmith in this college.

"Of course there is. I heard that in the Crocodile Department, as long as they touched the sword of leadership, no matter whether they used the sword or not, they would go to a blacksmith to make a long sword of their own to prove that they had learned it. What."

Hearing this, Gu Xi thought for a moment and said, "In that case, I'm going to find a blacksmith to make a long sword, because I've also learned leadership skills."

 “But my lord, you have not come into contact with the sword of leadership.”

“Same, let’s see if he admits that I have learned leadership skills.”

Gu Xi waved to Sha Ya and rode the evil coffin towards the location Sha Ya said.

After rounding a mountain and moving about twenty miles southwest, Gu Xi saw the suture monster transformed by the blacksmith.

The stitching monster in front of me is not much different from other hand stitching monsters, but on his body, there are obviously two extra arms and arms specially used for blacksmithing.

One of these two arms was changed into a pliers, and the other was simply turned into a hammer. It was obvious that even if he became undead, he did not forget his responsibilities.

 It's just that his situation is quite wrong in front of him. There is a considerable crack directly in his abdomen. From the crack, you can see that a large number of limbs are piled inside.

Seeing Gu Xi's arrival, the suture monster roared.

 “Meat, good meat!”

  After saying that, he rushed forward with the hammer in hand.

"Tendrils of the Dead!" Gu Xi immediately restrained this guy.

 Gu Xi could tell at a glance that this suture monster belonged to the kind of physical attack type.

 His defense may be very high and his health may be very long.

 But as long as the opponent has no way to get close to him, even with Gu Xi's current mana, he can kill this guy.

 “Move around him!”

Gu Xi clicked on the evil coffin, and then cast a spell on the blacksmith stitching monster.

 “Magic Arrow!”

 “Bone spur!”

 “Storm of Bones!”

 “Fire Trap!”

 Gu Xi cast spells one after another, each one hitting the blacksmith stitch monster accurately.

However, when Gu Xi's spell falls on the blacksmith's suture monster, the damage effect is not very high.

 The magical arrows with the effects of ice and fire can only bring 3 or 5 points of damage to the Blacksmith Stitch Monster.

Even the big killer weapon in Gu Xi's hand, the Bone Storm, could only leave white scratches on the blacksmith's suture monster at most, but it couldn't bring more than 1 point of damage.

Every time the Blacksmith Stitch Monster faced the Bone Storm, he would close his eyes and rush towards it.

As for the fire trap, it is nothing to the blacksmith suture monster.

 Even after he saw it, he could step on it and stamp out the flames.

 But Gu Xi’s current mind is not on attacking the enemy at all. Gu Xi’s current thought is only one.

 I use you to practice my magic.

 Just wait for me until I consume less than 100 mana points.

 The Blacksmith Stitch Monster didn't know Gu Xi's thoughts.

 After being beaten like this by Gu Xi for a few times, he felt a little unhappy.

So he raised the hammer in his hand and slammed it on the ground.

 As he hit it like this, the ground shook.

The evil coffin moves slower.

Gu Xi also felt as if he had been covered with a thick layer of iron armor, and his whole body was about to be crushed down.

 Gu Xi checked his situation.

 He discovered that he had been blessed with an iron armor curse at some point.

  This is a buffing spell. After being blessed with this spell, Gu Xi can resist most attack damage below 20 points.

 When damage below this level falls on him, it can only cause 1 point of forced damage at most, and all the rest will be blocked.

 Such a situation made Gu Xi see something was wrong.

 Then he noticed that a new spell was about to fall on him.

 “Jump away!”

 Gu Xi shouted immediately.

 Xie Coffin's reaction was also quick. He ducked forward and dodged the spell.

 Then Gu Xi looked at the blacksmith stitching monster.

The spell just now was obviously not quite right, and he was unwilling to delay it any longer.

He turned his hand over and raised the Cold Wind Staff just as the Blacksmith Stitch Monster was about to cast a new spell.

 “Death incarnate!”

 (End of this chapter)

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